Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1263 He is a standard male god

Being led by Chen Xin'an to climb the cliff and cut rocks for three consecutive nights, the entire instructor team almost collapsed!

They are no better than this guy Chen Xinan.

They train in the afternoon, so even if they work all night, they can still rest in the morning the next day.

But they are training full time!

Even if Chen Xin'an didn't let them work all night, this little rest time was not enough, causing them to lose energy all day long.

I originally expected the team leader to make the decision for everyone.

I never expected that Team Leader Zhang, who had always been at odds with Chen Xin'an, seemed to be a completely different person!

Every night I personally go to each dormitory of the instructor team to call for people, personally supervise the work, and work harder than anyone else!

Fortunately, the work was finally completed after three days, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The team members are still complaining about Chen Xin'an's training.

But after three days of soaking in the potion, no one's fingers were injured.

And everyone seems to be slowly getting used to this intensity of training.

In fact, for the members of the Montenegrin Tigers, they have seen all kinds of cruel training.

It's just that these training subjects of Chen Xin'an have nothing to do with cruelty, and they can't even break the limit of physical strength.

But the training of the hands and legs is even more focused.

Now everyone feels like their fingers are broken and their thighs are thicker than before!

Until now, Chen Xin'an has not taught anyone a single move. On the contrary, he has taught more tricks in basic training.

If you stick thumbtacks in the palm of your hand, you can only use your fingers to support the ground.

The legs were lifted up from behind and pushed around the playground like a cart!

As long as your fingers can't hold on and your palms fall to the ground, the thumbtacks will pierce into the flesh mercilessly!

The same method can also be used for climbing trees.

Use only your fingers to climb, not the palms of your hands.

Even free climbing has become even more brutal than when it started.

I don’t know what method Instructor Chen used to lure out all the mountain leeches.

Don't think that the instructors don't sleep at night to carve out a training ground for everyone.

Just let everyone climb to the top of the mountain comfortably like taking the stairs.

In fact, the so-called borrowing point is really just a little bit of borrowing.

Compared with the previous rock wall, it is a little easier to climb.

That is also compared to carrying a climbing rope and carabiner hook.

But if it is with bare hands, there are not many borrowing points. It can only accommodate two or three fingers, or a toe.

Just using this little bit of space requires the strength of the whole body, so the danger can be imagined.

Now there are a lot of mountain leeches coming again.

As a result, in the first few days, almost everyone was bitten by mountain leech.

Some team members even fell halfway down the mountain and broke their arms!

But Chen Xin'an ignored it at all and dealt with it directly on the spot while the others continued training.

Chen Xin'an also confirmed his reputation as a devil instructor.

Almost all the members of the entire Black Mountain Tiger Special Forces team are afraid to death of this powerful, unpredictable devil!

Sometimes, you can make any joke to him or even scold him without making him angry.

But if he wants to be serious, no matter who you are or what your status is, if you go against his will, he will not give you any face at all and make it impossible for you to step down.

He even dares to beat you!

Even the political commissar was dissatisfied with his seemingly cruel training methods and personally came to Tianlu Cliff to stop him.

They were so angry that he ran away with his sarcasm. I guess if I walked slower, I might have a heart attack from the anger!

This guy is not only powerful with his fists, he is also famous for his mean mouth!

When dinner started at noon, Hu Bing sat down with several captains and deputy captains.

"I have found out Instructor Chen's weaknesses!" Hu Bing lowered his voice and said to the people around him: "Let's work out a way to punish him!"

Chen Xin'an himself said that it was okay not to accept his training.

As long as you beat him within a reasonable range, you can give him training content and let him taste everyone's hard work as a punishment.

So in his class, he accepts everyone's challenge.

But if we lose, everyone will be miserable. At least for three days, the amount of training will be twice that of others!

Everyone's usual routine training is very tiring.

A five-day triathlon.

A 25-kilometer cross-country trip with a weight of 30 kilograms once a week.

Parachuting training at an altitude of 8,000 meters is provided once every half month.

Once a month, survive in the wild without food rations.

There are also daily horizontal and parallel bars, various firearms training, various vehicle driving, various simulated battles, etc.

Every team member, apart from eating, sleeping and going to the toilet, spends the rest of their time practicing!

These subjects for Chen Xin'an are just additional exercises after everyone's regular training.

But it is these little drills that are the most difficult for the team members.

It’s more tiring than all other training combined.

As captains, deputy squad leaders and squad leaders, they feel the same way.

Because their status does not bring them any privileges.

During training, they are always at the front.

And it is precisely because of their outstanding performance in training that they have their current position.

So these guys all dream of beating Chen Xin'an once.

Certainly not to escape this devil's training.

Instead, they want to let this devil have a taste of their daily hard work!

Everyone became interested and stared at him.

Bian Hu asked in a deep voice: "You'd better be more reliable! Don't be like that idiot Tong Lili, who wants to compete with Instructor Chen in driving skills!

It only takes 6.88 seconds to pass the Tianlu. You are comparing your driving skills with him. Isn't it like putting your face under his slap and letting him slap you?"

Tong Lili blushed and said embarrassedly: "How did I know that Instructor Chen dared to play with a motorcycle like this?

He can do such perverted actions as rolling backwards in the air to grab a car. What can I do?

Is that riding a bike?

That's just acrobatics, okay?"

Wang Zhentao, deputy class 2, said to Hu Bing: "Boss, what tricks have you thought of? Tell me quickly!"

Hu Bing grinned and said to everyone: "Forgot what class we have in the afternoon?"

"Negative Swimming again?" Team leader Guan Jingtian frowned and said, "Doesn't Instructor Chen know how to swim?" Hu Bing smiled and said, "I have tried to get the words from Lei Ming, and he has never seen his master swim! There is a swimming pool in the backyard of his master's home in Dongshan. But his master has never been there." Bian Hu's eyes lit up, and he looked at Hu Bing and said, "Oh my god, our Instructor Chen's family is quite rich! To have a swimming pool, this family must have a villa, right?" Hu Bing pouted and said, "More than a villa! Let me tell you this, the only five villas in Dongshan are Instructor Chen's home. Do you think he has money?" Everyone's eyes widened, looking at Hu Bing in disbelief. Liu Bao said with envy: "He is rich, good at fighting, and so capable. Instructor Chen is simply a standard male god!

Now I know why those young nurses in the team doctor's office are so sick of Instructor Chen!

Even our goddess Tang seems to have a favorable eye for him!

If I were a woman, I would also like such a man!"

Bian Hu frowned, looked at him with disgust and scolded: "If you were a woman, who would like you with such an ugly look?"

Feng Xingwei, deputy captain of the fifth team, slammed the table and said seriously: "Stop! What are we discussing?"

Everyone remembered the business at this time, and they all blinked and looked at Hu Bing.

Bian Hu scolded him impatiently: "What idea did you come up with? Tell me!"

Hu Bing grinned and said to everyone: "Tiger Leaping Cliff!"

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