Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1265 Disappeared as soon as he fell into the water

In Montenegro Tiger, there is a record that just started, founded by Chen Xin'an.

No one has done it before, no one can do it now, and maybe no one can break it in the future.

Chen Xin'an got to know everyone in the entire special forces team in less than a month.

No matter what position you are in, whether you are a leading cadre or an ordinary soldier.

He can call you by your name right in front of you without even thinking about it!

Not only Zhang Jian can't do this, not even Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun can do it!

In the entire special team, only Chen Xin'an can do it!

Don’t accept it!

I heard that instructor Chen and the vice-captain of the third team were going to have a swimming competition, and the team members became excited.

"Lei Ming, why are you so embarrassed? Are you worried about your master?"

"No wonder the second captain asked me those words during dinner. It turns out he was using my master's lack of swimming skills to trick him! How despicable!"

"Haha, it turns out that Instructor Chen's water quality is not good! Doesn't that mean he is destined to lose?"

"Fart! My master has never lost! He will never lose either!"

"You brat! Why are you talking to the veteran?"

"No matter who you are, you can't talk about my master!

What happened to the veteran?

Doesn’t it mean that you have practiced for a few more years than I have?

It won't be long before I can surpass you! "

"Hey! You're such a good-hearted boy!

It's a pity that there's no point in just talking. Wait until you can surpass me!

But this time, your master will definitely lose!

Don’t forget that Vice Captain Iron is our Montenegrin Tiger’s gold medal frogman! "

"I said, my master will not lose, just wait and see!"

After checking the equipment, Hu Bing nodded and said to Chen Xin'an and Tie He, "That's it! Let's go up the mountain!"

The two of them turned around and walked towards Tiger Leaping Cliff.

The others had already started to move, and they all rushed into the water like ducks.

Standing on the shore and watching the excitement?

What a beautiful thought!

The training that needs to be done still needs to be completed.

If you want to eat melon, wait until the training is over!

Zhang Jian grabbed Hu Bing and asked him in a low voice: "Who is driving the boat? If something happens, I can't spare you, kid!"

Hu Bing chuckled and said: "Don't worry, Instructor Zhang, the captains and deputy captains of the five major detachments work in pairs and have five speedboats.

The oxygen bottles and wetsuits are all ready. We are patrolling next to the route. Nothing will happen! "

Zhang Jian's expression softened a little and he asked Hu Bing, "What are the projects you are planning to arrange for him?"

"Beitan Water Curtain Cave carries a weight of 30 kilograms and duck steps back and forth!" Hu Bing blinked and grinned.

The entire instructor team was stunned.

Gu Jinchao cursed: "I'll go, you guys are so cruel! Do you want to drown him?"

Hu Bing curled his lips and said: "This is what instructor Gu said. Where can people drown in Beitan?

Just drink two more sips of water!

Instructor Chen has been training us for so long. What’s wrong with letting him try the ‘reward program’ for our Montenegrin tiger’s failure? "

A newcomer next to him packed up his equipment and prepared to go into the water.

He took two steps and asked the person next to him: "Monitor, is this reward program terrible?"

The squad leader pointed to Tiger Leaping Cliff and said to him: "Below Tiger Leaping Cliff, there is a large waterfall that is more than 150 meters high!

This is the sound you hear now!

The impact of the waterfall is so strong that it is difficult to stand even if you are walking lightly under it.

You have to carry a heavy load to walk the duck step, you have to withstand the impact of the water flow, and you have to control the smoothness of the stone steps below to prevent yourself from falling into the water.

A distance of almost fifty meters is equivalent to the physical energy and strength consumed in ten kilometers at the training ground.

A total of 150 meters, 300 meters back and forth. Think about how much energy it will consume?

Our boss, Captain Hu, fainted and went into shock right after landing! "

The recruits were dumbfounded.

The squad leader patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't be envious. If you fail later, you will know what it's like!"

The recruit said with a pale face: "I don't want it! Even if I have to work hard to feed myself, I still want to pass!"

Standing next to the thirty-meter-high little red flag on Tiger Leaping Cliff, looking at the vast water below, Chen Xin'an finally understood the intentions of that boy Hu Bing.

Indeed, the reflection in the lake really gave Chen Xin'an the feeling that the water and the sky were the same color, and that he was about to fall into a bottomless abyss.

But doesn’t he know that people can close their eyes?

As long as you don't look at the water, the fear of falling from high altitude will become much smaller.

Seeing Chen Xin'an close his eyes, Tie He grinned and said generously:

"Instructor Chen, how about we forget it? Stop competing, let's count it as a tie this time, okay?"

Chen Xin'an opened her eyes and glanced at him, smiled and said, "No, just start!"

Tie He looked at him with pity and said, "Really? Instructor Chen, you have to think carefully. If you lose, you will have to walk under the waterfall!"

I feel that in your state, let alone swimming, you might even be injured if you jump!

If you are really injured, Instructor Zhang will have to deal with me! "

"Okay, I'll jump with my eyes open!" Chen Xin'an opened his eyes generously and said to Tie He:

"Can we start now? Don't worry, no matter what happens to me, you and Hu Bing will not be held responsible!"

Since he was so determined, Tie He stopped writing and said to Chen Xin'an: "Ready? One, two, three, jump!"

Following an order, the two men jumped from a height of thirty meters!

Almost at the same moment, everyone turned their heads and looked at the situation here while paddling.

Five speedboats have arrived nearby, and the people on them are the captains and deputy captains of each squadron.

They waited quietly nearby. After five minutes, Tiehe surfaced with a splash two hundred meters away from the point of falling into the water!

Bian Hu asked him: "Where is Instructor Chen?"

Tiehe said as he swam: "I don't know, once I jump down, I won't see anyone!"

Hu Bing shouted: "It's nearby, wait a while and look for it slowly!"

Another five minutes passed, the surroundings were quiet, and there was still no trace of Chen Xin'an.

Hu Bing was a little anxious and said to Bian Hu: "I'll go to the waterfall to have a look!"

"Okay!" Bian Hu nodded and said into the headset: "Separate and expand the range."

The four speedboats spread out and patrolled slowly.

By the time Hu Bing's speedboat came back, almost twenty minutes had passed, but Chen Xin'an was still nowhere to be seen!

Zhang Jian's inquiry came from the headset.

Bian Hu felt uneasy, but he still answered honestly: "Report to Instructor Zhang that Instructor Chen has not been found yet!"

"Something happened!" When Zhang Jian heard this, his vision went dark, and he shouted to everyone around him: "Everyone in the instructor team went into the water and found Chen Xin'an at all costs!"

"Yes!" All the people around him responded. They didn't even have time to take off their clothes and jumped into the water one by one.

Zhang Jian cursed into the headset: "You bastards! I don't let you play, you just play!

Something happened to Chen Xin'an. One of us is involved, and we are all involved!

Expand the search scope for me now!

Bian Hu, go to Island No. 1 and look carefully along the way.

Hu Bing, you continue to stay in this area, including the waterfall, and search carefully both above and below the water!

For the rest, go follow the big army and let everyone check the people around you! "

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison.

There was a lot of activity on the water surface, but everyone was beating their hearts out.

Instructor Chen, you are not so weak, are you?

No one was there right away?


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