Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1250 His injury is on the head

Everyone in the ward looked at Chen Xin'an in surprise, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Are you Chen Xin'an?" Qiqi, who had always had big eyes, now stared at him like bells, looking at him in shock and said:

"You were the one who made Ten Thousand Wolf Chao run away?

You saved the entire new training team!

We listened to your story all night last night.

Did you really kill the Wolf King? "

The little girl who was fierce just now turned into a little fangirl in the blink of an eye.

Chen Xin'an grinned, waved her hands and said, "It's not my fault alone, but mainly the concerted efforts of everyone to bring back the new training team!"

Qiqi held her hands with her eyes sparkling with stars. She looked at Chen Xin'an with admiration and said, "Chen Yingxiong is so low-key..."

"Ahem!" Xiao Yueying on the side scolded the two of them with a dark face: "You two go to your side, don't get in the way here!

Chen Xin'an, even if you are an instructor, don't go overboard and come to the team doctor's office to cause trouble!

But since you're here, it's a good time to stay here and help!

I heard Qianqian say that you also know some ancient medical skills.

And you are stronger than them, help me hold down the wounded.

We are here to rescue you. Just shut up and help. Do you understand? "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and smiled bitterly. Seeing that the wounded man's lips were already black and blue, he knew that time waits for no one, so he stopped talking nonsense and said to her: "Help me hold him down and I'll check him out!"

"Ah?" Xiao Yueying was stunned for a moment, glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "I want you to suppress him..."

Chen Xin'an was already standing beside the wounded man and stabbed him in the throat.

The wounded man's body moved forward, and the blood in his mouth wanted to spurt out, but it did not come out. He grunted a few times, and then slowly swallowed it back!

Chen Xin'an held his neck and frowned.

Xiao Yueying opened her mouth and said: "You..."

"Shut up! Don't talk!" Chen Xinan said without raising his head.

Xiao Yueying was stunned for a moment, and just about to get angry, Chen Xin'an suddenly protected the wounded man's head and twisted it to the left!


There was a crisp sound from the wounded man's neck, which frightened all the little nurses around him to scream.

Xiaoke screamed in horror: "You killed him..."

Chen Xin'an rolled her eyes at her and angrily scolded: "Shut up!"

Xiao Yueying's eyes widened, she looked at Chen Xin'an in surprise and asked, "Do you suspect that his injury is not on his chest, but on his head?"

Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice: "It was just a suspicion just now, but now it can be confirmed!"

"How is that possible!" A nurse said in disbelief: "He was severely injured in the chest and injured his stomach, causing massive gastric bleeding! How could he vomit blood like this when he was injured in the head?"

Xiao Yueying said solemnly: "It was caused by bleeding from the base of the skull entering the pharynx!

According to this amount of bleeding, his injury is very serious and he may not be able to hold on..."

"No!" Chen Xin'an began to inject a needle into the wounded man's head, gently twisted the needle tail with his fingers, frowned and said:

“I have encountered such cases in Dongshan.

According to modern medicine, head injury should lead to increased internal pressure.

The resulting cerebral hypoperfusion resulted in a stress ulcer reaction.

Cause gastric mucosal damage and stress ulcers.

I have experience in this kind of surgery. I'll give the injection. Get ready. After a while, blood will spurt out from his mouth and nose.

Once the congestion clears up, his condition will be stable! "

All the nurses looked at Xiao Yueying.

Knowing that now was not the time to argue, even if Xiao Yueying did not trust Chen Xin'an's medical skills, she still nodded and said to everyone: "Listen to him!"

Everyone hurried to prepare, and Chen Xin'an had already started to inject needles into the wounded man's head.

After two minutes, the wounded man's head turned into a big eggplant, red and purple.

Xiao Yueying was a little frightened, and the nurse next to her was trembling even more, and her little faces turned whiter with fear.

