This terrifying scene simply frightened Han Lei!

Is this a person?

What the hell is this machine?

He can still climb trees while carrying a weight of 200 kilograms with one hand. Even the Montenegrin tiger cannot find anyone else!

He forgot to shout, and was filled with awe of Chen Xin'an in his heart.

Chen Xin'an suddenly stopped.

Because at this time, the wolf tide has arrived!

The headlights on both men's heads had been turned off.

Countless blue fluorescent lights are flashing in the jungle, so densely packed that they are countless.

All I could hear was the sound of a pack of wolves passing by, like a drum.

It's like stepping on people's hearts, making them feel like their hearts are about to jump out!

Han Lei was hanging in mid-air, tightly holding on to his gun.

The bravery and fearlessness just now were replaced by fear.

There are so many of these wolves that even in the dark, you can see the cold light emitting from their wolf teeth in their mouths!

He felt that a slightly taller wolf could bump into him, and then he would be discovered by the wolves.

At that time, all the wolves will rush over, and whether he fires or not, they will tear him into pieces in the shortest possible time!

So he remained motionless and even stopped breathing, for fear of attracting the attention of the wolf tide.

He didn't know how much time had passed, but Han Lei felt like a century had passed.

The wave of wolves beneath him finally surged past.

The surroundings fell silent and the two turned on their headlights.

Han Lei said to Chen Xin'an: "Instructor Chen, put me down. I'm fine."

It's only two meters above the ground, so you won't fall if you jump.

Chen Xin'an was not polite and let go.

Then there was a pop, Han Lei screamed, and then there was no sound.

Chen Xin'an jumped down from above, stood in front of Han Lei and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Han Lei said in a trembling voice: "I seem to have... overwhelmed something!"

He is embarrassed now.

I originally thought it wasn't very high, so it would be okay to jump off.

After all, the dignified Black Mountain Tiger Special Forces are only those who can be promoted to assistant coaches only if they are very capable. The height of two meters is almost negligible.

It's just that he forgot that he was still carrying a heavy backpack!

Chen Xin'an lifted it up with one hand. He didn't feel it was heavy, but when he let go and dropped it, how much weight would it weigh?

In addition, he stepped on something when he jumped down, causing his feet to slip.

So he lay down on the ground.

It's just that his hands and his face touched something sticky.

There was something so disgusting that he almost vomited, making him afraid to move!

Chen Xin'an irradiated it with the top of his head, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's okay, get up!"

Han Lei breathed a sigh of relief and stretched his arms to get up.

Then Chen Xin'an continued: "You are lying on wolf dung! And this wolf may have diarrhea, and the wolf dung is not even formed..."

"Ugh!" Han Lei squatted on the ground and vomited loudly.

What the hell kind of wicked wolf is this? Why is it still running and disappearing?

Fortunately or unfortunately, he ran away under the tree where he was half hanging!

It’s hard to believe that you said this was not intentional!

But when he looked ahead, he understood.

There was a lot of white wolf droppings on the ground, and it was not just one wolf running that solved the problem.

Chen Xin'an took out a bottle of water from her backpack and said to Han Lei: "Wash your face and hands!"

Han Lei did not refuse, stretched out his hand to receive the water, and muttered: "Instructor Chen doesn't have to save me next time!

I would rather die in the mouths of those beasts than be so embarrassed..."


Chen Xin'an raised his foot and kicked Han Lei to the ground. He pressed his freshly washed hands on the wolf dung again, making Han Lei very angry.

Why is this guy so moody that he always falls out?

Chen Xin'an didn't wait for him to speak, and scolded you unceremoniously: "Since you don't take your life seriously, I'll beat you to death now!

Do you think your so-called bravery is just using a gun to waste the country's ammunition and fight with a group of beasts?

They are all eaten into the stomach anyway. If you want to die, just lie down on the ground and wait for death next time you encounter a wolf tide! "

Han Lei said with a straight face: "Instructor Chen, I am not afraid of death! But if I are asked to flee without fighting or die without fighting, then I will feel aggrieved..."

"You are so frustrated!" Chen Xin'an kicked him again and cursed at him:

"What on earth are you here for?

Are you here to feed yourself to the wolves?

You are here to save people!

There are more than a hundred brothers over there waiting for you to save!

Why are you here showing off your bravery to a bunch of beasts?

If you die, more than a hundred brothers will be buried with you?

You don't want to lose the face of the Montenegrin tiger?

You are so stupid!

Your parents raised you so much that they sent you to the army to die?

If you don't die with a group of beasts, are you a loser to the Montenegrin Tiger?

If this is the concept of the Montenegrin Tiger, then it will not be China's top special operations force!

Not being afraid of death does not mean taking one's own life seriously.

Only face it calmly when you have to die.

Use your own death to save others and defeat the enemy.

This is true bravery.

What do you think this is?

Just a twitchy idiot who came all the way to feed the wolf! "

Chen Xin'an scolded her so rudely that Han Lei's face turned red and he opened his mouth and was speechless.

"If you want to die, get out of here as soon as possible!

Carrying you around is a burden anyway, and you will be fed to the wolves sooner or later! "

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Han Lei gritted his teeth, glared at Chen Xin'an's back and said, "I'm not a burden!"

He packed his backpack, slung his gun, and followed Chen Xin'an.

Lei Ming and Fang Kai each ate a large piece of wolf meat.

Normally, this stuff would be sour and hard. Not to mention eating it, just smelling it would make your stomach churn.

But now, for the two of them, it is a rare delicacy.

After recovering a lot of strength, Lei Ming shook Fang Kai who was leaning against the tree from sleep and said to him:

"Kaizi, we can't sleep, we have to keep moving forward.

Only when we find a large force will we be safe, otherwise we will still die here! "

Fang Kai's face turned red, and he didn't know if it was because of the fire. His lips were chapped and he said to him: "A Ming, I'm thirsty and want to drink water!"

Lei Ming helped him up and touched his forehead. The high fever had not gone away, but it was better than before.

He put Fang Kai's right arm around his neck, supported him and said, "Okay, I'll take you to find water!

We can no longer stay here. Once the fire goes out, the smell of meat will attract wild animals.

Even if it's not a wolf, we can't deal with other beasts now!

Kaizi, hold on!

As long as we can find the main force, we can survive! "

The two stumbled forward, and Fang Kai felt his head getting heavier and heavier.

After walking for who knows how long, Fang Kai tripped over a branch and suddenly fell forward.

Lei Ming, who was supporting him, tried to stabilize his body, but still couldn't, and was pulled by him and fell to the ground.

Originally, the two of them were standing relatively high, so when they fell down, they rolled down like two rubber balls.

Fang Kai seemed to have been hit on the head by something. He covered his head and screamed, shouting to Lei Ming:

"A Ming, how are you? My lamp broke and I can't see you!"

Not far away came a thunderous voice that could not hide the fear: "Kaizi, don't move, we are sinking!"


What's the meaning?

Fang Kai was stunned for a moment, but then he felt it.

His feet seemed to have fallen into the mire.

There was a strong suction force that was constantly devouring his body!

It’s broken, it’s fallen into a swamp!

If they can't get out of trouble, the two of them may die within twenty or thirty minutes!


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