Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1267 How did you do it?

Lei Ming surfaced again and swam forward slowly, showing no signs of drowning.

Everyone's eyes widened, looking incredulous.

With the last team member arriving on Island No. 1, the armed swim has ended.

No one expected that the last person to arrive at Island No. 1 would be a newcomer participating in armed swimming for the first time!

And it arrived within the passing time, which has never happened before!

But there was no cheer for what was supposed to be a celebration, because Chen Xin'an hadn't been found yet!

Everyone's face was solemn, and from time to time someone emerged from the water and someone jumped in.

Almost everyone who comes up, Zhang Jian will ask: "Did you find it?"

But no one nodded.

As time passed, Zhang Jian, who was standing on the rescue boat, finally made up his mind and said to Cai Yinfo and Gu Jinchao beside him:

"I'm going to report it! I will bear all the consequences. You continue to find people! Send me ashore first!"

"Team leader!" The instructors shouted loudly.

Zhang Jian waved his hands, looked at the lake with sad eyes, and sighed: "What a pity!"

Hawkeye patted Thunder on the shoulder and opened his mouth, wanting to comfort him with a few words.

Looking at his face, I was stunned for a moment and asked strangely: "Why don't you look worried at all?"

Lei Ming said calmly: "My master will be fine. Why should I be worried?"

"Then where do you think he is hiding now?" Hawkeye frowned and looked at him.

Lei Ming shook his head and said, "I don't know where he is, but I know he is definitely fine!"

Hawkeye sighed, put his hand on Lei Ming's shoulder and squeezed it, and said softly: "Your master is not a god after all..."

At this moment, someone suddenly pointed to the water not far away and shouted: "What is that?"

Bian Hu immediately jumped into the water and swam forward, grabbing something floating on the water in his hands.

When he climbed onto the lifeboat and spread out the things in his hands, he was immediately furious!

This is a military boxer briefs!

"Who is taking off his pants randomly? He is sick!"

He looked disgusted and threw the things in his hands back into the water.

His eyes scanned the team members on and off Island No. 1.

All of them were carrying equipment and neatly dressed, and they all looked at him with wide eyes.

Bian Hu's expression changed, and he jumped into the water again, grabbing the pair of pants in his hand!

"It was worn not long ago, it must be a new one!"

"Which direction did it come from? Who saw it clearly?"

"Look for any other clothes! Is this the only pair of pants?"

Hawkeye suddenly reached into the center of the lake with his hand and shouted loudly: "Look, there's a person there! It's on Island No. 2."

Due to the distance, everyone could only see one figure, standing on the island and waving his hands constantly!

Island No. 2 is 1,500 meters away from Island No. 1 and 3,000 meters away from Tiger Leaping Cliff!

Is that Chen Xin'an?

He swam from Tiger Leaping Cliff to Island No. 2 in two hours?

The key is, why didn't anyone find out?

This is simply impossible!

But if it wasn't Chen Xin'an, who would it be?

It's easy to find out the answer, just go and take a look.

Speedboats, rescue boats, all the boats understood and sailed quickly to Island No. 2.

Bian Hu took the lead and soon saw the man standing on a big rock.

Who is it if it's not Chen Xin'an?

And what’s speechless is that this guy is completely naked!

"Instructor Chen, why are you here? What are you... doing!"

Bian Hu and Lin Lang were both dumbfounded.

Island No. 2, which was only three or four square meters in size, was covered with debris.

Clothes, quilts, guns, bullets...

Others also arrived one after another, and Tie He shouted breathlessly: "Instructor Chen, you scared us to death!"

Hu Bing shouted in confusion: "Why do you appear here like a ghost?

How did you get here?

Is there a big shift in space? "

Chen Xin'an scolded angrily: "You guys have the nerve to accuse me..."

The corners of Zhang Jian's mouth twitched and he said to Chen Xin'an with a straight face: "Put your pants on first before you talk!"

It’s really eye-catching!

Everyone turned their heads.

Chen Xin'an looked calm.

Anyway, we are all old men, and everyone has what I have, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

He cursed angrily: "If there were pants, I would have worn them a long time ago! It's because I can't find the pants that I can't go back!"

As if he was getting angrier as he talked, Chen Xin'an simply sat down on the stone and cursed angrily: "Didn't you say you can swim farther?

Tie He, you won’t leave after you reach Island No. 1?

That’s nothing compared to shit!

I'm already here, and seeing no one behind me, I thought I'd wait for you for a while.

The key is to get tired and not go back.

Good guy, the wait was over an hour!

I see a lot of your ships running around there, but none of them come here to take a look.

With no choice, I took off my clothes to dry, and in a blink of an eye, my pants were gone!

Are you saying this is annoying..."

Bian Hu took out the pair of pants he had just picked up from his pocket and said to Chen Xin'an, "Instructor Chen, are these yours?"

Chen Xin'an took it and took a look at it suspiciously, nodded and said:

"Yes, it's mine, but why is it with you?

The key is, why do you put it in your trouser pocket...

No, Bian Hu, you actually... actually have such a hobby? "

Chen Xin'an looked at Bian Hu with a puzzled expression, then looked at the pants in her hand, and she suddenly felt so disgusting!

I want to throw it away, but this is it.

He can't do such a thing while putting on his jacket in neutral!

Otherwise he would have been fully dressed.

He pinched his pants with two fingers, threw them into the water, squatted down and started scrubbing them repeatedly.

Bian Hu's face turned red, he was about to cry but had no tears, and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "It's not what you think!

Your pants drifted to Island No. 1. It was when we saw this that we realized you had arrived at Island No. 2! "

Tie He looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief and asked, "Instructor Chen, what do you mean?

After you came down from Tiger Leaping Cliff, did you swim all the way here?

I would like to ask how you did it?

We were all looking for you at that time, but we didn't see you at all.

You can't stop breathing, right?

How did he get around so many of us and swim such a long distance? "

This is also the question in everyone's heart.

Everyone can do the three-thousand-meter armed swim.

But the quilt must be wrapped in a raincoat to prevent it from getting soaked.

This saves some weight.

Moreover, all breaststroke postures are used, and the head cannot sink under the water.

It’s unbelievable that someone like Chen Xin’an, who was diving with a soaked quilt on his back, swam three thousand meters!

Chen Xin'an started to put on clothes, and it didn't matter if they were wet. Everyone was like this.

After listening to Tie He's words, Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and asked him, "How long can you stay in the water without breathing?"

"Fifteen minutes!" Tie He said proudly.

This record, let’s just say it is for the Montenegrin Tigers, is one of the best among all special teams!

In the country, compared with professional swimmers, they are at the top level.

He looked at Chen Xin'an, curled his lips and smiled: "Instructor Chen can't be better than me in this aspect, right?

So I don’t understand, how did you manage to hide it from so many of us and get here?

Instructor Chen, what is the longest time you have held your breath? five minutes? Eight minutes? "

Chen Xin'an grinned and said: "I didn't test it deliberately.

In Dongshan, my daughter-in-law helped me take a random test in the swimming pool at home.

It seems like thirty-eight minutes!

It’s two minutes away from turning 40, so I’m impressed! "


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