Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1257 I provoked them on purpose

There were more than 2,000 people in the entire playground, all lined up neatly at the moment, looking straight at the group of people on the high platform.

Almost everyone is trying their best to suppress the surging mood under their seemingly calm appearance.

They are well-deserved hot-blooded men.

Who can remain calm in such a passionate scene?

The fifteen people who represent the strongest and highest level of hand-to-hand combat in the entire Black Mountain Tiger Special Forces!

Just pick any one of them, and they are all famous and frightening to the enemies on the border!

Now fifteen people join forces to deal with one person.

It’s incredible that we have been fighting for so long without a winner!


Sha Hai punched Chen Xin'an in the heart. Before the punch touched Chen Xin'an's body, the wind of the fist made Chen Xin'an's clothes snap to his body!

Chen Xin'an raised his arm to block the three people's punches, but failed to block Sha Hai's punch.

He was punched hard in the chest, but at the same time Chen Xin'an kicked Sha Hai so hard that he sat on the ground!

Sha Hai put his hands on the ground and looked at Chen Xin'an as if he had seen a ghost!

A punch that could kill someone, hitting Instructor Chen, only caused his upper body to lean back slightly, without any injuries at all?

Even if he didn't use his full strength, this punch would not kill anyone. At the very least, it would make the person hit by the punch vomit two liters of blood.

That's good, let alone vomiting blood, I didn't even vomit phlegm.

What about hitting others with your fists or tickling them?

This instructor Chen is simply a monster, right?

At this moment, an even more horrifying scene appeared!

I saw Xia Houkui suddenly rushing towards Chen Xin'an, with the middle finger of his right hand protruding.

Under the cover of Li Xingjian, he used his knuckles to dig hard into Chen Xin'an's Adam's apple!

Military fighting skills!

Once you take action, you will either die or be disabled!

It seems that this kid is really hot, and he actually used such a move!

You must know that as special operations team members, it is normal for them to learn from each other.

A month later, there will be a biennial competition between the five major special teams.

But no matter what the comparison is, fighting skills will not be allowed to appear, because the consequences will be serious!

But now, Sha Hai watched as Xia Houkui's finger dug firmly into Chen Xin'an's Adam's apple.

But there was no scene where the Adam's apple was broken.

Instead, Chen Xin'an retracted his jaw and used his chin and chest to clamp Xia Houkui's right hand tightly.

Then he hit Xiahou Kui in the stomach with a heavy punch.

He beat his feet off the ground and spat all over Li Xingjian with a loud sound!

It hurts!

Sha Hai felt that his kick was not as powerful as Xiahou Kuina's punch, and it hurt just to look at it!

What's even more terrifying is that Instructor Chen, his whole body is made of iron, right?

He can't be hurt at all, and any part can be used as a weapon, and any part can be used to fight back.

Is this how scary Kung Fu is?

The moment Chen Xin'an punched, Hu Bing's side kick hit Chen Xin'an hard on the back!

I can't beat you in a duel. Now there are fifteen of us beating you one by one. Why don't you just get down and get down?

Unfortunately, this kick really didn't make Chen Xin'an lie down. It only made him take half a step forward, but he squatted down instantly!

Before Hu Bing could react, he was swept away by a sweeper!

His body was thrown horizontally, and before he could hit the ground, he was kicked in the stomach and flew backwards.

It hit a companion and they both fell to the ground!

He lay on the ground and looked at the tall Ji Feiying, who was already standing behind Chen Xin'an.

One hand held the back of Chen Xin'an's head, and the other hand grabbed his chin!

All it takes is one wrong move of your hands to break Chen Xin'an's neck!

Ji Feiying's hands had broken the necks of countless enemies.

This move is his famous skill!

"Nonsense!" Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun slapped the table and they all stood up!

They have all seen that this group of people has really fired up!

Now they are no longer competing, but fighting!

They even used the unique fighting skills of the special forces. If the fight continued like this, there would definitely be casualties!

But it's too late to stop it now!

These guys, once they risk their lives, they can only fight to the death!

Sure enough, the muscles in Ji Feiying's arms had bulged, and he used his hands to instantly twist Chen Xin'an's head!

When more than 2,000 people on the playground saw this scene, they all exclaimed!

Although this Instructor Chen looks down on the Black Mountain Tiger and is very hateful.

But the crime is not punishable by death. Just teach him a lesson and that's it. Beating him to death is a bit too much!

But no one blamed Ji Feiying.

Because in such an environment, it would be impossible for fifteen people to attack one person for a long time.

It's easy for people to hit harder and harder and lose control.

This is why fists and feet have no eyes.

However, the scene where everyone expected Chen Xin'an to have his neck broken did not happen.

After Ji Feiying used this move, Chen Xin'an used his left foot as the axis and spun his body in a circle!

This gave people the feeling that Ji Feiying had twisted not his head but his entire body.

While spinning, Chen Xin'an's right palm swept across and struck Ji Feiying's neck hard!

He directly chopped down the tall man until his knees were weak and he knelt on the ground.

Although Ji Feiying did not faint, his eyes were empty and his consciousness seemed to have fallen into nothingness.

There is only a shell left all over the body, which looks scary.

Just then, there was a gunshot!

Everyone was shocked, even those who were fighting.

The fighting stopped instantly, and everyone stared at Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun, whose faces were livid.

Tang Peng put the pistol into the holster on his waist and cursed at a group of people on the high platform:

“I called stop three times but I still can’t hear it, what do you want to do?

It's just a competition, and everyone is ruthless to death. Are you facing an enemy? "

Meng Jianjun also cursed angrily: "What nonsense! What nonsense!"

Are you all lawless?

How about going to the munitions depot to get equipment now? How about you each hold a gun and attack each other? "

A group of special operations team members lowered their heads and looked ashamed.

Indeed, just now everyone in his group seemed to be going crazy, wanting to kill the person who looked down on the Montenegrin tiger.

"Okay, stop scolding them, I forced them to do this!"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and waved her hands to Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun, with a look of "I don't care."

Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun were so angry that they almost vomited blood.

Why is this bastard so shameless?

We are mainly scolding you, okay?

Chen Xin'an continued: "I want to know their true strength, so I need to let everyone do their best.

So I said those words just so that they wouldn't have to show mercy to me.

What's more, most of them have just opened their keels.

Need a hearty vent.

Only in this way can they break through their physical potential and truly enjoy the benefits of opening the keel!

The situation just now was the best!

Don’t worry, there won’t be any consequences you expected! "

Everyone looked at Chen Xin'an in stunned silence.

It turns out that was his purpose!

It turns out that everyone misunderstood him!

It turns out that from beginning to end, he was thinking about us!

It turns out that he has never underestimated the Montenegrin tiger, and has always been thinking of ways to improve it!

The resentment in everyone's eyes when they looked at Chen Xin'an was gone, replaced by gratitude, worship, respect, admiration...

Against fifteen top Montenegrin tiger masters, he did not fall behind at all.

If the old man hadn't called him to stop, maybe all fifteen of them would have been defeated by him alone!

It is a blessing for the Black Mountain Tigers to have someone with such strength as their instructor!


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