Chen Xin'an, however, took his time and pricked both sides of the wounded man's nose with a silver needle.

With a quick gasp of breath, the wounded man began to cough.

At the same time, a large amount of blood foam spurted out from his nostrils and mouth.

Several young nurses quickly wiped it with gauze and cotton swabs. The prepared water basin was not needed at all, and the black blood clots splashed all over the nurses.

But no one disliked it.

The young nurses didn't pay attention to the blood on their faces and bodies, and just cleaned the wounded's bodies.

After a while, the wounded man's breathing stabilized and his complexion gradually returned to normal.

Chen Xin'an took the needle, breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Xiao Yueying: "I didn't expect the injury inside the head to be more serious than I thought.

If I hadn't changed the needle in time, I almost wouldn't be able to pull it back! "

Xiao Yueying and several nurses were all covered in cold sweat.

Feeling: The poor wounded man almost died here for no apparent reason!

But from the beginning to the end, Chen Xin'an looked calm and collected, as if he was not in a hurry at all!

At this moment, Xiao Yueying's face no longer had the domineering look just now. She glanced at Chen Xin'an and said:

"Thanks to you! Otherwise I would have made a big mistake today!

Chen Xin'an, you really live up to your reputation!

By the way, who taught you the ancient medical skills?

There is also this acupuncture technique that looks very familiar to me. Could it be the Chen family's cloud-penetrating needle technique?

Chen Xin'an, your ancestor is the magic needle Chen Shutang? "

Chen Xin'an's expression changed, she squinted at Xiao Yueying and said, "My master is Yao Zhifeng.

My acupuncture technique is indeed from senior Chen Shutang.

But although we both have the surname Chen, we are not related by blood.

This elder sister...”

Xiao Yueying quickly said: “I am Xiao Yueying, the director of the team medical department!

So you are the apprentice of the medical fairy, no wonder!

Tell me your identity earlier, and I won’t stop you! "

She said she was generous, but her face was burning like fire.

She just stopped him with sarcasm!

She also said that he knew a little bit of medical skills.

If this is considered knowing a little bit, then she is completely blind to medicine!

Although the nurses didn't know any medical immortal, they knew that Chen Xinan's medical skills must be good when they saw the director's respectful look.

He was obviously a fighting instructor invited by Heishanhu, but he didn't expect that his medical skills were so superb.

He is also smart and brave, and handsome.

Compared to these rough guys like wolves in the base, he is much stronger!

The nurses looked at Chen Xinan with eyes full of admiration and love, and scared Chen Xinan and said quickly:

"I came here just to see a newcomer, my friend, Fang Kai, has he been sent away?"

Qiqi quickly put her hand and said, "I'll help Instructor Chen get the roster! ”

She turned and ran out, and ran back in less than three minutes, and said to Chen Xinan:

"Instructor Chen, I checked, Fang Kai is here with us.

But he is not on the list of people to be sent to the hospital!"

Huh? What does this mean?

Chen Xinan asked her curiously: "Where does he live?"

Qiqi pointed to the door and said: "It's next door!"

This guy was bitten on the shoulder and almost ulcerated.

Fortunately, Chen Xinan treated him properly, the fever subsided, and the inflammation also subsided.

He woke up this morning and was taking anti-inflammatory injections all morning.

At this moment, he was talking to Lei Ming and several comrades. When he saw Chen Xinan coming in, he hurriedly wanted to get out of bed.

Chen Xinan waved his hand and said: "No, you just lie down, I'll take a look at your wound!"

After removing the gauze on his shoulder and taking a look at the wound, Chen Xinan pouted and said:

"You are lucky! If the fever doesn't go down today, you won't be able to save this arm!"

Fang Kai said with gratitude: "Thanks to Brother An for saving my life!

Brother An, you are my reborn parents!

If it weren’t for you, I might have lost my life here! ”

Chen Xin’an angrily scolded: “Get lost, who are your parents!”

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