Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1245 He was attacked by the monkeys

It turns out that he didn't want to save his life and wanted to escape from this place.

Instead, we need to go deep into the center of the wolf tide and hunt down the wolf king!

To save everyone's lives, fight against the wolf tide!

And alone, alone!

The special operations team members who had just laughed at Chen Xin'an all had wet eyes at this moment.

Everyone looked at Chen Xin'an excitedly, but their hearts were full of shame.

Chen Xin'an didn't have time to stir things up with them here, so she wanted to leave.

Unexpectedly, as if someone had given an order, everyone surrounded him and blocked him at the very back!

"Instructor Chen, you can't go!" Wang Hu stretched out his hand to stop Chen Xin'an and said, "You are going to die!"

"Yes, you can't do this, it's too dangerous!"

"This is the largest wolf tide I have ever seen in Moshan for more than five years!

No matter how strong a person is, he cannot kill all the wolf kings in such a huge wolf wave! "

"Instructor Chen, why don't you go down Yidao Cliff again!

Since you can come up, of course you can go down!

Prepare enough ropes for us and we retreat along Yidao Cliff.

This is the safest way! "

Chen Xin'an looked at everyone, grinned, shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I'm traveling lightly now, which makes it safer!

I don't need to kill all the wolf kings, I just need to verify one thing.

If my guess is true, I have a way to let these wolves take me where I want to go!

On the other side of Yidao Cliff, you can only go up now, but not down!

Don't worry, I will get this done as soon as possible and it won't take too long! "

Liu Bao scratched his head and said, "No! You are saying nice things now, but you are actually going to die!

We can't just watch you do such stupid things!

You guys, hold him back!

If that doesn't work, tie him up! "

Chen Xin'an laughed angrily.

No wonder the disciple said that the vice-captain accepted death, and that was indeed the case.

Even though he had made it so clear, he still felt that Chen Xin'an was seeking death.

Guys like Wang Hu are stupid, and they really listened to Liu Bao's words.

He surrounded Chen Xin'an tightly and wanted to tie him up!

At this moment, a burst of gunfire suddenly came from the distance!

Everyone was stunned. How could there be gunshots?

Chen Xin'an took out something, patted it in Wang Hu's hand, and said to him:

“It should be the rescue team that has arrived at Wolong Valley!

Get ready, the rescue team will be here soon!

Your name is Wang Hu, right?

Give this thing to Zhang Jian. "

After saying that, Chen Xin'an turned aside, walked out beside Wang Hu, and quickly disappeared into the night.

"Instructor Chen!" Wang Hu, who had just reacted, wanted to hold Chen Xin'an back, but it was already too late.

Others still wanted to chase, but at this moment, wolves howled one after another, and the wolf tide surged in again!

Liu Bao shouted: "Get ready to fight!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison.

This time, not only the special operations team members picked up their guns, but soldiers from each squad also stepped forward side by side.

In their hands, they all held a gleaming tiger-tooth knife!

In their eyes, Chen Xin'an was like a sharp arrow in the darkness, instantly splitting open the surging wolf tide.

Those cold-blooded and ruthless beasts seemed to have seen their natural enemies. They looked frightened and ran away in both directions with their tails between their legs!

Wolves are very bully and fearful beasts.

If they encounter an opponent who is more ruthless than themselves, they will not dare to compete face-to-face with the opponent.

I wish I could take a detour.

Now facing this person rushing towards him, the tyrannical aura alone made the wolves feel uncomfortable and they all gave way.

Without any hesitation, Chen Xin'an rushed directly into the depths of the wolf tide, and was still going deeper.

Finally, he stopped, moved the tiger-tooth knife forward in his hand, and stabbed a wolf in the forehead!

With a flick of his wrist and a click, he pried open the wolf's Tianling Cap!

The wolf corpse fell to the ground, its red and white brains bleeding all over the floor, and the stench was extremely fishy.

The pack of wolves howled and surrounded Chen Xin'an.

These wolves did not give way to him, baring their fangs and looking at him fiercely.

It seemed like it would pounce at any moment and tear him into pieces!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an put his hands to his mouth and made an action that no one would have thought of.

He straightened his neck and let out a loud wolf howl!

Next to the mountain road in Wolong Valley, Zhang Jian shot the last monkey to the bottom of the ditch.

He kicked away the monkey corpse next to him and shouted to the stone platform above his head: "How are you doing?"

"Instructor Zhang, we are all fine, just slightly injured! The rope is down, you can come up!" Han Lei's response came from above.

Zhang Jian hummed and said to the people behind him: "Bian Hu, you protect Dr. Tang and go up first!"

"Yes!" Bian Hu nodded and said to Tang Qianqian: "Doctor Tang, let me carry you up..."

"No need!" Tang Qianqian curled her lips and said easily: "Don't forget that my military training is also up to standard. You go first, and I will follow behind!"

Bian Hu was very disappointed after losing an opportunity to have close contact with the goddess.

But he also knew that now was not the time to pick up girls.

Not daring to waste everyone's time, I walked to the hanging rope, pulled it with my hands, then alternately held the rope with both hands, and quickly climbed up.

Tang Qianqian didn't lie. Her military training was indeed up to standard.

How could the team doctor of the Montenegrin Tigers be a weak woman with no power to restrain a chicken?

If that were the case, she wouldn't have been able to save eight wounded people single-handedly!

Although the speed of climbing the rope is much slower than that of Bian Hu, it is still very easy and neat.

When they reached the stone platform, Bian Hu reached out and grabbed her arm and pulled her up.

When he saw the two people lying on the ground, he was startled.

"Is this a minor injury? It's turned into a pig's head! Who is this?"

Han Lei sat on the ground, pointed at the pig head and said: "This is the second squad leader Hu Bing! Over there is the newcomer Fang Kai.

Captain Hu was severely attacked by the monkeys and was torn and bitten. He is very lucky to be alive now!

Fang Kai's wound was inflamed, but instructor Chen had treated him and the fever had gone away! "

Lei Ming, who was standing next to Fang Kai, didn't recognize this woman, but he guessed that she was from the base.

He stood at attention and saluted politely, and called out: "Hello, Chief!"

Tang Qianqian burst into laughter, waved her hand and said to him: "I am not the chief, I am the team doctor of the Montenegrin Tigers.

Are you new?

May I have your name?

How about you help me later and be my assistant? "

Bian Hu said anxiously: "Doctor Tang, let me do this kind of work!

How could he do this with a raw melon egg? He is so clumsy! "

Tang Qianqian rolled her eyes at him and cursed: "How can you say that someone is clumsy?

People who can't even tell the difference between iodophor and iodine.

Last time I asked you to help me use iodophor to disinfect someone's wound. You poured it right and poured half a bottle of iodine!

It almost hurt people to death!

You still have the nerve to say that..."

Lei Ming stood at attention and said: "Reporting to the leader, my name is Lei Ming! A group of soldiers from the new training team!"

"Are you Lei Ming? Are you Instructor Chen's apprentice?" Tang Qianqian looked at the young man in front of him with interest, nodded and said, "Yes, he is a handsome boy!"

Bian Hu also looked at Lei Ming with wide eyes, patted his shoulder, nodded and said:

"Instructor Chen's apprentice is indeed extraordinary, his appearance is only slightly worse than mine..."

"Shut up, you shameless bastard, okay? Do you want me to pee so you can take a look at your bitter face?"

Hu Bing, who was lying on the ground, groaned and cursed: "I said, can you guys come over quickly and take a look at my injury?

Doctor Tang, I feel so much pain! so sad……"

Bian Hu scolded him with a dark face: "You are so disgusting!"


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