Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1244 I’m not going to die

This kind of scene cannot happen, otherwise the army will be in chaos!

"Come back! Dare to be a deserter, I will shoot you!" Liu Bao raised his gun and aimed at the man's back.

The man cried and said, "I don't need you to kill me! Save a bullet and shoot the wolves!

I will jump off the cliff and die by myself!

I have only worn this outfit for a hundred days, and I don't want to become food for those wolves.

If I jump off, at least I can leave a complete body!"

"Liu Bao!" Chen Xinan shouted.

Liu Bao, who wanted to shoot, hesitated for a moment.

The man had already rushed into the wolf pack!

Seeing that he was about to be bitten by the wolves, Chen Xinan rushed up like an arrow from a string!

First, he kicked a wolf away!

The wolf's body flew up with a spin, and hit a tree as thick as a thigh not far away with a bang.

The branches of this tree were broken off wherever people could reach and burned as firewood.

The wolf's body snapped, and the entire spine was broken, and it collapsed on the ground with blood in its mouth and nose.

Chen Xinan grabbed the newcomer's arm and shouted at him: "Danger, return to the team!"

The newcomer shook his arm vigorously and cursed him: "If you want to go back, go back by yourself. I don't want to die here!

Black Mountain Tiger sent us here, and when we encountered such a thing, did he just ignore us?

It's called rescue, but you were the only one sent here. Are you planning to give up on us?

What's the point of you coming alone?

It's just one more person to die!

I'm not afraid of fighting or dying in battle when I put on this green suit.

But I don't want to die so miserably and be eaten by wolves!

Even if I fall to my death, I won't stay here..."

"Get out of the way!" Chen Xinan didn't wait for him to finish, pushed him away, punched a wolf's head, and smashed it directly!

Blood splashed all over the newcomer's face.

But he didn't even wipe it off, with a look of despair, crying and saying: "Even if you can fight, what can you do?

In the end, you will die here like us!

You are facing thousands of wolves!

You can't escape, you can't escape at all..."

Chen Xin'an looked at the group of wolves that were gathering around him, and his eyes fell on the tree next to him.

With a loud shout, he suddenly rammed into the tree like an angry bull!


With a loud bang, the earth shook.

Accompanied by a crisp sound, the tree trunk as thick as a thigh fell to the ground!

The newcomer who was still in pain just now stared at Chen Xin'an with wide eyes and a shocked face.

Oh my God!

Is this something a human can do?

The others were all dumbfounded!

How come our new instructor is more like a beast compared to these wolves!

Such a thick tree was directly broken by the collision?

Your body is made of iron, right?

"Back off!" Chen Xin'an shouted at the newcomer and picked up the tree trunk on the ground with both hands.

Then, with a whoosh, he swept away thousands of wolves!

The screams of the wolves were endless.

This time, at least a dozen wolves were swept away!

Before the rest could react, the thick tree trunk came back again, and in the blink of an eye, it fell on them!

Chen Xin'an kicked the newcomer on the butt and scolded him: "Don't cry like a woman!

You all listen to me!

I, Chen Xin'an, swear here that I will take all of you back without leaving a single one behind!

Live well for me, and no one will die!

They are just a bunch of beasts, I am not afraid!

Your captain and squad leader are not afraid either!

You little bastards are not cowards, and you are even less afraid!"

Looking at Chen Xin'an's heroic appearance like a god, listening to his deafening shouts, the fear in the hearts of a group of newcomers was immediately reduced by half.

At the same time, the heroism of the man also arose spontaneously!

Everyone stood up, holding the tiger-toothed knives tightly in their hands, and shouted in unison: "Yes, we are not afraid!"

The roars of the crowd and the roar of the bullets made the wolf tide feel an instinctive suppression.

The wolf in the front began to turn around and run back, not daring to rush up again.

The wolves behind found that their companions in front were panicking and retreating, and they also turned around and ran back one by one.

After a while, the wolf tide that rushed up retreated again.

But they did not go far, and the mountains and plains were full of blue eyes.

Liu Bao breathed a sigh of relief and showed a grateful expression to Chen Xinan.

Chen Xinan threw away the tree trunk in his hand, walked quickly to him and said:

"The wolf tide will retreat temporarily, but it will rush up again soon, let everyone take the time to rest!"

Liu Bao nodded, looking at Chen Xinan with admiration in his eyes.

Chen Xinan pointed to the tree and said: "Find two strong brothers to carry it. Using this thing is more useful than knives and guns!"

Liu Bao scratched his head.

Brother, do you think everyone is born with supernatural powers like you?

This thing can't be played without three or five people, it's not as flexible as you swing it.


Liu Bao didn't frown, looked at Chen Xin'an and asked: "Instructor Chen, what about you?"

"I'm leaving!" Chen Xin'an narrowed his eyes and said: "We're sitting here waiting to die, none of us can leave!"


You want to leave? !

Liu Bao was stunned, looking at Chen Xin'an in disbelief, as if he didn't expect that he would abandon everyone at this time, at such a critical moment!

Just now, I had admiration and admiration for this new instructor. At this moment, my attitude was completely different!

The eyes looking at Chen Xin'an were also full of contempt, ridicule, anger, disgust...

"Haha, that's right! The situation up there is really too dangerous.

There is really no need for Instructor Chen to stay here and wait to die with us!

No matter how strong one is, it is impossible to deal with the wolf tide!

In this case, it is better to protect yourself wisely.

When the tide of wolves recedes, pick up the bones for us and count as many as we can..."

As soon as they heard that Chen Xin'an was leaving, the expressions of the special forces team members also changed instantly. They looked at Chen Xin'an as if they wanted to swarm him and beat him up.

Several people muttered and cursed: "I thought this instructor was a strong man and a fierce man, but I didn't expect that he is just a coward!"

"He said he would take us down, but it was all a lie! He left first because he was afraid of death, leaving us here to wait for death!"

"Don't say that, they sent us some equipment.

So, we still have to thank others, but we can’t be ungrateful! "

Faced with everyone's cynicism, Chen Xin'an didn't care, and didn't even bother to explain.

He checked his tiger-tooth knife, tied his shoelaces again, and then strode forward.

Wang Hu sneered and said: "Instructor Chen, are you scared to death? The cliff is on the right, why are you going to the left?"

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "I won't go to Yidao Cliff!"

"Stop!" Liu Bao was stunned for a moment and immediately shouted to him:

"Aren't you going down the mountain?

Where to go if not to Yidaoya?

If you go in this direction, you will encounter the front of the wolf tide!

It can eat you up in minutes without even leaving any crumbs! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him impatiently and said, "Who told you that I was going down the mountain?

I just want to go to the center of the wolf tide! "

"You are just making nonsense!" Liu Bao became angry and shouted to everyone: "Stop him!

If you are afraid of death, leave here, but don't die! "

Chen Xin'an took a step back, waved his hands and said to the special operations team member who was rushing over:

"I'm not going to die!

I have killed the wolf king down there, so I know that as soon as the wolf king dies, the wolves will become leaderless and in chaos.

And I want to verify whether all these wolf kings are controlled by others.

If that's the case, I'm going to find that person.

Only in this way can we completely escape our current crisis.

Do you understand? "


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