Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1247 The Wolf Tide Retreats

The huge wolf body hit a tree trunk as thick as a thigh, breaking it in half!

The giant wolf stood up and staggered.

This was not a light blow for it. It stood there shaking for more than ten seconds before it barely recovered.

This guy's body strength is simply terrifying!

If it were a human, the bones would be scattered by now.

The giant wolf howled angrily, looking at Chen Xinan with hatred.

It seemed to want to chew him up in one bite!

It stared at Chen Xinan and pounced on him.

The huge body and rapid speed made Chen Xinan unable to resist and was knocked to the ground by him.

A man and a wolf rolled on the ground, and neither could suppress the other with brute force.

The giant wolf showed its sharp teeth, let out a creepy roar from its throat, and kept biting Chen Xinan's head.

Chen Xinan dodged left and right to prevent it from succeeding.

He held its claws tightly with both hands to prevent the sharp nails on the claws from touching him.

If this thing scratches a person, the result will be skin and flesh torn apart!


Chen Xinan suddenly raised his head and hit the giant wolf's nose hard.

The giant wolf slowed down, and this hit was very heavy, which also stunned it.

Blood flowed from the round nose, and the giant wolf was extremely uncomfortable and kept sneezing.

Chen Xinan bent his right leg and kicked the wolf's belly hard!

The giant wolf rolled over after being kicked, and screamed wildly after standing up.

The wolves around him who had been unable to hold back for a long time rushed forward and pounced on Chen Xinan crazily!

"Damn, you can't beat me so you call for help? We're fighting one-on-one, but you're playing dirty? Group fight, right? So fucking despicable!" Chen Xinan cursed at the giant wolf.

Of course, the other party didn't understand, but just stretched his neck and kept howling.

While cursing, Chen Xinan took out the grenades that he had always used as stones before.

But this time, he pulled the ring!

Grenades exploded in the wolf pack one after another, and the wolves howled and blood flew everywhere.

Chen Xinan punched a wolf's eye, then rushed to the giant wolf and kicked it back two steps.

The giant wolf rushed over frantically, trying to bite off Chen Xinan's head.

However, Chen Xinan moved coquettishly and used the bodies of the wolves beside him to block the giant wolf's attack.

The giant wolf was furious and bit its troublesome companion to death with one bite, threw it aside fiercely, and rushed towards the insidious human.

Chen Xinan avoided its bite, grabbed the long hair on its neck, and then turned over and rode on the wolf's back!

The violent giant wolf twisted its body hard, trying to throw the person on its back off.

Chen Xinan lowered his upper body, stuck to the wolf's back, and clamped his legs together.

He grabbed the wolf's hair with his left hand, took out the tiger-tooth knife with his right hand, and inserted the tiger-tooth knife into the wolf's back with a puff!

The giant wolf screamed in pain and slammed into the tree next to it!

Chen Xin'an stepped on the wolf's back with both feet, holding the handle of the knife with both hands, and pulled out the tiger-tooth knife at the moment before hitting the tree.

As blood spurted, the wolf's body slammed into the tree.

Broken branches and fallen leaves fell one after another.

Chen Xin'an rolled on the ground for several times.

While standing up, holding the knife with both hands, with the help of the inertia of rolling, he stabbed the tiger-tooth knife into the giant wolf's belly with a puff, and then pulled it down violently!


The giant wolf's belly was like a dam that had burst, and blood poured out.

The severe pain made it run like crazy, but its intestines flowed out of its stomach.

The wolves around seemed to be stunned, and they all stared at this scene in a daze.

The giant wolf ran more than 20 meters, and its intestines were dragging on the ground.

A wolf suddenly rushed up, bit the intestines on the ground, and tore them hard with its head shaking.

With a leader, the wolves all rushed forward like crazy.

They scrambled to tear the internal organs that kept flowing out of the giant wolf!

The giant wolf, in severe pain, finally couldn't hold on and fell down.

The wolves were stimulated by the smell of blood and began to bite its body frantically, making its wounds bigger!

This overlord who once led a huge wolf pack has now become a delicacy for the wolves.

Countless wolves pounced on it and began to bite its body.

Chen Xinan took out the last grenade, pulled off the pull ring, and threw it next to the giant wolf's body.


Blood and flesh splattered, the wolves left five or six corpses, and the rest fled in all directions.

Chen Xinan then flashed to the giant wolf.

It was not dead yet, staring at Chen Xinan with a pair of gray wolf eyes, no longer as fierce as before.

Chen Xinan looked at it with no mercy and grabbed its wolf ears.

He poked the tiger-tooth knife in his hand hard, and then picked it up.

He reached out and pulled out a metal particle as big as a soybean from the blood. It was indeed the receiver that Hu Bing had mentioned!

Now Chen Xinan could finally be sure that someone was controlling this wave of wolves!

It was incredible that someone could control so many wolves!

Even if he could make the sound of wolf howls and understand some of the wolf's language.

But it was a pipe dream to use this trick to drive the wolves to obey his command.

Who had the ability to use so many wolves to come to Moshan and besiege the new training team of the Black Mountain Tiger?

What was the purpose of doing this?

Chen Xinan took a deep breath, looked into the depths of the dense forest, opened his mouth wide, and shouted a wolf howl again!

The wolves were at a loss and didn't know where to go.

Once the Wolf King dies, a war will break out within the clan.

The young and powerful wolves will fight for the position of wolf king, which takes two or three days.

Without the leadership of the Wolf King, they will not take the initiative to attack humans.

After the fight, the Wolf King would not obey human orders because the receiver was not embedded in his body in advance.

Therefore, as long as the Wolf King dies, the power of the wolf tide will be reduced.

The cry that came out of Chen Xin'an's mouth was the king's cry that the wolf made when it was declaring its strength and supremacy.

Whenever the wolf king hears it, he will respond as long as he feels that he has entered his territory.

Then the two fight to the death, and only one side that wins is qualified to retain its dominance.

What Chen Xin'an didn't expect was that the withdrawal of the largest wolf pack would directly lead to the collapse of the entire wolf tide!

In less than an hour, the tens of thousands of wolves that gathered up and down Tianhook Peak all walked away and disappeared without a trace!

Chen Xin'an, who originally wanted to use these wolves to find the driver, was a little confused. The plan was disrupted, so he could only give up in frustration.

On Tianhou Peak, the new training team, which had already tied ropes and was preparing to go down the mountain from Yidao Cliff, stopped when they saw the wolf tide retreating. They all looked puzzled.

Lei Ming, who had just climbed up, shouted in surprise: "Master succeeded!"

Liu Bao looked in disbelief and said excitedly: "How did he do it? It's incredible! He really did it!"

A group of new trainees even cheered and shouted, with tears filling their eyes with excitement.

Before that, the new instructor said that he was going to find the Wolf King and find out who was behind the scenes. This was the fundamental way to deal with the wolf tide.

No one would believe that he could succeed. Everyone thought that he was going to die!

But now, the wolf tide has really retreated!

He is simply a god. He single-handedly drove back the entire wolf wave!

Zhang Jian's expression was complicated and he sighed heavily.

Uncle, aren't you cheating on me?

This guy you asked me to teach you is beyond my ability to deal with!

It's not that our army is incompetent, it's that this guy is too powerful!

I've tried my best, but I can't help you anymore, and I don't want to help you anymore!


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