Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1239 You will know everything if you get out of here

The truth behind this actually doesn’t require much explanation, everyone can imagine it.

The wolves retreated in a hurry when they had the upper hand because the wolf king was killed.

With the brutal nature of these wolves, killing a hundred or even a thousand wolves will only arouse their ferocity, but will not make them afraid to evacuate.

They will retreat only when the wolf king is dead.

And because a new Wolf King has to be elected, everyone will not be taken into consideration in a short period of time.

Lei Ming cursed at Hu Bing and Han Lei: "My master killed the Wolf King single-handedly and saved us all, and you still have the nerve to call him a coward?

That he ran away without a fight?

If your brains are still useful, think about it.

Surrounded by so many wolves, can you successfully find and kill the wolf king?

Think about how dangerous this is!

How many wolves have you killed to compare with how my master killed the Wolf King?

Can it be more effective than this one?

Where do you have the nerve to call my master a coward? "

Hu Bing and Han Lei's faces were red and they were so ashamed that they couldn't even raise their heads.

At this time, they also began to understand how difficult it was for Chen Xin'an to do this step.

Lei Ming looked at Chen Xin'an who jumped down from the tree with admiration, still holding the backpack he had hidden in his hand, and said quietly:

"My master is such a selfless, fearless, courageous, resourceful, loyal, eager for justice..."

Chen Xin'an had already walked to him with her backpack, patted his shoulder, shook her head and said:

"Do not say it that way!

You can't be so conservative.

When you praise someone, you have to praise them harshly, that's how you feel!

Do you understand?

continue! "

Lei Ming nodded vigorously, cleared his throat and continued: "Be law-abiding, honest and loyal, talented and beautiful, hard-working, red lips and white teeth, good at work..."

Hu Bing covered his face and cursed in a low voice: "That's almost it!

Can I have a face?

If you look at his heels from the beginning, you can't tell that they have anything to do with honesty and loyalty! "

"It's good to return the weapon... It's like you have tried it!" Han Lei also muttered speechlessly.

Wang Lewen and Li Tiejun looked at each other.

This pair of master and disciple is really the best!

Chen Xin'an paid no attention to this, squatted next to Fang Kai, and gave him three injections.

Then he took out a bottle of medicine, poured out three tablets, crushed them and sprinkled them on the wound on his shoulder.

If it were elsewhere, Chen Xin'an would try his best to use herbal medicine for the wounded without leaving any sequelae.

It’s just that conditions are limited now, and these fast-acting modern drugs are needed to heal injuries.

Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "Immediately cut down the branches, make a stretcher, and carry Fang Kai.

We need to leave here as soon as possible and rush to Wolong Valley! "

There are still more than a hundred brothers at risk on Tianhou Peak, and everyone really can't afford to waste time.

Go there earlier so that the brothers can live a few more lives.

Everyone also understood the seriousness of the matter, and even if their physical strength had not recovered, they would not care.

They all dragged their tired bodies to prepare stretchers.

Chen Xin'an squatted next to the Wolf King's body, holding a knife in his hand, as if cutting something on the wolf's head.

Hu Bing has found out that this place is not far from Wolong Valley.

It takes about an hour to walk straight and you can get there!

They took out water and compressed biscuits from their backpacks, and everyone ate while walking.

Chen Xin'an and Lei Ming walked in front to explore the road, while Wang Lewen and Li Tiejun came behind.

Hu Bing and Han Lei walked in the middle carrying Fang Kai on a simple stretcher.

Chen Xin'an took out something, handed it to Lei Ming and said, "Go and ask, what is this?"

Lei Ming looked at the small bloody thing in his palm. It was a particle smaller than a soybean and seemed to be made of metal.

Lei Ming didn't recognize it either, so he turned around and showed it to Hu Bing.

Hu Bing looked shocked and asked Chen Xin'an: "This is a foreign earpiece that can receive sound from a long distance.

It can only be received in one direction and cannot be sent.

The longest receiving distance is terrifying and can reach hundreds of kilometers!

Where did you find out? "

Chen Xin'an didn't hide anything, and said in a deep voice: "The Wolf King is implanted in the flesh near his left ear!"

Hu Bing frowned and said with a puzzled face: "Why would you use this thing on an animal?

This is a high-tech product that agents use to receive instructions from thousands of miles away.

Who would be so idle and bored as to sew this thing onto a wolf?

Is it possible that these wolves have become spirits and can understand human speech? "

Chen Xin'an scolded unceremoniously: "If you can't understand human speech, how can you still not understand the howl of a wolf?

Don’t forget that wolves communicate through barking. "

Hu Bing frowned, as if he wanted to pour something, but immediately shook his head.

Said to Chen Xin'an: "You mean, there is a bigger wolf king commanding these little wolf kings?"

Chen Xin'an squinted her eyes and said, "It doesn't have to be a wolf, it could be a human!"

Everyone's expressions changed.

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and said, "We can't tell yet.

Unless I have found this thing in other wolf kings! "

Everyone nodded together.

It's just that this wolf has it. Maybe it was placed on the wolf by animal experts for research.

If it is found on other wolves, it proves that these wolves are controlled by people.

In other words, the alien wolves entered the old forests of the Desert Mountains from the Gasoline Forest and formed a wolf tide, which was driven by humans!

Is there someone behind all this?

So what is his purpose?

Targeting the Montenegrin tiger?

But why would he attack these newcomers?

After all, these people are not considered members of the Montenegrin Tigers!

No matter what, the focus now is to rescue the brothers from Tianhook Peak first.

Maybe it was because the fight was too brutal before, but now it's extremely peaceful.

Along the way, we didn't even encounter any large waves of wolves.

Slaughter some lone wolves if you can, and avoid small groups of wolves if you can.

Everyone finally arrived at Wolong Valley in about an hour.

There used to be a huge mountain stream here, but now it has no water and is covered with lush weeds.

The place where everyone entered was considered to be halfway up the mountain, with a natural mountain path only about one meter wide, and there were cliffs up and down.

The wolf tide will naturally not come to this place.

Below is Wolong Valley, about a hundred meters deep, and above is Tiangou Peak.

What everyone faced was a cliff of more than 300 meters from the peak to the bottom of the ditch.

It is about two hundred meters to climb to the top of the ditch from this position.

Even Han Lei, who could still be confident when he was at the peak of his physical strength, is a little weak now.

Halfway through, he and Hu Bing were alternately carried on stretchers by Wang Lewen and Li Tiejun.

Finally Lei Ming also came to carry it.

Only Chen Xin'an carried it and walked leisurely with his backpack on his back.

Hu Bing made a serious protest, saying that everyone should be treated equally.

Why are we all joining hands and you don't even touch us?

Then Chen Xin'an beat him up unceremoniously.

It scares others so much that they don’t dare to speak out even if they have opinions!

Looking at Hu Bing's bruised nose and swollen face, no one thought that he was beaten to death by this bad-tempered instructor instead of being killed by a wolf!

"Do you think it's strange?" Hu Bing suddenly said to everyone.

Everyone sat on the rocks to rest and turned to look at him with confused expressions on their faces, not knowing what he was referring to.

Hu Bing took a sip of water and said, "Have you noticed that there are no more wolves here, why is there still a smell?"

Everyone shrugged their noses, it really smelled like a beast!

Hu Bing said solemnly: "I judge that we have been targeted by wolves! Those wolves are here to avenge the Wolf King!"

"Fart!" Chen Xin'an cursed unceremoniously, pointed at his feet and said:

“If you want to know why it smells so bad, just get out of here and you’ll find out!

The top has been occupied by wolf tide.

Where will the beasts in the forest go? "

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