Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1243 You can’t go down the cliff now

The contents of one backpack were already beyond everyone’s expectation. Unexpectedly, the contents of both backpacks were almost the same!

All weapons and equipment, no food or water.

The biggest goal now is to stay alive, and have as much food and water as you want after you get out of trouble.

These weapons and equipment are what everyone needs most!

"What's that, instructor, I'm sorry, what's your name?" Wang Hu asked Chen Xin'an in surprise.

Liu Bao slapped him on the back of the head and cursed: "You idiot! You didn't even remember our instructor's name! Didn't the instructor tell you just now? Sun... Sun An'an!"

Chen Xin'an had a dark face and said expressionlessly: "My name is Chen Xin'an! I am your fighting instructor!"

Liu Bao's face turned red, he laughed and said, "Yes, Chen Xin'an, instructor Chen! You are really our savior!

Wang Hu, let the veterans line up and distribute equipment! "

"Yes!" Wang Hu stood at attention and saluted, turned around and blew the whistle.

Soon, a group of Montenegro Tiger special operations team members stood neatly in front of them.

Looking at the half-mountain of bullets and grenades in front of me, every eyeball is about to shine!

"Vice captain, where are the people from the rescue team?" A special operations team member looked around and asked curiously.

Liu Bao pointed at Chen Xin'an and said: "This is our rescuer, his name is Chen Xin'an.

I think you've heard about it these days.

He is the new fighting instructor of our Black Mountain Tiger.

These equipments were given to us by Instructor Chen, who risked his life to climb up Yidao Cliff alone! "

"Don't be ridiculous, Vice Captain, how can one person carry this on his back?"

"That's right, this pile weighs three hundred pounds, right?

A person carrying such a heavy thing up a cliff hundreds of meters high?

Totally impossible! "

"This should have been pulled up with a pulley on a cliff, right?

We can go down the pulley! "

No one really believed that Chen Xin'an carried such a heavy thing up the mountain alone, and Chen Xin'an didn't bother to explain.

He glanced at the person lying on the big rock and asked Liu Bao: "How many casualties are there now?"

Liu Bao's face darkened, and he sighed and said: "Two people were sacrificed and forty-five were seriously injured. Minor injuries... don't count, basically everyone was injured.

Instructor Chen, we must send the seriously injured down first, otherwise they..."

Before he could finish speaking, his vision dimmed and a fire finally went out.

There are still two fires left, and they are already swaying, as if they will go out at any time!

The crowd screamed, and wolves rushed out of the darkness and pounced on the newcomers!

Liu Bao immediately shouted an order: "Each squad leader received his equipment and returned to his original position immediately, ready to fight!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded.

Chen Xin'an had already taken the initiative, picking up two grenades from the ground, clenching one tightly, and smashed it at a wolf that was charging towards the crowd!

"Instructor, you haven't pulled the ring yet..." Wang Hu reminded Chen Xin'an with wide eyes.

Liu Bao's heart suddenly rose to his throat, and he shouted hoarsely: "Don't pull the ring!"

It's right in front of the newcomers. Once the ring is pulled, the explosion will inevitably affect the newcomers!

The grenade flew out of Chen Xin'an's hand and hit a wolf on the head with a pop!

There was obviously no ring and the grenade did not explode, but the wolf's head was torn apart in an instant!

In the rain of blood, the grenade hit the second wolf's left eye.

He directly smashed a bloody hole out of its eye and pierced it from its right ear.

It landed hard on the neck of the third wolf!

With a click, the unlucky wolf's neck was broken, and his body fell to the ground. He was knocked two meters away and died on the spot, motionless.

At this time, the grenade rolled to the ground and remained motionless.

Everyone who saw this scene stretched their necks and swallowed.

A squad leader murmured: "Now I believe that instructor Chen carried all this equipment on his back alone!"

The other squad leader nodded, not concealing the fanatical admiration in his heart. He looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Oh my god, it's so fierce! This instructor is simply invincible!"

As we all know, grenades are thrown weapons.

This common sense has been fully verified in the hands of instructor Chen.

Throwing weapons are meant to be thrown and can be used multiple times.

The grenade does not pull the ring, throw it out, pick it up again, and use it next time.

Chen Xin'an is probably the only one who can use a grenade as a stone!

Chen Xin'an used a grenade to clear the way, forcing back the wolves that rushed near the big rock, and then looked at the people lying on the rock.

They were all seriously injured, and some were already dying.

Some people have lost too much blood and entered a state of shock.

Chen Xin'an started to give needles.

Under the current conditions, there cannot be any effective treatment.

The only thing that can be done is to tie everyone up to stop the bleeding.

Most of the seriously injured people died because their injuries were too severe and they could not stop the bleeding.

Fortunately, Chen Xin'an came up, and fortunately he was a master with needles!

Silver needles were pricked into the wounded body one by one, and the places where the needles were inserted were different for each person.

There is only one purpose, to stop their wounds from bleeding.

Gunshots were heard all around, and the wolves roared sharply, forming a chaotic mess!

The wolf in front wants to run, and the wolf behind wants to rush.

The bullets hit the wolves, and rows of wolves fell to the ground like harvested straw!

Thousands of rounds of ammunition were distributed to each squad leader, but each person only had two to three hundred rounds.

Actually it’s not a lot.

Therefore, the special operations team members did not conduct wild sweeps, but fired accurately.

"Instructor Chen!" Liu Bao stood not far from Chen Xin'an with a gun in hand and said to him:

“Let’s find a way to release these seriously injured people first!

We don't have many bullets and we won't hold out for long!

The fire is about to go out, and we can't wait until all the rescue teams come up! "

Chen Xin'an was giving the injection to the team members, while considering the current situation, he shook his head and said:

“There is not enough rope, so it will be difficult to send him down!

There are too many wounded people. If we go over a cliff, it will cause a lot of unnecessary sacrifices! "

Everyone here is actually injured.

Especially among the veterans, some had their wrists pierced by wolf teeth, but they just gritted their teeth and persisted.

If you retreat from Yidao Cliff in this state, you will fall down without being chased by the wolf, and your life will be lost in vain!

Liu Bao said anxiously: "But we can't hold on like this for long! Once the ammunition is used up, we will definitely die!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked Liu Bao: "Vice captain, hold on for a while, I'll think of a way!

If we want to leave, we must use the safest method to retreat without unnecessary casualties! "

Liu Bao opened his mouth, nodded gloomily.

He turned around and wanted to leave. Just as he was about to take a step, he suddenly turned his head and said, "Instructor Chen, there is something I don't know whether to say or not.

We are soldiers and we must act decisively on the battlefield.

Don’t miss out on opportunities because of hesitation.

Sometimes, it is necessary to sacrifice a small number of people to allow the large army to survive smoothly! "

Chen Xin'an frowned, but did not nod or shake his head.

Liu Bao turned and left.

After a while, someone in the newcomer team shouted in a tearful tone: "What? You won't leave for now?


Hasn't someone already come to the rescue? "

"He can come up, why can't we go down?"

"Vice Captain, let's go! If you don't leave, we will all die here!"

"I don't care. If you don't leave, I will leave on my own!"

"Yes, let's go on our own! If you want to live, leave, if you want to die, stay here!"

The crowd became commotion, and some people ran desperately in the direction of Yidao Cliff!


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