Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1266 The last person still persisting

In this case, it is very likely that the diving posture was wrong and the water knocked him out!

This is the lowest level of mistake. Instructor Chen should not make it!

If this is really the case, Instructor Chen may be in a very bad situation now!

We need to find him quickly. The longer we delay, the less likely we are to survive!

Hu Bing didn't dare to delay. He picked up the oxygen bottle next to him and carried it on his back. He said to Wang Zhentao who was driving the speedboat: "Observe carefully, I will go into the water and take a look!"

"Yes!" Wang Zhentao responded.

Hu Bing carried an oxygen tank on his back, put on his goggles, and turned over directly into the water without even wearing flippers.

Even after sinking to the bottom of the lake, no trace of Chen Xin'an was found.

Anyway, there was an oxygen bottle, so Hu Bing didn’t float up. He just looked for it at the bottom of the water in the direction of the waterfall. It felt like almost half an hour, so Hu Bing had to go up first.

With a splash, he emerged from the water and waved to the speedboat that had been circling nearby.

When he got on the speedboat, he gasped and asked Wang Zhentao: "What's going on with the others?"

Wang Zhentao was worried and said to him: "I didn't even find it!"

It's been almost an hour, and Chen Xin'an still hasn't been found!

No one could stay in the water for that long, so it was now certain that something had happened to him!

An hour later, Tie He was the first to land on Island No. 1.

The place where he entered the water was three to four hundred meters further than the main force, but he was able to reach it first, which showed his strong swimming ability.

Tong Lili, who had come over in advance, told him that Chen Xin'an had not been found yet.

Tie He's already pale face turned even paler, losing all color in an instant!

"Give me the oxygen bottle!" Tiehe didn't dare to rest, and was about to get into the water.

Tong Lili scolded him with a straight face: "Where can you go down now!

I'll go down and have a look!

I've actually looked at it several times but haven't found it yet.

Instructor Zhang is ready to report it! "

Tie He shook his head and said, "Wait a minute! I'll go look for it. I know where someone might be hooked and you won't be able to get down!"

He jumped into the water without any explanation, swam to the speedboat, put on the oxygen tank, and turned over into the water again.

Chen Xin'an disappeared, and the news that he might have encountered an accident had inevitably spread to the main force.

It's just that everyone is trying their best to swim to the destination, Island No. 1, and no one dares to waste more time thinking about other things.

Armed swimming is not an ordinary swimming event. If you are not careful, you will sink and never get up again!

If you encounter an undercurrent under the water, you won’t know where to go, and you won’t know where to save you even if you want to!

Just like Instructor Chen, he might have encountered an undercurrent.

Or maybe it was hooked on something.

The scary thing is that even if you drown, you won't be able to get up in a short time.

There are dozens of kilograms of weight on the body, which is like a weight weighing the person down at the bottom of the water.

When the tape becomes loose and soaked, will it be possible for someone to come up and be discovered!

Hawkeye has been following Lei Ming, observing this person secretly.

Apart from his status as Instructor Chen's apprentice, Lei Ming, who has always performed well in the new training team and achieved excellent results, can afford the key training of the Black Mountain Tigers with his own abilities.

This kid's physical condition is not the best, and his physical strength is not the strongest, but he has an unwillingness to admit defeat, which makes people feel that this kid has unlimited potential.

There was already a newcomer behind who had leg cramps and was pulled into the lifeboat by the veteran next to him.

It is not uncommon for people to swim for the first time with arms.

And very few newcomers can pass the swim on their first try.

It is said to be twenty or thirty kilograms, but once it enters the water, the weight is much greater than this value.

If a quilt is soaked in water, how much does it already weigh?

Even if there is buoyancy in the water, for people carrying dozens of kilograms of weight, the buoyancy is not enough to allow them to be lazy for a moment.

"Okay Lei Ming, the other newcomers have already boarded the lifeboat, you don't have to insist, you have already done better than them!"

Seeing Lei Ming struggling to paddle forward, but unable to tell what kind of swimming style it was, it already showed that this kid's physical strength had basically reached its limit.

Lei Ming didn't seem to hear Hawkeye's words, and still rowed forward with all his might.

The posture is not important, as long as you can reach your destination smoothly.

Even if he uses a dog to dig, he will reach Island No. 1.

Eagle Eye frowned and said to him: "I might as well tell you now that the assessment for you newcomers is actually five hundred meters.

Once you pass, you are considered qualified.

For you newcomers, an armed swim of one thousand meters is an impossible task!

See those lifeboats? In fact, they are all prepared for you newcomers.

You can go up now, you have passed! "

Lei Ming didn't even look over there, as if he was too lazy to distinguish whether Hawkeye's words were true or false.

Or maybe he doesn't care if it's true or not.

He just wants to swim to Island No. 1. This is his only thought now.

In fact, he was swimming very slowly now and was behind all the veterans.

Behind him, there really weren't any new recruits left.

A recruit from another unit who had a good relationship with him lay on the lifeboat and shouted to him:

"Lei Ming, come up quickly! We have passed! You are the only one left!"

One of the team members turned around and shouted to him: "Boy, now that I know you have a heart, it's okay!

Get on the boat and stop swimming, otherwise you will suffer the consequences if something happens! "

"Hey, I'm talking to you. It's just training. As long as you meet the standards, it's fine. There's no need to be stubborn. Don't risk your life!"

"You see you can't swim now, why are you holding on so hard? Go up, don't let the veterans in your class fail with you because you're tired!"

Lei Ming turned his head, glanced at Eagle Eye and said, "You go your way..."

In his current state, he really shouldn't be distracted from talking anymore.

When he opened his mouth, water poured into his mouth!

At this time, once you choke on the water, it's over.

The courage that I had been building up has disappeared, and it will be difficult for people to continue!

Not daring to delay, Eagle Eye dived down, grabbed Lei Ming's arm, and then went around his back, trying to hug him from behind.

At this time, you must not pull him head-on. Once he is hugged by a drowning person, only two of them will sink together, and they will not be able to escape!

Unexpectedly, although the other party had already taken a few sips of water, he still didn't show the panic of a drowning person.

Instead, he kicked him away, causing Hawkeye to drink some water!

This brat!

Hawkeye didn't dare to get close to him, and could only watch as he closed his mouth, relaxed his body, and slowly sank.

With a string of bubbles spitting out from his mouth from time to time, his feet were treading water regularly.

And his body slowly floated upward!


Lei Ming's head came out of the water, he took a deep breath with his long mouth, then closed his mouth again, letting his body relax and sink.

Eagle Eye could tell that he was sensing his own buoyancy!

Find out how hard you should use to paddle in the water, which will not only prevent you from sinking, but also minimize your physical exertion!

What the hell...you have been practicing armed swimming for almost a year before you have this kind of awareness and thoughts, right?

Moreover, veterans are required to teach me, and I have to keep jumping into the water to understand.

I don’t know how much water I drank before I could realize this!

This guy who has only been in Montenegro for less than a month has already consciously learned when he participated in armed swimming for the first time?

The master is against heaven and the apprentice is also a monster?


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