Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1238 My master killed the Wolf King

Under the big tree, Hu Bing and others were all covered in blood, with countless wounds on their bodies.

There were wolf corpses everywhere underfoot, but the number of wolves in front of them seemed to be increasing unabated.

Everyone is exhausted.

The arm just swung out mechanically, stabbing the tiger-toothed knife into the throats or hearts of the wolves.

Once such mechanical movements are no longer possible, it is time for a person to be bitten to death by a pack of wolves!

Hu Bing stabbed a wolf in the belly and tried to lift it up, but he no longer had the strength and could only kick it away.

Wiping the blood on his face, Hu Bing yelled: "Damn that bastard Chen Xin'an!

Even if I die and become a ghost, I will not let him go!

A useless coward who doesn't even have the courage to fight, but still has the nerve to be the instructor of the Montenegrin Tigers?

You are so unworthy! "

Han Lei forcefully threw the wolf, which had been stabbed through the head by him and was still struggling, to the ground, stamped his feet hard, and said with a sullen face:

"I'm so disappointed in this guy!

I thought he was our Montenegrin tiger’s lucky star.

Now it seems that he is worse than anyone else, just a coward who is just trying to gain fame! "

Wang Lewen and Li Tiejun no longer had the energy to speak, but they were also full of contempt for Chen Xin'an in their hearts.

Only Lei Ming murmured: "My master is not that kind of person, you can't misunderstand him!"

Hu Bing cursed: "Who is he if he is not that kind of person?

It's already reached this point, why are you still defending him?

Everyone is working hard, where has he gone?

You, the disciple who tried your best to protect him, are about to die now. What did your master do? "

Lei Ming was exhausted, but he still mustered up the remaining strength and yelled at him: "Shut up! I won't allow you to insult my master!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Lewen and Li Tiejun fell to the ground one after another!

They were exhausted, and although they were still conscious, they could only let the wolves bite them!

The remaining three people who were still standing wanted to rush over to save people, but they were knocked down by the wolves and couldn't take care of themselves!

Seeing a wolf open its mouth, revealing its strong fangs, which were about to pierce Wang Lewen's neck, suddenly, from far to near, there was a shrill wolf howl!

All the wolves stopped moving, turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound, then raised their heads and let out ear-piercing howls.

The howling sound was a bit shrill and sad. What was even more strange was that they were clearly about to win, but at this moment, they turned around and ran away!

Everyone looked at each other with disbelief on their faces.

Except for a pile of wolf corpses around, there was no longer a living wolf in sight. Only then did everyone believe that they had really escaped death and escaped this disaster!

All of them were lying in a pool of blood, gasping for air regardless of the dirt on the ground.

They were all exhausted.

Now let alone a wolf, even a little rabbit can easily kill them!

I don't know how long I lay there, but everyone was about to fall asleep.

Suddenly, I heard a sound of footsteps coming from far away. The sound of stepping on branches, leaves and blood was very obvious.

Hu Bing supported his body and raised his head.

He is the strongest here. If there is danger, he will naturally be the first to stand up and protect everyone.

It's just that the person approaching everyone is not a wolf, but a person.

Seeing the man's appearance, Hu Bing regained some strength, climbed up with difficulty, and cursed:

"You bastard!

Do you still have the nerve to come back?

Coward who is afraid of death!

A deserter who runs away without a fight!

You are simply embarrassing the Montenegrin tiger!

Get away, or I'll stab you to death! "

Hu Bing summoned up all his strength and kicked Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an, who was carrying a long branch on his shoulders, looked at him inexplicably.

Then without saying a word, he whipped him out with a stick!

Hu Bing felt something smelly and dark in a large area slapped on his body.

Before he could react, he was already shot away!

"Second Captain!" Han Lei exclaimed, stood up unsteadily, and ran towards Hu Bing.

"Master!" Lei Ming also sat up and saw that the person who came back was Chen Xin'an, with surprise on his face.

Chen Xin'an nodded, dragged the branch to his side, and quickly checked his body.

The injuries were serious, especially the scratches on his face, which might have disfigured him!

But they were all skin injuries, not fatal!

Lei Ming also widened his eyes and looked at the stick Chen Xin'an placed beside him.

There was actually a wolf skewered on it, which penetrated from the mouth and came out from the back of the butt, penetrating the entire wolf and almost occupying the entire stick!

If you look carefully, you can see that the wolf is still trembling slightly and is not dead yet!

"Master, what are you..." Lei Ming was also dumbfounded, not knowing what Chen Xin'an was doing.

Chen Xin'an picked up the tiger-tooth knife from the ground, lifted the stick with one hand, and said to Lei Ming: "Open your mouth!"

Lei Ming opened his mouth without saying anything.

Chen Xin'an slashed the Wolf King's throat with a knife, and a stream of hot blood spurted out, dyeing Lei Ming's entire face red, and flowed into his mouth.

The people next to them stared at the master and apprentice in stunned silence, their stomachs churning and they almost vomited!

How fishy!

Can I drink this too?

The key is that this thing doesn’t quench your thirst!

The Wolf King's body struggled violently, then gradually became limp, and finally became motionless and completely dead.

Chen Xinan threw the wolf corpse away and said to Lei Ming: "This is the blood of the wolf king.

You may not be used to it at first and may have diarrhea.

But when the blood seeps into the meridians, it will be good.

You can experience it yourself. When I meet a bigger wolf king, I will let you drink it again!"

"Okay!" Lei Ming nodded vigorously.

He drank wolf blood before, so even if it tasted fishy, ​​he could bear it.

As long as the master asked him to drink it, even if it was poison, he would drink it without hesitation!

With the help of Han Lei, Hu Bing had already stood up.

He walked over, glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Chen Xin'an! Don't think you can do whatever you want just because you know some Kung Fu!

So what if you are good at Kung Fu?

Are you still a coward who is afraid of death?

Look at the corpses on the ground, each of us is fighting hard here!

Where have you been?

We have driven away the wolves and you just showed up!

You just picked up a dead wolf and said you are the wolf king, and you come here to pretend.

Do you still have shame?"

Han Lei also frowned and said to Chen Xin'an: "Instructor Chen, I will report your desertion just now to the leader after I go back!"

Chen Xin'an has walked in front of Fang Kai and squatted down to check Fang Kai's injuries.

It's as if he didn't hear what Hu Bing and Han Lei said.

Lei Ming remembered what Chen Xinan said before, and looked down at the wolf corpse on the stick, staring at Chen Xinan with wide eyes and asked:

"Master, the wolf you killed is the wolf king of the big wolf pack just now?"

Chen Xinan nodded, turned around and looked around, and walked towards a big tree.

Hu Bing sneered and cursed: "What wolf king? You listen to his nonsense..."

"Shut up!" Lei Ming understood Chen Xinan's actions and shouted at Hu Bing:

"Is it the wolf king? Can't you see it yourself?

Are all the things you taught us nonsense?

Look at the teeth and eyes of this wolf, and its fur, and you still say it's not the wolf king?"

Hu Bing was not stupid either. He saw that the wolf corpse on the stick was indeed different and it was very likely to be the wolf king.

He snorted coldly and said, "Even if it was the wolf king, what does it mean?

People are fighting hard here, and your master took advantage of the situation and killed a wolf, but he is still a coward who fled from the battlefield!"

"Bullshit!" Lei Ming cursed, "My master killed the wolf king.

Without the wolf king, the wolf pack is leaderless.

That's why the wolf pack retreated. My master saved us all!"

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