Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1264 Let’s compete in an armed swim

This was the first time Chen Xin'an knew that there was a natural lake near the base!

Go down the slope next to the Tianlu, and then go all the way west for about an hour.

Among the high mountains, there is a lake covering about ten square kilometers!

All water training of the Montenegrin Tigers is basically conducted here.

The name of this lake is Jade.

The lake is so clear and green that it looks like a huge piece of emerald, hence its name.

On the north shore of Emerald Lake is a mountain several hundred meters high.

About fifteen meters away from the water, there is a natural stone platform. This is where the Montenegrin Tigers train for diving.

Of course, if you feel that it is still a bit low, you can climb up along the cliff next to it.

With the skills of the team members, there is no problem in climbing higher.

As long as you have the courage, you can climb to higher places and dive.

The current highest diving record for a Montenegrin tiger is held by Tiehe.

Thirty meters!

It has exceeded the height of professional divers.

Everyone has arrived at the lake.

Hu Bing waved to a group of captains and deputy captains to come over, and said with a grin:

"Waiting for swimming training with a weight of 20 kilograms.

Let’s encourage instructor Chen to go into the water together!

Tiehe, when the time comes, you can compete with him in high-altitude diving, and then swim across the river with arms.

Instructor Chen is afraid of heights and water. Didn’t he wet his pants this time?

I still don’t believe it! "

Everyone turned their heads and looked at him like a fool.

Bian Hu said angrily: "Old Hu, are you already flooded with water before you even swim?

Have you forgotten how Instructor Chen appeared when he came?

People jumped from a height of 40 meters without any damage.

Do you think he was afraid of diving from a height of thirty meters? "

Hu Bing snorted and said: "You have to know that for a person who is afraid of heights, the feeling of jumping on the sand and jumping into the water are two different things!

Let alone thirty meters, even if it is only five or ten meters, for Instructor Chen, it is the same as jumping down from a height of 10,000 meters!

Don’t forget that there are reflections on the lake. For those who are afraid of heights, it is a bottomless abyss!

No one spoke.

After a while, Bian Hu frowned and said, "I said, isn't this a bit too harsh?

Something big will happen! "

Hu Bing waved his hand and said: "The rescue team is on standby at any time. If something goes wrong, we will immediately salvage and rescue people!"

Tie He grinned, nodded and said to everyone: "I think it will work! As long as I am well prepared, I am willing to compete with Instructor Chen!

Otherwise, when will the programs we prepared be available to Instructor Chen?

He always torments us, it’s our turn to torment him! "

Bian Hu thought for a while, turned around and said, "Check the speedboat and all the salvage equipment and make sure there are no problems before starting.

Lao Hu, you and Tie He invite you to fight. If Instructor Chen doesn't want to fight, don't force it. Safety first! "

"Yes!" Hu Bing and Tie He responded, then they looked at each other and walked towards Chen Xin'an with a smile.

There is no need to change into a swimsuit when swimming with arms, just the clothes you are wearing, plus all the equipment.

One rifle and one pistol each, with three hundred rounds of ammunition. Six grenades, a shoulder bag, a quilt, a water bottle, etc., totaling about thirty kilograms.

The distance is an island in the lake a thousand meters away.

It is said to be an island, but in fact it is just a hilltop of dozens of square meters.

There are seven or eight islands like this in Emerald Lake.

Distinguished by numbers, Island No. 1, a thousand meters away, is also the most suitable training destination for everyone.

Seeing Hu Bing and Tie He walking over with mean smiles on their faces, Chen Xin'an guessed that these two guys were up to something.

We have been together for almost a month.

Chen Xin'an didn't dare to say that he knew everyone about the Black Mountain Tigers, but he had a very thorough understanding of the chief and deputy captains.

So as long as they stick their butts out, Chen Xin'an will know whether they are constipated or urinary today!

"Tell me, what tricks have you come up with again? Let's agree first that I won't play with you if it's not exciting. I don't have that much time to waste on you two bastards!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at them and said calmly.

During these days, Chen Xin'an didn't know how many times she had accepted challenges from these guys, and she had become accustomed to them.

Of course, he is not a victorious general.

Wang Hu is very smart and competes with Chen Xin'an in horizontal bar crunches.

Chen Xin'an couldn't do it after doing more than a hundred. Wang Hu won by doing three hundred in one breath.

Chen Xin'an was then punished to do 500 crunches, and he had to complete them within three hours.

Chen Xin'an was really exhausted that time, which made these guys happy all day long, as if they had won a great battle.

So everyone found and knocked on the door.

The most basic training subjects, even the content that you will be exposed to as long as you wear green clothing, are difficult for Chen Xin'an to complete.

The more everyone feels that it is difficult to complete the subjects, but for Chen Xin'an, it is very simple.

But even after knowing this result, people rarely use basic projects to compare with Chen Xin'an.

Because everyone feels that victory is impossible without force.

Chen Xin'an will lose because he has never received such training.

If he, like everyone else, came from the recruit company step by step, do you think he would lose?

Hu Bing looked at Chen Xin'an and smiled and said: "Instructor Chen, don't worry, today's challenge will definitely satisfy you!

I remember some time ago, Instructor Chen chased Instructor Zhang to come here to play armed swimming?

Now is the chance!

It depends on whether Instructor Chen dares to compete! "

Tie He pointed to the mountain on the left and said: "That's Tiger Leaping Cliff over there, we don't have to climb too high, it's only thirty meters away.

There is a little red flag there. Did Instructor Chen see it?

Just jump down into the water and swim to the island in the middle of the lake.

Whoever swims the farthest within two hours is the winner.

What does Instructor Chen think of this program? "

Hu Bing was stunned for a moment, turned to look at Tie He, and cursed in a low voice: "Didn't we agree on Island No. 1? How come the one who swims the farthest wins?"

Tie He curled his lips and said, "Training with everyone, including Instructor Chen's apprentice.

Who knows if you might help me along the way and I might help you?

Let’s play fair and show our strength better.

I don’t think instructor Chen will refuse, right? "

Chen Xin'an looked at the direction of Tiger Leaping Cliff, and then at the islands in the middle of the lake.

Finally, his eyes fell on the two guys next to him.

Zhang Jian on the side scolded with a straight face: "Nonsense! It's too dangerous, don't do this!"

Gu Jinchao frowned and said to Tie He, "Tie He, you have received professional training in diving and swimming. It's unfair to compare yourself to Instructor Chen!"

Cai Yinfo, who was on the side, looked like he was just watching the excitement and didn't take it too seriously, and said with a smile:

“I think we can compare.

Although Instructor Chen is afraid of heights, he should be fine at that height.

Of course, if Instructor Chen doesn't dare to compete, there's no need to force him, just refuse. "

Hu Bing said with a smile: "That's right. It seems that Instructor Chen can't swim, right? It's right not to compete. How about canceling it?"

"I can swim, but I don't swim often!" Chen Xin'an said with a smile:

"But since you are ready to see my joke, I can't let you down, can I?

Okay, just as you say, I will compete with Tie He!

Huang Guantu, give me your equipment for a while! "

A soldier next to him saluted him and said, "Yes!" He quickly took off all the equipment on his body.


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