Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1248 Why isn’t he called Erlang Shen?

Now that the wolf tide has subsided, everyone is not in a hurry to come down from the peak. They rest on the spot and replenish their strength.

The wounded have been gathered together, and Tang Qianqian is checking them one by one.

Wang Hu walked up to Hu Bing, saluted, and said in a deep voice: "Captain, I want to bring two people to bring Yu Nanyong and Zhao Yingbo back!"

Hu Bing's face was covered with gauze, with only his eyes, nostrils and mouth exposed.

It looks very funny.

But after hearing Wang Hu's words, no one wanted to laugh, and everyone looked sad and solemn.

Yu Nanyong and Zhao Yingbo were the two special operations team members who died.

Before Hu Bing could speak, Tang Qianqian immediately stopped him and said, "No! It seems like the wolf tide has receded now, but no one can guarantee that they won't come back.

Even if this doesn't happen, no one knows whether there will be a small group of wolves still stranded in this area.

And it no longer makes sense to do so.

Under the wolf tide, no matter whether they are humans or animals... they will all end up with no bones left!

You can't find anyone at all, so there's no point in going there! "

Wang Hu turned his head, looked at her and said, "Doctor Tang, you know our temperament.

Even if there is only one chance in ten thousand, we will not give up.

Ayong and Yingbo are our brothers.

We can't let them lie here, we have to take them home! "

Just as Tang Qianqian was about to speak, Hu Bing said to Wang Hu: "Okay, I'll send five people to go with you!

We'll wait for you at Deep Pool. I'll give you three hours.

In three hours, no matter whether you find it or not, you have to go to the deep pool to meet us, and we will go back to the base together! "

"Yes!" Wang Hu saluted.

Tang Qianqian said angrily: "Captain Hu, what you do is irresponsible..."

The guy who had always been very attentive to her and flattered her, now changed his normal attitude and said firmly:

"I, Hu Bing, will bear all the consequences!

We Montenegrin tigers will never abandon our brothers.

No matter they are living people or those who have been sacrificed! "

Zhang Jian turned to Tang Qianqian and said, "Doctor Tang, let them go! I will also bear the responsibility if anything happens!"

Tang Qianqian snorted and stopped talking.

Bian Hu stood up and said to Hu Bing: "Count me in, I'll go!"

With this guy following, there wouldn't be much of a problem, and Tang Qianqian felt relieved.

Five members of the rescue team followed Wang Hu and disappeared into the night.

Zhang Jian stood on the big rock, looked at the dawn of dawn in the east, and murmured: "It's almost dawn!"

I don't know who shouted: "Instructor Chen is back!"

A figure covered in blood appeared in front of everyone.

He is obviously not too tall, and his figure is not strong.

But in the eyes of everyone, he is tall and mighty, like a heavenly soldier and general.

It was obvious that he had walked all the way from the bottom of the mountain, but to everyone, it was like a god descending to earth.

Landing from the clouds step by step gives people a sense of oppression as if they were looking up at a high mountain!

No one knows what kind of cruel battle he has experienced.

There was not a single clean spot on his body, it was all stained with blood.

The originally brand-new camouflage uniforms lost their original color.

He put his hands behind his back and walked up the mountain step by step as if he were strolling.

Everyone was dazzled.

This God of War is so powerful that he defies the heavens!

Every move truly demonstrates the demeanor of a peerless master!

"Instructor Chen..." Someone yelled, and before he could finish speaking, his mouth opened wide.

Seeing Chen Xin'an staggering, his foot slipped and Gululu fell!

Everyone was stunned.

Chen Xin'an stood up in embarrassment, pointed at the wet marks on the ground and cursed:

"Who is so unethical?

Pee here, right?

I'm going to pull out your crime tool!

What a bad luck!

Who did it? "

Tang Qianqian's mouth twitched and she pointed at Hu Bing: "He..."

Chen Xin'an rushed to Hu Bing, pointed at him with her finger and cursed: "You just want to hurt me on purpose, right?

I have long seen through your heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys!

You've always been resentful that I beat you up! "

"Chen Xin'an, don't accuse me wrongly, that was not my urine..."

"Who peeed if it wasn't you? Dr. Tang even saw you peeing with his own eyes!"

"Chen Xin'an, what are you talking about! I didn't say it was him who peed, I said he poured it. He just washed his hands and face!"

"Yes, that's not urine, it's water. I washed my hands..."

"You just wash your face, do you have a face?"

"Can I wash my neck? Who knows where you will come up from? Besides, if there is a little water, you will slip, and the lower body is too unstable!"

"You know nothing! I was thinking about the problem just now and didn't pay attention..."

Zhang Jian, who was standing aside, couldn't listen anymore and said in a deep voice: "Okay, stop making noise!

We need to rush to Deep Water Pool. After passing the geomagnetic launch area, a car from the base will come to pick us up!

By the way, I have already read the thing you left for me. "

This was what Chen Xin'an had been thinking about, so he tapped Hu Bing's nose with his finger, turned around, walked to Zhang Jian and asked, "Do you know that thing?"

Hu Bing was already forming his team, and everyone stood up to sort out their equipment.

Dozens of simple stretchers were prepared, the seriously injured were placed on them, and everyone began to retreat from the peak.

Zhang Jian put on his backpack and said to Chen Xin'an: "j400 wireless voice receiver.

It is an imitation of the Inca country's mt800 made by the Eagle Flag country.

It was originally a military product, but because its performance was too poor and too single, it was changed to civilian use.

It is used by zoologists to track animals under observation. "

Chen Xin'an frowned, looked at Zhang Jian and said, "You mean, the person who controls the wolf tide is an Inca zoologist?"

Zhang Jian shook his head: "I'm just talking about the origin of this thing.

But there is one more thing that may confirm your inference.

Last year, eight Inca scholars rebelled and defected to the Eagle Flag State.

One of them was the Inca's most famous zoologist.

And he is the expert who likes to study the wolf race the most.

His real name is Mamir Khan, and he has a nickname, Wolf God. "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and scolded with disdain: "Why isn't he called Erlang Shen?

If you don’t have three eyes, you can’t cut one yourself? "

Zhang Jian frowned and said: "But just because he understands wolves, it doesn't mean that he is really the wolf god.

It is simply impossible for humans to command such a large wolf tide. "

Chen Xin'an nodded. This is not a fantasy movie. It is impossible for people to control beasts.

Even the most powerful animal trainer cannot make thousands of wolves listen to him!

"But..." Zhang Jian looked at Chen Xin'an solemnly and said:

"With advanced modern technology and some medicinal help, it is still possible to control tens of thousands of wolves through sound!"

Chen Xin'an thought for a while and asked strangely: "Then why did they retreat so easily? What was their purpose?"

Zhang Jian shook his head and said: "I think, no matter what the purpose is, the new training team is not their goal.

The reason why this happened should be the hunting instinct of the wolves after forming a wolf tide.

Even if it were not the new training team, someone else would have experienced this.

Moreover, this area is a geomagnetic transmitting area, and their receivers are also greatly affected, changing some of the plans of the driving people.

So with the chaos of several large wolf packs, the wolf tide also collapsed in a short period of time, of course! "

Chen Xin'an also had to admit that such an analysis was probably the truth.


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