Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1251 I want to stay here

The grandson of the great leader Fang Zheng, who dares to take advantage of you, can your grandfather spare him?

Lei Ming slapped Fang Kai and cursed: "Who gave you the courage to call my master An Ge'er like this? Call him an instructor!"

"Go away, I'm not your instructor!" Chen Xin'an cursed, stared at Lei Ming and said, "Why did you wake up so soon? Why don't you take a rest?"

Lei Ming shook his head and said: "It's been less than ten minutes since I came here! Send our friends off!"

Chen Xin'an turned his head and glanced at the person next to him.

He actually looked familiar.

Feng Zhichao, the kid who wanted to jump off a cliff.

Several others are also newcomers to the new training team, and like Lei Ming and Fang Kai, they all belong to the ten pure newcomers.

"Send it off?" Chen Xin'an glanced at everyone and asked, "Send it away where?"

Feng Zhichao and others looked embarrassed, sighed, lowered their heads and said, "We are going to be driven to the grassroots company!"

The newcomers all lowered their heads, looking sad.

Lei Ming lightly touched Chen Xin'an and whispered: "Master, please help me comfort them. What I said doesn't work!"

Chen Xin'an hadn't figured it out yet, so she said with a strange look on her face: "Rush to the grassroots company? I thought you could take off your military uniforms and go home directly!"

The faces of Feng Zhichao and the others became even more bitter, their noses and eyes were twisted into buns, and they looked like they were about to cry.

Lei Ming and Fang Kai also looked embarrassed.

Let me help you comfort me. Why are you adding insult to injury?

Lei Ming pulled Chen Xin'an's sleeve and whispered: "Master, what are you talking about! They want to stay!"

"Isn't it possible?" Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said, "I remember when you were at the top of Tianhook Peak, you would rather commit suicide by jumping off the cliff than wear these clothes and stay in the Black Mountain Tiger any longer!"

Feng Zhichao's face turned purple with shame!

He thought that Instructor Chen was humiliating him and making fun of him.

But looking at Chen Xin'an's baffled look, it became clear that he really didn't understand.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Zhichao sighed and said: "At this critical moment of life and death, people like us who have never suffered a serious crime really just want to go home.

He could even die instantly and happily without suffering the torture.

But when you calm down and the danger is over, you will realize how useless you are!

What are you doing here?

Don’t you just want to change yourself?

I cried and turned around and went back. I can't change in this life!

Instructor Chen, I don’t want to talk about dedication, responsibility, those vain things.

My family has been in the military since my great-grandfather was a child.

Generation after generation down to my generation, they all wear this military uniform.

I grew up in a military compound.

I am destined to wear these clothes in my life. This is the fate of my Feng family!

And not only do I want to wear this green uniform, I also want to join the best army in China!

In this way, my life will not be in vain! "

Feng Zhichao wiped his eyes and said with a wry smile: "This place is nothing special.

It's just a little more mysterious than other places and the training is a little harder.

The dangers faced are greater, and every soldier is treated more harshly.

But everyone wearing this green outfit was struggling to get here.

When given an opportunity, he will seize it with all his might.

Instructor Chen, do you know why?

Because only when you come here, your clothes are not in vain!

Your life has not been in vain!

I didn't understand this before, but now I understand it, but it's too late! "

Feng Zhichao's words reflected the thoughts of several other companions. They all nodded together with sad expressions.

Chen Xin'an also understood their intentions, no matter how cowardly they acted when they were dying.

But in my heart, I still regard joining the Montenegrin Tigers as a supreme honor.

Chen Xin'an pouted and said, "Isn't it easy to stay?

After all, you and the Black Mountain Tiger people have shared weal and woe, lived and died together.

It wouldn't be difficult to ask them for a favor and stay, right? "

Lei Ming shook his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "How can it be so easy, Master! What kind of place is this? The most unkind place!

It has been reported to the chief for approval, and the repatriation order has been issued. There is nothing we can do. "

Fang Kai looked at Chen Xin'an with wide eyes and said, "Brother An, you are the instructor!

Your words are very important. Why don't you tell the higher-ups? "

Feng Zhichao and the others' eyes lit up, and they all looked at Chen Xin'an expectantly.

Lei Ming snorted and said, "My master is just a new instructor, not the instructor leader. Don't make it difficult for him!"

The expressions of Feng Zhichao and the others turned gloomy.

Chen Xin'an turned around and asked, "Does the instructor team leader's words work?"

Lei Ming nodded and said, “I don’t know about other places.

However, in Montenegro Tigers, the instructor leader is equivalent to the deputy captain of the entire special operations team.

What you say still works! "

I didn't expect that guy Zhang Ji'an to have such great power.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Then I'll give it a try, but there's no guarantee it will succeed!"

Feng Zhichao and others were overjoyed and said to Chen Xin'an: "Then thank you first, Instructor Chen!"

Looking at the time, Feng Zhichao said to everyone: "The new training end meeting is about to be held.

Instructor Chen, please help me.

If we haven’t been removed from the list by the end of the conference, we definitely can’t stay! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "I'll give it a try, but there's no guarantee it will work!"

This is also Chen Xin'an's habit. Even if he is absolutely sure of something, he will not agree to it out of hand to avoid accidents.

Feng Zhichao and the other three left full of hope.

Lei Ming was also about to leave, but Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "Does that mean you two have been left behind?"

Lei Ming couldn't hide the joy in his heart and pretended to be reserved: "Ahem, it's not clear yet, it hasn't been officially issued.

But since it's not on the list, it can almost be kept. "

Fang Kai also said with a smile: "What a fluke! There are only fifteen of us out of more than a hundred people, and there are only two of us who are pure newcomers. What a fluke!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and cursed: "This is not a fluke, this is virtue!"

Lei Ming and Fang Kai also laughed.

Lei Ming said happily: "It's good to have a master! It's all for the sake of the master that we can..."

"Shut up!" Chen Xin'an grimaced and scolded him: "The fact that you can stay is the result of your own efforts and has nothing to do with me!

From now on, every day when you are here, don’t think that your master is an instructor, and you can sit back and relax!

Lei Ming, the reason why I didn’t teach you too many Kung Fu things in Dongshan is because I didn’t want you to leave too many of my marks on you.

I'm always looking for ways to unlock your body's potential.

Now I think you've found it!

Sending you here may be the most correct choice for you and me in this life!

So all your changes come from your own efforts.

Master will not be your patron saint, you yourself will be! "

Lei Ming's face was solemn and he nodded vigorously.

Instructing Fang Kai to take a good rest, Chen Xin'an returned to the camp with Lei Ming.

A new training summary meeting is about to be held in the playground, and Chen Xin'an is not among those invited.

It's not against him. No one from the rescue team needs to participate. They just have two days off and have a good rest.

As expected, Zhang Ji'an did not show up at the playground. When I asked Cai Yinfo, he was still sleeping and hadn't eaten lunch.

Is this a pig? I didn't wake up after sleeping for more than ten hours!

The door of dormitory 308 in Building 8 was opened silently.

A half-meter-long loudspeaker almost hit Zhang Jian's ears.

Then a hoarse violent roar suddenly sounded!

"Emergency gathering!"

Zhang Jian almost bounced off the bed and crashed through the roof!

He jumped to the ground in his big underpants, his eyes widened, and he looked at Chen Xin'an in confusion.

He scolded with a pale face: "What the hell do you want to do? You scared me to death!"


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