Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1261 You Promised to Help Me

I have to say that the potions prepared by the cooking class are really effective for everyone's current situation.

After soaking for half an hour, my fingers, which were so sore, were indeed much relieved.

But when they thought about the fighting class again in the afternoon, everyone felt a little uneasy.

Maybe that devil has some boring and perverted projects waiting for you!

The devil has already said that he will not let everyone actually learn any ancient martial arts killing skills for at least a month.

It’s all about basic training.

Only after he passes the test will he be taught the real killing skills!

After exercise in the afternoon, Chen Xinan came to the training ground.

The coaching staff who were gathered together to talk glanced at him and subconsciously avoided their gazes.

Just as Zhang Jian was about to come over, Gu Jinchao grabbed his arm and said:

"Team leader, I still think we should check it out first, and don't make a fuss about it as soon as it comes up.

No matter what happens, everyone will not have no way out..."

Cai Yinfo sneered and said: "Lao Gu, are you really afraid of being dealt with by this guy?

This doesn't look like you!

We people, what kind of evil spirits have we not seen?

The team leader had been investigating him all night, could he still be wronged?

Besides, this is a major matter related to the life and death of our entire Montenegrin tiger.

Even if I get revenge from that guy, I won't let him succeed!

If you are really afraid of him, just stand aside and watch.

The team leader and I are going! "

Gu Jinchao frowned, looked at him and said, "I'm not afraid, I just don't believe that Instructor Chen would do such a thing!"

"Hey, Lao Gu, when did you and Chen Xin'an wear the same pair of pants?" Cai Yinfo sneered, looked at Gu Jinchao with a sarcastic face and said:

"Then what you're saying is that the team leader made something out of nothing and framed her?"

Gu Jinchao took a deep breath, looked at Cai Yinfo with a sarcastic face and said: "I dare not say that such suspicion is impossible, after all, people's hearts are unpredictable.

But I just want to remind you that for a person, making one mistake is a misunderstanding, making a second mistake is a misunderstanding, and making three or four mistakes is stupid!

We have already suffered big losses before. If we still act recklessly without real evidence, we will be the ones who suffer the losses and be embarrassed in the end!

I just don't want to make any more jokes like this.

To put it bluntly, it is true that Chen Xin'an disappeared last night, but must he have done something disgraceful?

If he wanted to be a spy, why would he choose to act when he had just arrived in Montenegro a few days ago and had not even had a firm footing?

And how does he communicate with the outside world?

Without any communication tools, what's the use of doing those disgraceful things?

To catch a thief and catch the stolen goods, and to fall out completely without getting these things, we are just letting ourselves repeat the mistakes of the past again!

I will not participate in such a thing! "

After Gu Jinchao finished speaking, he turned around and left without hesitation.


Cai Yinfo's face was gloomy, he spit on the ground fiercely, and said to Zhang Jian:

"Team leader, I think this guy is no longer on the same page as us!

After finishing dealing with Chen Xin'an, let's find another opportunity to drive him away too!

Don't worry, I will always stand by the team leader.

We can still deal with Chen Xin'an without him.

I'm going to call the patrol sentry over now! "

The patrol posts inside the base are armed with live ammunition.

It is to deal with unexpected situations.

According to Zhang Ji'an's original idea, a team of instructors and a few confidants formed an encirclement to trap Chen Xin'an first.

Then Zhang Jian came to question him about his whereabouts last night.

If something goes wrong, everyone will join the patrol and handcuff Chen Xin'an.

So what if you can fight?

What kind of society is it now?

No matter how powerful your fists and kicks are, in front of bullets, it's still a matter of one shot!

Before Cai Yinfo could turn around, Zhang Jian suddenly stopped him and said, "Wait a minute! What Lao Gu said is not unreasonable..."

Cai Yinfo's eyes widened and he looked at Zhang Jian in disbelief and asked, "Team leader, why do you listen to him? Are you really a little afraid of Chen Xin'an?"

Zhang Jian frowned, turned to look at him and asked, "What about you? Are you afraid?"

"Of course I..." Cai Yinfo opened his mouth to say it, but suddenly paused, shrank his neck for no reason, and said with some lack of confidence: "Don't be afraid..."

Zhang Jian didn't care about this with him, and said in a deep voice: "Lao Gu is right.

There is no definite evidence, just a guess.

To use such a method would be tantamount to completely falling out with him, and then there would be no steps left!

I'd better understand it clearly first! "

Cai Yinfo opened his mouth, but before he could finish speaking, Zhang Jian strode up to Chen Xin'an and said straight to the point:

"Chen Xin'an, I have something to ask you!

Last night, you didn't come home all night.

I want to know, what have you been doing?

Can anyone prove it?

In other words, can you provide evidence? "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him, curled her lips and said, "Why should I tell you? Is it your fault?"

"You..." Zhang Jian almost choked at the rebuke and shouted at him: "Chen Xin'an, don't forget your current identity!

Don’t forget where you are now!

This is Montenegro Tiger, and I am the leader of the instructor team.

I have the right to know the movements of my team members every day, and you must report to me truthfully! "

Cai Yinfo snorted, looked at Chen Xin'an with a sarcastic face and said, "Chen Xin'an, I advise you not to quibble.

Everything you do here has a trace.

So denial is useless.

Rather than letting everyone find out, it is better to speak out yourself and seek leniency! "

"Leniency?" Chen Xin'an looked at Cai Yinfo with a half-smile, then looked at Zhang Ji'an, grinned, waved to them and said:

“It’s not convenient to tell you what I did last night.

But you don’t have to guess, I didn’t do anything wrong.

When the time comes, you will naturally understand! "

"Chen Xin'an!" Cai Yinfo shouted angrily and scolded him: "Why are you still so stubborn!

Do you think we are asking you for an answer?

We are really interrogating you!

Regardless of your convenience, you must tell the truth!

Where did you go last night?

If you can't tell it, or it's nonsense, then don't blame us for being unkind!

Believe it or not, I will call the patrol right now and handcuff you directly? "

The coaching staff has gathered around.

Some team members also finished running and were moving their joints not far away. After hearing what was said here, they also gathered around.

The people in the instructor team already knew the team leader’s intention just now.

Although there was some hesitation, now that they had spoken openly, they all sided with the team leader.

Not just because Zhang Ji'an is everyone's leader.

More importantly, what Chen Xin'an did was indeed a violation of discipline!

"Instructor Chen, I think you should tell the team leader. He does have the right to know where you went last night!"

"That's the way the army is. There are limits to everything. You can't just do whatever you want."

"Yes, Instructor Chen, if you have any difficulties, you can tell us and we will help you together!"

Chen Xin'an turned his head and looked at the assistant teachers around him.

Although they all doubt him, the tone of these people has really changed a lot compared to before.

Chen Xin'an thought for a while and said to everyone: "You really want to know what I did last night?

Can you still help me? "

Cai Yinfo grinned and said to Chen Xin'an: "Then it depends on whether your matter is worthy of our help! If it is to betray the Montenegrin tiger, then we... haha!"

"Don't worry! That's definitely not the case!" Chen Xin'an also smiled and said to everyone: "Then let's go, I will take you to see what I did last night!

Remember your promise and come to help me as promised! "

Everyone looked at each other, suddenly feeling an ominous feeling, as if they had been trapped in some kind of trap!


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