Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1259 He is not a good person, he is a devil

Now that Chen Xin'an sat down in the restaurant, no one was avoiding him anymore.

The instructors all wanted to sit next to him, and everyone wanted to curry favor with him.

Just kidding, who would dare to provoke him in a one-on-one battle with the fifteen strongest Montenegrin Tigers?

You can't scratch your itchy skin like this, I can peel off a whole piece of skin for you!

After looking around, Chen Xin'an asked Gu Jinchao: "Instructor Zhang hasn't gotten up yet?"


The assistant coach next to him, Song Yong, couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.

Cai Yinfo scolded with a dark face: "Why are you laughing?"

Song Yong quickly confessed honestly: "Instructor Zhang was scolded by Wang Ke and Wen Qi from the team medical office for more than half an hour this afternoon!

Now I don't even dare to come down to eat, so I ask the orderly to go to the dormitory to eat. "

"Why?" Cai Yinfo looked confused.

Song Yong explained: "Instructor Chen... didn't give Instructor Zhang a box of sanitary napkins, but Instructor Zhang threw it away.

I don’t know who has done so much and picked it up again.

Use double-sided tape to stick them one by one on the door of Instructor Zhang’s dormitory.

Instructor Zhang came out in the afternoon and was so angry when he saw this thing that he even tore it apart and stepped on it.

And throw it into the trash can.

What a coincidence, Wang Ke and Wen Qi happened to send Han Lei back to his dormitory.

I became anxious when I saw this.

They said that there wasn't much inventory at the base, so they could save it for their own use.

If instructor Chen hadn't asked for it personally, he wouldn't have given it to him.

How can it be that Instructor Zhang doesn’t appreciate it and still wastes it like this?

Instructor Zhang didn't dare to talk back, so he closed the door and hid.

The two nurses have stopped talking harshly.

From now on, Instructor Zhang will go to the team doctor's office and he will use injections for both major and minor illnesses.

If you use the biggest needle, ask him to practice!

I think instructor Zhang is going to be in bad luck!

Don't offend anyone, don't offend the people at the team doctor's office!

Who is so wicked as to put this thing on someone’s door? "

Cai Yinfo and Gu Jinchao turned their heads together and looked at Chen Xin'an without blinking.

Chen Xin'an, who looked normal, put down his chopsticks, as if he had just noticed the look in the eyes of these two guys, and immediately shouted:

"Look what I'm doing? I'm such a wicked person!"

Cai Yinfo and Gu Jinchao were speechless.

Do you have no idea whether you are a wicked person?

The things are just gifts from you. Isn’t this immoral enough?

You can imagine it with your heels, you did it!

Neither of them had to see the scene with their own eyes, they could imagine it.

Instructor Zhang had a full sleep and walked out of his dormitory refreshed.

When I turned around, I saw that the door of my bedroom was covered with those kinds of things.

What an expression it would have looked like at that time!

If he spirals into the sky on the spot when he is out of breath, he is already considered to have a lot of energy, right?

This bastard Chen Xin'an is too dark and cruel.

If you offend him, you will kill him directly!

Both of them had a feeling of tightening at the base of their tails.

How dare you expose this guy to his face? He just smiled awkwardly and wisely shut his mouth!

Having learned from the past, the two of them did not dare to provoke this guy again.

Isn’t it good to be alive?

Why do you have to seek death?

After eating and drinking, Chen Xin'an wandered to the kitchen.

As soon as he saw the new instructor arriving, Division Chief Zhu Guiwu and squad leader Zhang Chuang ran up to meet him, nodded and bowed and said:

"Welcome, Instructor Chen, to come to the cooking class to inspect the work! Lao Zhang, where are the persimmons you just picked? Wash two big ones for Instructor Chen to try!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and scolded: "Don't be so foolish! Let me ask you, did the team doctor send the herbs I brought back?"

"They were all delivered here, including the recipes!" Zhu Guiwu pointed to the large stove and said to Chen Xin'an: "As per your request, they have been washed. When will they be cooked?"

