Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1258 This is a good man

If it wasn't in front of so many people, Chen Xin'an really wanted to hug Tang Peng and kiss him!

Old man, you did a great job!

If you didn't fire this shot, I really don't know how to end it!

You are so pretentious!

I didn't expect these guys to be so difficult to deal with. I almost flipped over!

If they continue to fight, unless I am determined to kill someone, I will be beaten down by these guys!

Few of these people have received the inheritance of ancient martial arts.

But it doesn't mean that their strength is very weak.

On the contrary, it is ridiculously high!

Their fighting skills do not have any unnecessary movements.

Everything revolves around one purpose, which is to knock down and kill the opponent!

So such people are the most terrifying and the most difficult to deal with!

If Chen Xin'an was not a master of the third level of internal strength, he would have been knocked down long ago!

He also tried for the first time to spread his qi throughout his body.

This is like a person who has practiced external kung fu and has a golden bell cover and iron cloth shirt.

Others' attacks on him were offset by his qi.

Even so, he was still sore all over as if he was put in a sack.

And his throat was so sore that he could hardly speak, but he was just pretending to be calm.

Fortunately, he managed to scare everyone.

Otherwise, if the car overturned, he would have to flee this place overnight, and he really couldn't stay there any longer!

Chen Xinan waved to Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun, indicating that they didn't have to worry.

Then he asked the fifteen people in front of him to get off and return to their teams.

Then he said to everyone: "From today on, what I'm going to teach you is not kung fu!"

Everyone looked at each other, not understanding what Chen Xinan said.

You are a fighting instructor. If you don't teach us kung fu, what will you teach us?

It won't be some mysterious thing like practicing martial arts first to cultivate the mind, martial virtues, meditation, etc., right?

Chen Xinan didn't let everyone confuse it for too long, and then said: "What I'm going to teach you is the real ancient martial arts killing skills!

There are no routines or tricks, and the purpose of attacking is only one purpose, that is to take the opponent's life!"

Everyone's eyes lit up.

In the past, fighting instructors taught Bajiquan and Taijiquan.

I learned all the major schools of ancient martial arts. It can be said that they are useful, but they are not practical on the battlefield.

When others are killing you, do you still want to show your starting posture?

People who have inherited ancient martial arts understand one thing.

Real kung fu is a killing technique, not aerobics.

But there are not many people who really understand the killing techniques of ancient martial arts.

Because few people can condense the killing techniques in kung fu into a special set of techniques.

If you use it that way, it doesn't look like kung fu.

Fortunately, Chen Xinan knows how to do it!

Because there are people on Qingniu Mountain who specialize in this.

His name is the old blind man.

In the past, Chen Xinan didn't know the identity of the old blind man.

Now I guess he is either a bodyguard of the older generation.

Or a real killer.

Only these people practice this kind of kung fu!

On Qingniu Mountain, everyone is Chen Xinan's master.

Otherwise, with Yao Zhifeng's skills, if he just threw a martial arts secret book to Chen Xin'an, he could have trained a monster who had reached the third level of internal strength in his twenties?

You should know that the fact that Chen Xin'an didn't fall to death on the cable car was not the only time he was close to death.

His touch with death began from that moment.

On Qingniu Mountain, he didn't know how many times he was almost beaten to death.

In the huge Qingniu Mountain, there are thousands of hidden masters who can't make it outside.

Some are even murderers on the run.

So each of them has a twisted mind.

Chen Xin'an has been fighting wits and courage with this group of people since he was a child, and he can't even count the number of times he was almost beaten to death!

But he also learned some real skills, such as the old blind man's ancient martial arts killing skills.

There is no fixed move, but the move is a one-hit kill, never dragging it out.

Of course, if there is no strong power and speed, no matter how powerful the killing move is, it is just aerobics.

Seeing everyone's excited faces, Chen Xinan smiled and said to them:

"What I want to teach is not only killing skills, but also escape skills!"

"Huh?" Now, not to mention the more than 2,000 special forces members, even Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun were stunned.

Chen Xinan looked at everyone calmly, nodded and said: "You may say:

We are soldiers, we are Black Mountain Tiger special forces.

We go to the battlefield, we only fall down, not run away!

We would rather die gloriously than live in humiliation!"

Everyone's face showed the rightful feeling.

Chen Xinan shook his head and said to everyone: "You have to remember one thing:

I am not talking about begging for mercy, but escape skills!

I know you are not afraid of death!

None of our Black Mountain Tigers is a coward!"

Everyone unconsciously straightened their chests.

Chen Xinan continued, "But if you can survive, why do you have to die?

Wouldn't it be better to survive and kill more enemies?

If there is a way to escape from a situation that seems to be certain to die, why not do it?

I want to tell all of you!

Everyone's life is precious and only once.

If there is a chance to survive, don't give up easily!

You think escape techniques are useless, let me give you an example.

When you are captured, the enemy will not let you commit suicide, so what will you do?

You know, the Montenegrin tiger will never give up on any of its brothers.

As long as I know you are still alive, I will save you at all costs!

So, can you bear to watch your comrades sacrifice themselves in front of you one by one in order to save you?

If you have the ability to save yourself, can this situation be avoided? "

Everyone's eyes lit up.

The situation Chen Xin'an mentioned has not never happened!

And every rescue operation will cause heavy casualties!

If you really master the escape technique mentioned by instructor Chen, wouldn't it mean that you can escape without bothering your comrades?

You can even cooperate with your comrades inside and outside, and you might even be able to destroy the enemy's nest!

Chen Xin'an saw that everyone was no longer so repelled by this escape technique, she nodded and continued:

“These are the two major courses I took as an instructor when I came to Montenegro Tigers.

As for training methods, I don’t have any subjects, but I have a few requirements.

From now on, cancel the ten-kilometer cross-country trip with weight! "

Everyone was stunned, their faces full of surprise.

You must know that this is a subject formulated by instructor Zhang and has been unbeatable over the years.

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to everyone: "Don't be happy so early!

The five kilometers saved became free climbing!

It's the cliff above the Tianlu.

And it is possible to climb without removing the load and without tools.

The passing time is within forty minutes!

There is also a training routine.

In the evening, physical fitness includes 500 fist push-ups, 300 finger push-ups, and 500 squats!

It will be like this every night from now on. After finishing, I go to bed.

If you can't finish something, even if you turn off the lights, you can't go to bed until you finish it!

That's all I have to say.

If you have any opinions, you can raise them now. "

No one spoke, everyone was confused by Chen Xin'an's strange training method.

In fact, every instructor comes and makes some big and small adjustments to the training.

Everyone is used to it.

What Chen Xin'an said seems to be very harsh to ordinary people.

But to them, it's nothing.

Even a little childish.

Everyone felt that this was because Instructor Chen could not bear to increase the burden on everyone and did not pay attention to this training change.

This is a good man!

I know I feel sorry for my brothers.

But that night, all the barracks buildings were filled with wailing!


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