Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1240 You shouldn’t mess with it

Han Lei, who was originally sitting carelessly on the edge of the cliff, swallowed his saliva and moved his buttocks after listening to Chen Xin'an's words.

It was dark below and nothing could be seen.

Even during the day, the place below was lush and green, full of flowers, plants and trees, and the bottom of the ditch could not be seen at all.

But now everyone knows that there are countless jackals, tigers and leopards hidden inside!

The wolf tide raged across the desert mountains, and the beasts gave way.

Wolong Valley is certainly an excellent place to hide.

So if someone jumps down now, even if they don't encounter a pack of wolves, they will be eaten completely by the pack!

Chen Xin'an used a headlight to observe the surrounding environment, pointed to a stone platform about ten square meters formed by peeling off a rock five meters high above his head, and said:

"We can't stay here, it's safer to go up there.

There is a hillside blocking the top, and the bottom is too high to get up.

Even if you encounter a wave of wolves or other wild beasts, there is no need to worry. "

Hu Bing looked up and said to Chen Xin'an: "Are you kidding me?

There are no railings or houses in that place, so why go up there?

If something happens here, you can turn around and run away along the cliff path.

Once you get up there, you can't run away! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to him: "If we are connected to the front mountain, we are in danger of facing the wolf tide again.

If the wolves don't come here now, it doesn't mean they won't come here forever.

Basically, they are all wounded, and if they want a safe place, they have to go to the stone platform.

Otherwise, after I go up there, no one will be able to protect you all! "

Lei Ming stood up, nodded and said, "Okay, I will listen to Master and go up to the stone platform!"

Han Lei glanced at Fang Kai and said to Hu Bing: "Second Captain, listen to Instructor Chen, we have another seriously injured person here!"

Seeing that everyone agreed, Hu Bing had no choice but to say to Chen Xin'an:

“The beast can’t get up, and it’s hard for us to get up.

After all, it’s so high, how can we get up there? "

Chen Xin'an picked up her backpack and said, "I'll go up first, and then go down the rope.

You tie Fang Kai to the rope.

After I pull you up, you can get up one by one! "

Everyone agreed.

Chen Xin'an and Han Lei both had a roll of climbing rope hanging on the side of their backpacks, which was 30 meters long.

Chen Xin'an was carrying a backpack, not even using a carabiner hook. She used a run-up and then jumped up high!

After just a few landings of his feet, before anyone could see it, he was already standing firmly on the stone platform!

Everyone below looked at it with dumbfounded eyes.

Hu Bing pointed to the top of his head and said to Lei Ming: "Is this a monkey? Is this something that humans can drive out?"

Lei Ming curled his lips and cursed with disdain: "It's rare to see something strange!"

There are more than a dozen square stone platforms and a stone nest formed by water dripping from above when it rains.

A few weeds and gravel grew, but nothing else.

Chen Xin'an informed the people below, cleared away the weeds and gravel, then put down the backpack and untied the rope.

He lowered the climbing rope and asked the people below to tie Fang Kai up. Chen Xin'an held the rope with both hands and lifted the person up.

As long as Fang Kai comes up, it will be much easier for others.

Chen Xin'an took out the tool bag from his backpack, smashed two long mountaineering nails on the stone platform, fixed the climbing rope on it, and asked everyone to climb up along the rope.

Hu Bing was at the end, halfway up the climb, when he suddenly shouted, his voice sounding a little panicked and angry.

Everyone stood by the stone platform and glanced down, only to see Hu Bing waving a black figure with his hand while climbing.

Han Lei shined his headlight over it, and everyone realized that there was actually a monkey above Hu Bing's head!

It still looks like a small monkey, about the same as a one-year-old baby.

But he was very naughty, and he got into trouble with Hu Bing for some reason, and kept preventing him from climbing up.

Wang Lewen opened his eyes wide, pointed at the monkey and said, "Isn't this the monkey who stole our fruit?"

Li Tiejun looked at it carefully for a while, nodded and said, "That's it! There is also a wound in the corner of his eye caused by the captain's stone!"

It turned out that on the way to find Lei Ming and Fang Kai, the three of them picked some wild fruits to fill their stomachs.

Unexpectedly, it was stolen by a monkey.

It is estimated that the fruits on those trees are regarded as private treasures by this little monkey.

When he saw someone picking it away, he screamed and yelled angrily, and even stole the fruit when someone wasn't prepared!

How could Hu Bing let this little thing go? He chased and beat him for a long time, and even smashed the corner of the little monkey's eye with a stone.

It was better for him to be merciful, otherwise he would have smashed the little monkey's head into pieces!

But doing this made this little thing angry!

Monkeys naturally hold grudges.

Along the way, the little monkey often found trouble for the three of them.

Until Lei Ming and Fang Kai were found, and the wolf tide was encountered, the little monkey never appeared again.

Unexpectedly, when we came to Wolonggou, we met again!

Hu Bing slapped the little monkey above his head.

Although that little thing is short in stature, its body is very flexible. He ran up the rope and avoided the slap.

Then he suddenly jumped onto Hu Bing's shoulder, saved his head, and opened his mouth to bite him!

Hu Bing was startled and quickly covered his head with both hands, and his whole body fell from the rope!


Hu Bing fell on the cliff path, and he would not fall to death even if it was only one floor high.

But his feet were not stable, he staggered backwards, and his left foot stepped back, but suddenly stepped on empty air!

Below was a 100-meter cliff!

Everyone exclaimed, and Wang Lewen and Li Tiejun shouted at the same time: "Captain!"

Lei Ming turned over and was about to grab the rope to slide down, but Chen Xinan grabbed him and said: "It's okay, don't worry!"

Han Lei, who was about to jump down, also stopped and looked at the place where Hu Bing disappeared.

Under the light, an arm appeared, with muscles standing up, and five fingers grasping the edge of the cliff.

Then the whole person slowly stood up, turned over and climbed up the cliff!


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Hu Bing turned over and sat on the edge of the cliff, his face pale.

The monkey was hanging on the rope, grinning at him, gloating.

Hu Bing looked at the climbing rope hovering on the ground in front of him, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Suddenly grabbed the rope and shook it hard!

"No!" Chen Xinan shouted, but he was still a step slower.

The rope flickered and the monkey flew out!

It would be fine if it was somewhere else.

But this is a cliff!

The monkey screamed and was thrown off the cliff!

Hu Bing pouted and cursed: "This little beast is really looking for death!"

He stood up and quickly climbed up the stone platform along the rope.

Seeing Chen Xinan looking at him with a bad look, Hu Bing touched his face and asked: "What's wrong? Is there a flower on my face?"

Chen Xinan cursed angrily: "You have more than just flowers on your face, you will soon have grass on your grave! Why did you mess with that monkey?"

Hu Bing cursed angrily: "Chen Xinan, Instructor Chen!

I was almost killed by that beast just now, didn't you see it?

I was very kind not to beat it to death directly, okay?

You don't think that my life is worse than a monkey, right?

What's the matter? Are you two really close relatives?

No wonder you are so good at climbing!



Chen Xinan was not polite and kicked Hu Bing away.

He had clearly seen Chen Xinan kicking, but he just couldn't stop it.

Hu Bing's body was kicked and hit the cliff, his face was ashen and extremely ugly.

"Chen Xinan!" He shouted angrily and clenched his fists.

Chen Xinan curled his lips in disdain, looked at him with a slanted eye and said: "What, you don't accept it?

Then let's fight!

Don't say I didn't give you a chance!"

Hu Bing snorted and turned his head away to ignore him.

Pick your sister.

If I could beat you, I would have already started!


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