Chen Xin'an walked over and looked at the herbs that were put into the big bucket and said, "You will use them after lunch tomorrow. You can decide when to cook them."

"There's no rush!" Zhang Chuang grinned and said, "Instructor Zhang will tell me who will use it. I'll cook two big pots by then. Will it be enough to drink?"

Chen Xin'an said with a smile: "This is not for drinking, it is for soaking your hands!"

"Soaking hands? For whom? Whose hands are so valuable that Instructor Chen personally collects the herbs and brings them back for cooking?" Zhang Chuang said with an indignant look.

Chen Xin'an laughed, looked at him and said: "Everyone! The whole brigade! These medicines are enough for three days, so you must not cook them all in one go.

And it doesn’t matter whether it’s hot or cold, but everyone in the team must be able to take a dip.

If one person is missing, I will drag your cooking class to the training ground and practice together so that you can have a taste of it too! "

The expressions of Zhu Guiwu and Zhang Chuang changed.

Zhu Guiwu slapped Zhang Chuang on the head and cursed: "Why are you still standing there! Hurry up and make a fire to boil the medicine!"

Even if I stay up all night tonight, I still have to make enough medicinal soup! "

Chen Xin'an nodded with a smile and said to everyone: "Good job, comrades!"

After waiting for a long time, I still didn't get the sentence "Serve the people"!

Because no one paid any attention to him, he had no choice but to turn around and leave angrily.

The evening training started in full swing in each barracks.

At first, everyone didn't take Chen Xin'an's new regulations seriously.

It's not that everyone has done it before, such as punch-ups, finger push-ups, squats, etc. It's just that they haven't really been treated as training sessions and they have been persisted every day.

But after doing about two hundred punch-ups, the pain began to slowly rise!

Even though everyone has been practicing hard qigong for several years, it’s like breaking bricks and tiles just for fun.

But I am still very uncomfortable with this kind of pain that slowly penetrates and becomes harder to hold on to!

Fortunately, the Montenegrin Tigers can continue to practice even if their hands are cut off.

That iron will is not something you can just blow out.

So everyone insisted on finishing the fist push-ups, regardless of the unbearable pain in their hands, and performed another 300 finger push-ups.

Only then did I realize that the pain of fist push-ups was nothing compared to finger push-ups!

After finally completing three hundred finger-presses, everyone felt that the hands were no longer theirs!

But fortunately, my hands will not be of much use for the next squat.

But after doing two hundred exercises, I realized that I would rather do boxing push-ups and finger push-ups than practice this kind of ghost thing!

The special operations team members who never complained about being tired were miserable during night training for the first time!

During the day, I thought that Instructor Chen was a good person!

I am reluctant to assign too heavy training tasks to everyone.

Now I know that that guy is a devil!

A butcher!

This kind of training is basically treating people to death!

People who finally insist on finishing it seem to have no energy to even go to bed.

He didn't even take off his clothes or take a shower, he just climbed into bed and fell asleep!

Hearing that his training subjects had been changed, Zhang Jian's face turned livid with anger.

Can you modify it? At least tell me, right?

This is also the most basic respect for me.

But that bastard Chen Xin'an made changes as soon as he was told, not to mention killing first and then playing, he didn't even play. This clearly doesn't take me, the team leader, seriously!

Thinking about this guy's insult to him today, which even made him angry with the nurse in the team medical office, Zhang Ji'an felt such hatred in his heart!

At this point, he felt that he could no longer endure it and could no longer hide from this guy.

If you have any grievances, let's put it out in the open.

In Montenegro Tiger, there is no need for intrigue.

Of course, he didn't have the confidence to negotiate with Chen Xin'an in front of everyone.

That madman can do anything!

Anyway, he has slept enough today and is not sleepy anymore, so he will wait until everyone has rested before looking for him.

Until eleven o'clock, the entire camp became quiet and everyone fell asleep.

Zhang Ji'an tiptoed to 312. When he opened the door, it was unlocked!

"Chen Xin'an, I want to follow you..." He walked into the bedroom, took a flashlight and took a photo of it on the bed, and was stunned.

The bed was empty. Where had this guy been in the middle of the night?


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