Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1246 Human-Wolf War

Others had already climbed up, and the stone platform was soon full of people.

Zhang Jian looked around and asked everyone, "Where is Chen Xin'an?"

Lei Ming turned around and saluted him, saying loudly, "Report to the chief, my master has already gone up!

Moreover, he has already hammered the mountain-breaking nails on the cliff!"

Zhang Jian glanced at him, turned his head to look at the cliff, and said to everyone, "Get ready, and reach the top immediately!"

The sound of gunfire from above also came down, very dense.

This shows that the situation above is also very critical. If you go up to support earlier, you can save one more comrade-in-arms, one more brother!

A wolf howl made the surrounding wolves stop their offensive, and pairs of blue eyes looked at Chen Xin'an in confusion.

Chen Xin'an, who grew up in Qingniu Mountain, has another skill that few people know about, that is, learning the calls of animals.

He really learns everything like what he learns, and even to the point of being able to communicate with wild beasts or various birds!

Sure enough, within a minute, a wolf howl was heard in the dense forest nearly 100 meters away!

Chen Xinan grinned and murmured, "I found you!"

Ignoring the wolves around him, Chen Xinan ran in the direction of the wolf howl just now!

Some wolves avoided him, but some rushed up with their teeth bared.

Chen Xinan did not want to fight with them, and used his body skills to the extreme.

He directly knocked them away without waiting for them to attack.

Or he jumped up and jumped on them.

It was like stepping on a plum blossom pile, with toes tapping and rushing past!

Entering the dense forest, Chen Xinan was even more powerful.

He hit a wolf's head hard, and the wolf fell heavily, but he used the force to bounce up and jumped onto a big tree!

Squatting on the branch, Chen Xinan let out another wolf howl.

After hearing the response, he determined the opponent's exact location.

Then he began to jump and shuttle between trees, quickly approaching the target!

At the foot of Tiangou Peak, at least one kilometer away from the peak.

A nearly three-meter-long giant wolf howled in anger at the joint attack of three wolves!

Following its howl, a wolf went around behind it.

Then it jumped high, opened its mouth, and bit the giant wolf's neck with its sharp fangs!

Unfortunately, its sneak attack was expected by the giant wolf.

The giant wolf just shook its head, and before the wolf landed, it bit its throat in mid-air, and with a click, it bit its neck off alive!

Blood spurted out.

The other two wolves looked terrified.

For a moment, they just raised their heads and howled, but did not dare to rush forward.

The giant wolf shook its head violently and easily pulled the wolf head off the neck of the wolf in its mouth.

The corpse fell to the ground and twitched, and the giant wolf twisted its head and threw it out!

The wolf head rolled like a ball at the feet of a challenger, frightening the wolf to jump away and whimper in fear!

The other wolf turned around and tried to run, but the giant wolf blocked its way with a leap, then lowered its head and bit its back!

The wolf screamed like a dog, trying to shake off but unable to do so.

He wanted to turn his head to bite the giant wolf, but couldn't reach it!

With a snap, his spine broke.

The wolf instantly collapsed, his head and limbs drooping.

Only his back was still in the giant wolf's mouth!


As the giant wolf let go, the challenger collapsed on the ground like mud, motionless.

The remaining wolf rushed towards the giant wolf like crazy, as if he wanted to fight it to the death!

Unfortunately, the strength of the two sides was too different. Even if both sides bit each other's body at the same time, its fangs could not pierce the giant wolf's tough skin and flesh.

But the giant wolf easily bit its front leg, turned its head and tore it off!

The challenger howled miserably, but only received a more mocking look from the giant wolf.

In less than three minutes, the challenger was torn into pieces by the giant wolf!

The giant wolf didn't even look at the corpse on the ground, and looked at the surrounding wolves with cold eyes.

With its long howl, the surrounding wolves lowered their heads, tucked their tails, and whimpered softly to show their submission.

The giant wolf looked around with a disdainful look, and howled again to the sky!

But this time, a louder wolf howl came from not far away.

The voice was full of strong provocation.

The giant wolf roared and stared at the direction where the sound came from just now.

It wanted to bite to death the guy who had been provoking it before!

Let this ignorant guy know who is the real boss in this forest!

But the call suddenly stopped!

The giant wolf was unwilling, and raised his head and called again, wanting to get a response from the other party.

Unfortunately, it was very disappointed. The guy who provoked it seemed to disappear out of thin air!

The giant wolf looked disdainful, turned lazily, and prepared to lead these subjects who no longer dared to covet its position as the wolf king to attack the top of the mountain in one go.

But suddenly he held his breath, raised his head abruptly, and looked at the big tree in front of him!

A black shadow fell from the sky and stepped heavily on its back!

The giant wolf was caught off guard and was kicked to the ground.

He rolled to his feet, shook his head, and glared at the man standing in front of him!

"It is indeed the greatest wolf king, and he is indeed powerful enough!" Chen Xin'an shook his head, and was also a little shocked.

If it was another wolf, the spine would be broken on the spot, and it would not be able to stand up!

But the wolf in front of him shook his head as if nothing happened and stood up again!

Looking at this giant wolf, Chen Xin'an was also eye-opening.

It was also his first time to see such a big wolf.

The height at the shoulders is over 1.5 meters, and the length is over 3 meters.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, such a big wolf would probably only appear in movies!

One person and one wolf, facing each other like this, fiercely confronting each other.

Behind Chen Xin'an, a wolf suddenly rushed out, stood upright quietly, and put its paws on Chen Xin'an's shoulders.

If Chen Xin'an turns around when frightened, the wolf will bite Chen Xin'an's neck directly in the next second!

But before its paws could touch Chen Xin'an's clothes, he kicked him in the stomach and sent him flying out!


The wolf's body hit the tree hard, a large amount of blood gushed out from its mouth and crotch, and it fell to the ground and twitched non-stop!

The other wolves wanted to swarm up, but at this moment, the giant wolf let out an angry howl.

The wolves immediately became quiet, and all the wolves lowered their heads and backed away slowly.

The giant wolf's intention was obvious, it wanted to kill this man with its own mouth!

Chen Xin'an took off her soaked camouflage jacket, revealing the green vest underneath.

His body type is that at first glance, he seems a little thin.

But you can only see it after taking off your clothes. No matter which part of the body it is, the muscles are solid and the lines are clear.

His whole body was filled with an explosive force, as if he had endless strength.

Looking at the giant wolf in front of him, Chen Xin'an raised his fingers.

Even in the face of a beast, this is a provocative move.

The giant wolf let out a roar, bowed its body, and then jumped towards him!

The two sides were less than five meters apart. The giant wolf jumped in front of Chen Xin'an with a slight leap!

The sharp wolf claws clawed hard at Chen Xin'an's chest, and the five-inch long fangs seemed to pierce Chen Xin'an's head!

Chen Xin'an did not retreat but advanced, and suddenly rushed into the arms of the giant wolf. He turned his head to avoid the bite of the wolf's mouth, grabbed the front paws of the giant wolf with both hands, then bent down and gave him a strong back slam. !


The branches and leaves are flying!

The giant wolf weighed more than two hundred kilograms and hit the ground heavily!

Chen Xin'an didn't give it a chance to breathe, and rushed forward and grabbed its tail.

Clenched it tightly with both hands, rotated the body, turned it up, and then threw it out!


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