Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1242 Aren’t I here to rescue?

Seeing the terrifying monkey corpse hanging on the cliff, the monkeys who originally wanted to attack Chen Xin'an howled in fear and anger.

No monkey dared to provoke that scary guy anymore. They all turned around and crawled down, trembling every one of them.

Chen Xin'an didn't have time to pay attention to these things, so she continued to climb up with two large backpacks on her back.

However, it was only nearly 200 meters high, but Chen Xin'an climbed for almost two hours.

Not only was the backpack heavy, but it also had to smash through mountain spikes, so it was impossible to do it quickly.

But fortunately, we came up safely.

Chen Xin'an's tight-fitting clothes were also soaked through.

I was stunned as soon as I came up.

All the blue things around are wolves!

It’s so densely packed that you can’t even see the end!

Suddenly a big living person climbed up from behind, and a group of wolves were also startled!

Both sides looked directly at each other, and no one moved for a while.

Chen Xin'an quickly looked around.

The place where the fire was lit was under a large rock about ten meters away.

There are not many trees on this peak, so there are not many places to avoid the wolf tide.

At a distance of more than ten meters, Chen Xin'an knew that he had to rush forward in one breath.

He quickly reached into the backpack on the left side of his back and took out several round iron lumps, grenades!

Hu Bing said that this kind of grenade explodes three seconds after pulling the ring, so it should be thrown out as soon as possible.

The wolves had already reacted and let out a terrifying whine.

He turned around and gathered around Chen Xin'an.

Without any hesitation at all, Chen Xin'an directly pulled the ring of a grenade and threw it into the wolves.

There was a commotion among the wolves, not knowing what it was.

The two wolves fought for it with their mouths, but one wolf snatched it from his mouth.

Just when I was about to bite it hard, there was a bang, and the grenade exploded!

The wolf's head split apart instantly, exploding into a large cloud of blood mist.

The pack of wolves standing nearby also suffered the same fate.

The exploding fragments and air waves swept away seven or eight wolves!

"Enough!" Chen Xin'an kicked a wolf in front of him and rushed forward before the wolves could react!

Angry wolves began to surge, and countless black shadows rushed towards him!

Chen Xin'an pulled the tabs of three grenades one after another and threw them to the side.

With bang bang bang explosions, clouds of blood mist exploded within the wolves.

The frightened wolves fled in all directions. Chen Xin'an took advantage of this gap and quickly rushed towards the big rock!

Just a few grenades, which are a drop in the bucket for the Wolf Tide.

There were a lot of bullets in the two backpacks, all taken out from the ammunition boxes, and there were thousands of rounds.

But Chen Xin'an didn't have a gun on him.

There is only a tiger-tooth knife, but for him, it is enough!

With a tiger-tooth knife in his left hand and a carabiner hook in his right hand, facing a giant wolf that was charging towards him, Chen Xin'an thrust his hands forward, and with a bang, he pierced the tiger-tooth knife and the carabiner hook into the belly of the giant wolf at the same time!

With a bang, the giant wolf was cut into pieces, and Chen Xinan rushed past in the blood mist!

More wolves rushed over, howling fiercely from their mouths, and rushed towards Chen Xin'an!

But at this moment, there was a commotion behind the wolves.

Several figures rushed out from the fire, holding burning sticks in their hands, and whipped the wolves hard!

The pressure on Chen Xin'an's side has eased a bit, so he didn't dare to waste time and accelerated his pace!

He watched as the stick in one person's hand was broken and his arm was bitten by a wolf.

Chen Xin'an suddenly appeared, and the carabiner's hook pierced the wolf's neck.

Then he pulled it back, and the wolf's entire neck was slid open, leaving only a string of vertebrae connected!


The wolf corpse was kicked away, and Chen Xin'an shouted to the man: "Go, get back!"

Without any time to explain, everyone retreated together and quickly returned to the big rock.

The main players of the new training team are here!

Because there were fires all around, the wolf tide didn't dare to get too close.

It's just that there aren't many trees nearby, and those that can be burned have basically been burned, so they can't hold on for long.

Chen Xin'an didn't talk nonsense and said straight to the point: "I am Chen Xin'an, the newly hired instructor of the Black Mountain Tigers. Who is Liu Bao, the deputy captain of the new training team?"

"Report, I am!" An officer with his head wrapped in gauze took a step forward, saluted Chen Xin'an, turned to everyone and said, "Our rescue team is here!"

Everyone cheered excitedly.

A man in camouflage uniform looked behind Chen Xin'an and asked strangely:

"Why is there only Instructor Chen?

Are the remaining people still on the cliff edge?

Did you come up from Yidao Cliff?

Vice-captain, am I, Wang Hu, right?

The rescue team sent from the base will definitely come from Yidao Cliff!

Have others come up already?

Vice-captain, let’s go there quickly!

Otherwise they are dangerous! "

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said, "There is no one else but myself!"

The crowd suddenly fell silent.

Everyone stared at Chen Xin'an in disbelief.

Wang Hu frowned and asked, "What did you say?"

Chen Xin'an did not hide it from everyone and told the truth: "The rescue team is still behind, Han Lei and I walked over first.

While climbing, we encountered a group of monkeys. Han Lei was injured and was resting below.

I came up first myself.

If the rescue team came up together, it might take several hours. "

The excitement and surprise on everyone's faces froze, and they were soon shrouded in huge disappointment.

Someone in the crowd cursed: "After waiting for so many days, only one person comes?"

"I thought we were saved, but I didn't expect that we would still die!"

"Has the Montenegrin tiger given up on us? I don't want to stay here, I want to go home, and I don't want to wear these clothes anymore!"

Wang Hu turned his head and cursed with a ferocious expression: "Shut up!

Who just said nonsense?

Do you really want to wear this outfit and take it off whenever you want?

If you dare to say one more thing, I will kill you! "

Liu Bao looked at everyone with a gloomy face and said: "Remember your current status, I don't care whether you can stay in Montenegro Tiger in the future.

But when you put on this green uniform and stay in this new training team, you are just like us!

Whoever dares to give in and do something to smear our Montenegrin tigers, then don’t blame me for being rude to him!

Montenegrin tigers never produce bears, and no one is afraid of death!

Even if he dies, he must die vigorously!

If there is no rescue, then we will fight these beasts desperately! "

Someone in the crowd cried and whispered: "I don't want to die! I miss my mother..."

The veins on the foreheads of Liu Bao and Wang Hu throbbed, as if they were about to explode.

Chen Xin'an said to everyone with a look of helplessness: "Everyone, can you help me put down my backpack first? I've been carrying it!"

What does no rescue mean?

Are you all blind and can't see me?

"Oh, sorry!" Wang Hu came over and stood next to Chen Xin'an. He grabbed his backpack with one hand and lifted it down casually.

Unexpectedly, the weight of the backpack was beyond his imagination, and he almost fell to the ground. He was so frightened that he quickly hugged it with both hands, raised his upper body and placed the backpack on his legs!

"I'll go! It's so heavy! What's in it? Is it food?"

Wang Hu looked shocked.

Liu Bao came over strangely, unzipped the drawstring on his backpack, looked down, and his expression changed!

"Ah ha ha ha! We are prosperous, brothers! We are saved!"

Liu Bao looked like he was going crazy. He picked up his backpack with both hands and then fell it to the ground. With a crash, grenade bullets scattered all over the ground!

Everyone turned their heads and stared at the equipment on the ground in amazement. Their mouths opened wide, as if they could swallow a salted duck egg!


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