Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1260 This guy might be a spy

This is in the Black Mountain Tigers, no different than other places.

Don't leave the building after lights out. It's illegal to leave your dormitory.

Of course, Building 8 is not that strict. After all, they are all instructors and cadres.

However, you are not allowed to run around arbitrarily, and you must report in advance.

After all, Zhang Ji'an is the leader of the instructor team, and Chen Xin'an is also inferior to his subordinates in terms of staffing.

He couldn't find anyone in the middle of the night and didn't report it to him. When the superiors investigated, he couldn't escape his involvement.

So while he was in good spirits and had slept enough during the day, he searched the entire building on No. 8, inside and out, but couldn't find anyone!

I ran downstairs to the inner guard post and asked the sentry. The door was locked. No one had gone out after the lights were turned off!

This means that either the kid is still upstairs, or he grew wings and flew out, or he never came back tonight!

The first two are definitely impossible, and in the end only the third scenario is left, which is also the most likely scenario.

This guy didn't come back tonight?

So where did he go?

Building No. 8 rarely rolls calls late, and few people don't wander around in their dormitories in the middle of the night.

After all, this is a desert mountain forest.

Surrounded by virgin forests and without supermarket KTVs, who would run out of their minds?

And it's not easy to run outside at night. There are several sentries from the dormitory to the base gate!

There are both fixed and mobile sentries, so it’s not that easy to get out!

Zhang Jian returned to his dormitory, picked up the internal phone and called the sentry at the gate to inquire about the situation.

There was no one at the gate.

This is strange!

Where did this guy go?

Did he go to the warrior barracks to find his apprentice?

This is impossible. If he is really there, the squad leader will report it directly, and there is no place to sleep.

Where can he sleep in a bunk for one person?

Sharing a bed with your apprentice?

The relationship between master and apprentice is getting better, right?

If he wasn't looking for his apprentice, where was this guy?

Became a deserter?


Zhang Jian was startled by his own thoughts.

But in a place like this, this kind of issue is the most sensitive.

Even the most ordinary green-suited person must go through strict political review.

Chen Xin'an was just appointed by the big boss and sent here directly. No one knew his details.

So who knows if you are a spy?

He stayed up late at night, hiding from the sentries and running around the camp to collect intelligence.

Then report it to the hostile forces, and it is not impossible to take down the entire Montenegro tiger!

Of course, this is just a guess. Where exactly this guy went is still a mystery.

Zhang Jian was already suffering from neurasthenia. He slept all day again today and now he is completely out of energy.

After thinking wildly for a while, I sat in the dormitory and called the inner guard post.

When you find Chen Xin'an back, call him immediately, no matter what time it is!

Unexpectedly, the phone never rang until morning exercises the next morning, and Chen Xin'an didn't come back all night!

Wearing green clothes, he stayed up all night and did not report or ask for leave.

This is a serious violation of discipline in the Black Mountain Tigers!

You didn't take the rules and regulations seriously after just a few days here. Chen Xin'an, you are so brave!

As long as this matter is reported to the old man, no matter what reasons Chen Xin'an has, he can at least get a punishment.

But just when he was about to go to the office building to file a complaint, Chen Xin'an appeared!

This guy appeared in the dining hall like a ghost. After breakfast, he wandered back to Building 8.

This guy is simply unorganized and undisciplined!

Free and undisciplined to the extreme!

Even as an instructor, you can't ignore the system so much. This is the army, not your home!

However, Zhang Jian did not teach him a lesson in front of so many people.

After all, he wasn't sure where Chen Xin'an went last night.

If it's really what he suspected.

This was a huge event, so he had to be fully prepared.

Only then can the other party be unable to quibble and have nowhere to hide!

Taking advantage of Chen Xin'an's absence from the training, Zhang Ji'an called together the team captains and even the squad leaders and asked them carefully about what happened last night.

Several things were determined.

Chen Xin'an did not go to other barracks last night.

Not even one squad or one of the squads saw him.

He also didn't go to hospitals or office buildings.

No one knows where this guy was last night.

It was like he disappeared out of thin air all night, and then suddenly appeared again after dawn!

So mysterious and hidden, Zhang Jian was almost 80% sure that Chen Xin'an must have done something unknown last night!

And this matter is not necessarily glorious, otherwise he would not hide it from everyone!

Let everyone disperse and go back to training.

Zhang Jian suppressed his excitement and lowered his head in deep thought.

If you plant flowers intentionally, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will create shade.

Is it possible that he had already given up on dealing with this guy Chen Xin'an, but he himself gave the clue and stuffed it into Zhang Ji'an's hands?

But Zhang Jian is a little hesitant now.

It was really a psychological shadow caused by this guy Chen Xin'an!

If he made a mistake in judgment again this time, he would not be able to imagine what kind of life he would have in the future.

What kind of revenge I got from that guy Chen Xin'an!

But if it is true as he guessed, this matter is not just a personal grudge.

This has risen to the level of collective security.

As the instructor leader of the Montenegrin Tiger Special Forces, he has the responsibility to fight against all bad elements that threaten the security of the base!

Of course, he will not take action blindly again.

He wanted Chen Xin'an to have nothing to say or make any excuses, so that he could bow his head and confess his guilt.

And in order to prevent him from escaping or resisting, he had to do it in front of everyone.

So what if you, Chen Xin'an, can fight again?

The whole Montenegrin tiger is staring at you, do you still dare to kill me and silence me in front of everyone?

During lunch, Chen Xin'an finally appeared in the dining hall.

Maybe I caught up on my sleep in the morning, so I seem to be in good spirits.

He smiled and said to everyone: "After everyone has eaten, gather in the small square at the door with your own washbasin.

The cooking class has already cooked the potion for everyone, and each person takes a basin back.

Soak for half an hour before resting.

Don’t throw away the water after soaking. After training in the evening, soak again for half an hour.

Tomorrow at noon, I will change the potion, and it will be the same.

Soaking for three days is enough.

Remember, soak after training tonight, don’t soak in advance, especially not within an hour before training.

Otherwise, your fingernails will peel off one by one, and I won't be able to help you grow new ones by then! "

Everyone just listened and said nothing.

It is this devil that makes it very difficult for everyone to even pick up a bowl and pick up food with chopsticks.

You must use all your strength to stop your hands from shaking!

We are all the elites among the elites. What kind of training have we not experienced?

It’s been so many years since I’ve felt like this!

I originally thought that this fierce warrior who could challenge fifteen top field players by himself would have such a novel and miraculous training method.

So that everyone can greatly increase their strength and break through themselves in a short period of time!

I can't believe that this is a common method, but it just increases the amount!

Is this kind of thing really useful to our strength?

You're not the new official's go-to guy when he takes office, and you just want to get rid of us, right?

After Chen Xin'an finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Seeing the anger and hatred towards this guy in everyone's eyes, Zhang Jian grinned and was happy.

Moral support from many, scant support.

Chen Xin'an, you are so unpopular in Montenegro.

Once it falls into my hands, it will be your misfortune!

I'm afraid there won't even be a chance to fight back, right?


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