Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1262 You don’t know what I want

To be on the safe side, Zhang Jian pulled a platoon from the crowd of people watching and followed him. The leader was Hu Bing.

Even though Hu Bing has been dealt with by Chen Xin'an many times, he has to admit that he is a fierce man among the Black Mountain Tigers.

The monkey on the cliff almost scratched him to death.

His face was scratched.

However, he only received rabies vaccine and anti-inflammatory injections, applied some medicine, and continued to participate in training without missing a single day.

In Montenegro Tiger, as long as you can still move and don't have to lie down on the bed, you will not fall behind in training.

No one dares to be lazy, because once you fall behind in training, you will need to work extra hard to keep up when you participate again.

So not only him, but also Han Lei limped to the training ground on crutches.

He also followed the team and was taken to the Tianlu Cliff by Chen Xin'an.

"Chen Xin'an, why did you bring everyone here?" Zhang Jian frowned, looked at him and said, "Don't tell me that you stayed here all night last night?"

Chen Xin'an grinned, snapped her fingers, and said to him: "Smart! You guessed it right!"

"Who are you fooling!" Cai Yinfo scolded angrily: "Are you sick? You stayed up in the middle of the night and you came here to hide?

There are no lights here in the dark winter. What are you doing here?

You can't just practice your way to heaven in the dark, right? "

Chen Xin'an said to him with a smile: "Go to the cliff and see if there are any changes?"

Cai Yinfo frowned, walked to the edge of the cliff inexplicably, looked around and said:

"Change? What change can there be? You have widened the road to heaven? Isn't this idle?"

Han Lei, who was leaning on crutches, touched the cliff next to him and said:

“It’s not that the sky path is widened, but that a lot of excavations are made on the cliff walls.

This is...a point of strength for freehand rock climbing!

Instructor Chen, do you want to use this as a training ground? "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "This is an excellent free-standing rock climbing training ground.

Just needs a little tweaking.

I struggled all night last night, but only completed one-fifth of it. "

Cai Yinfo asked with a puzzled look on his face: "No, you are a fighting and fighting instructor, why did you get into rock climbing on a whim?

This is not a project you are responsible for!

Does this have anything to do with your training sessions? "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Yes! But with your IQ, it's hard for me to explain it to you.

So you just need to know that everything I do is on purpose, and that’s it! "

"You..." Cai Yinfo's face turned livid with anger and he glared at Chen Xin'an fiercely.

A group of special operations team members who came over looked at the rock wall around them in disbelief.

It turns out that Instructor Chen didn't rest all night, so he just came here and silently chiseled the rock wall alone!

Just to create a training ground suitable for free climbing for everyone!

Everyone looked at Chen Xin'an with emotion. The resentment that they could not even hold a bowl or hold chopsticks with their hands that had been trained last night suddenly dissipated.

Hu Bing came over, held Chen Xin'an's hand, and said with gratitude:

"Instructor Chen, although sometimes I think you are not a good person.

But it is undeniable that although you are not a good person, you are not too bad!

It was my fault before, but you will be my most admired instructor from now on..."

"Get out! You are not a good person!" Chen Xin'an kicked him away and looked at Zhang Jian next to him with a teasing look.

At this moment, Zhang Jian and Cai Yinfo's faces were burning with embarrassment.

Do you still suspect that they are not doing good things and think that they are spies?

Everything is just your own delusion!

They stayed up all night, just risking their lives to renovate the training ground.

I actually want the patrol sentry to bring a gun to deal with them!

Zhang Jian broke into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, he finally listened to what Gu Jinchao said just now.

Otherwise, once they completely break up, he has no idea what kind of situation he is facing now!

Cai Yinfo coughed twice and said to Chen Xin'an: "Why don't you report to the team leader when you come here?

Don’t blame us for making random guesses, but blame yourself for being unorganized and undisciplined!

Even if what you do is necessary, your behavior has violated the Montenegrin Tiger system! "

Chen Xin'an grinned, walked between him and Zhang Jian, then put his arms around their shoulders and said with a smile:

"Aren't I afraid of affecting you?

I'm sorry to ask you for help, so I came here secretly to do it myself.

But just now you volunteered to help, I really want to thank you!

Originally I planned to finish it in a week.

If you join now, it will be completed in three days at most.

It was so kind that I felt a little embarrassed.

Now I can finally realize what a warm family our instructors are!

You are really good to me! "

Your uncle!

Cai Yinfo now wants to slap himself in the face!

Why are you getting involved in this?

No wonder I felt a chill running down my spine just now halfway through!

Sure enough, nothing good happened!

Isn't this sick if I stay up late at night and come here to chisel rocks?

Seeing the team leader and the teaching assistants next to him looking like they wanted to eat him, Cai Yinfo shrank his neck and hid in despair.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to Zhang Jian: "Team Leader Zhang, when the lights go out at night, I will call you!

When the time comes, you have to bring everyone here to help me! "

Zhang Jian looked at Chen Xin'an. After a long time, he surprisingly nodded and said, "Okay!"

He clapped his hands and said to everyone: "Everyone go back and continue training! Instructor Chen, let's go back together?"

After the team members and the assistant coaches left together, Chen Xin'an asked Zhang Jian as he walked: "What does instructor Zhang want to say to me?"

Zhang Jian looked forward and said in a deep voice: "I already said this before going to rescue the new training team.

If you come back alive, I will let you do whatever you want.

I know you haven't forgotten this.

The reason why he didn't do anything was because he didn't want to get into too much trouble with me.

Or, you are also waiting for an opportunity.

After lunch, I will go to the office building.

Officially resigned from the position of leader of the instructor team.

And I will recommend you to be the new team leader of Montenegro Tiger! "

"Me?" Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment and pointed to his nose.

Zhang Jian nodded and said, "Yes, it's you!"

He looked at Chen Xin'an and said calmly: "I know you are a capable and ambitious person!

This team leader asked you to do it much better than me!

If none of this satisfies you, I will apply for retirement and job transfer.

I only have two requests.

First, the instructor leader of the Black Mountain Tigers is also the deputy captain of the entire Black Mountain Tigers!

So every move you make affects the life and death of more than 2,000 of our Montenegrin tiger brothers!

Don't be impulsive, don't get ahead of yourself!

Second, although these brothers in the instructor team have had trouble with you, they are all capable people.

We have always done our best to our Montenegrin Tigers team members.

So I beg you to let them go.

People like Cai Yinfo, Gu Jin Dynasty, Han Lei, Song Yong and others, I forced them to do it before they offended you.

Instructor Chen has a lot of them and doesn’t care about them.

I'm gone, they will be your good helpers!

Chen Xin'an, promise me these two conditions, and I will give you the position and this business you want, will you do it? "

Chen Xin'an turned his head, looked at Zhang Jian beside him, laughed, patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Instructor Zhang, actually you don't even know what I want!

I have never wanted your position as team leader!

You don't need to resign, let alone become a professional, just continue to be your instructor leader.

I will only stay here for three months.

When I'm done with my business, I'll leave. "


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