Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1268 I refuse this project

Everyone looked at Chen Xin'an dumbfounded, as if their acupoints had been tapped.

Tie He was even more excited, shaking his head and saying: "This is impossible! This has simply exceeded the limits of human beings!

Instructor Chen, you can’t brag!

The longest person in the world who could hold his breath in water did not hold his breath for more than twenty-five minutes!

Your thirty-eight minutes is really outrageous! "

Chen Xin'an grinned, looked at him and said, "Have you ever seen a real South China Sea pearl diver?

Holding your breath in the water for an hour is their normal routine.

Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

The simple truth is that you are holding back in the water.

A true diving master will swallow water to breathe.

I can do it too, so I can easily break through in forty minutes.

It’s just meaningless and very harmful to the body! "


Chen Xin'an jumped into the water and disappeared.

Tie He snorted and shouted, "I just don't believe it! That's simply not something humans can do!"

He also jumped into the water.

When he saw Chen Xin'an in front of him from a distance, his weird posture almost startled Tie He!

I saw Chen Xin'an with his hands on both sides of his body, and his whole body was like a wave, constantly rising and twisting, swimming forward extremely fast!

What's this?

Big hairtail?

Tie He followed closely behind with all his strength.

But soon, he couldn't hold it in any longer and had to come up for air.

When I went down again, there was no trace of Chen Xin'an in front of me!

Tiehe was anxious, so he simply swam on the surface for a while, then dived down to chase him for a while.

After half an hour, Chen Xin'an was still nowhere to be seen!

Why can't you even see the taillights?

Tie He finally understood the strength gap between himself and Chen Xin'an, and now he is convinced.

I also believe that what Chen Xin'an said before is true.

By the time Tiehe returned to the shore, Chen Xin'an had already been ashore for a long time.

As most of them came ashore one after another, Chen Xin'an took his equipment from the rescue boat and handed it back to Huang Guantu.

He smiled and said to Tie He and Hu Bing, "How do you say that?"

Tie He lowered his head and said honestly: "I lost! I will punish you as you please!"

Hu Bing said dejectedly: "I'm going to take a duck walk under the waterfall now!"

"No need!" Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said to him with a smile:

“It’s a total of five hundred meters from the barracks gate to the dormitory building.

The captain and deputy captain of each unit work as a group and push the trolley back to the dormitory building.

Whoever comes first and who comes last divide it among yourself!

Remember, it’s walking with ten fingers.

I'm checking under Building 8 to see if anyone has dust on their palms, haha..."

Everyone was horrified and mournful.

Hu Bing shouted with a grimace: "I might as well go duck-walking under the waterfall!"

Chen Xin'an tilted her head and glanced at him. He was so frightened that he immediately stood up and saluted Chen Xin'an and said, "I'm willing to admit defeat! Whatever the instructor says will be whatever it is!"

Hawkeye lightly kicked Lei Ming and scolded with a smile: "You kid can do it!"

No wonder he is so calm!

Your master is indeed fine!

are you tired?

Bring me the quilt and I'll help you get it! "

Lei Ming raised the corner of his mouth and looked disapproving.

Who is the master?

How could a god-like figure dive into the water and drown?

Are you kidding me?

Even if everyone thought something happened to the master, he, as a disciple, firmly believed that the master would be safe!

He was clearly swaying when walking and seemed unsteady on his feet, but he still tightened his tight backpack and shook his head and said, "No, I can hold on!"

Hawkeye didn't force it. He looked at him, then at Chen Xin'an not far away, and cursed with emotion:

"Damn, master and apprentice are both perverts! They are born to be kings of soldiers!"

Take Cao back to camp.

When they arrived at the gate, the squad leader and deputy squad leader accepted Chen Xin'an's punishment honestly.

One lay down and put his fingers on the ground.

The other stood behind him, lifted his legs, and pushed him forward.

Halfway through the journey, the person lying in front stood up, and the person pushing behind climbed down.

Change roles and continue walking forward until you reach the door of Building 8.

Since we are all united to punish the instructor, if we lose, we will accept the punishment together.

In Montenegro, this practice will not be prohibited, as long as you are willing to admit defeat.

The competition between men is so fair and aboveboard, and neither of them will bear grudges.

While eating, Chen Xin'an was very pleased to see Bian Hu and the others with trembling hands and unable to hold their chopsticks, and ate two more bowls of rice.

Seeing his proud look, the captains and deputy captains were so angry that their teeth itched.

Bian Hu suddenly remembered something, laughed, and said to everyone:

"By the way, the day after tomorrow is the 10,000-meter skydiving training!

Instructor Chen, we still want to challenge you! "

Everyone immediately nodded their heads like worms.

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment.

This subject is what he most rejects.

Not to mention ten thousand meters, even if it is one thousand meters or one hundred meters, he is not willing to jump!

For a person who is afraid of heights, life is no longer within his control the moment he gets on the plane.

That's not something that can be solved by closing your eyes!

Seeing Chen Xin'an's silence, the captains and deputy captains felt happy.

Hu Bing looked at Chen Xin'an with a smile and said, "Why don't we challenge opening an umbrella in forty seconds? It will definitely be exciting!"

Lin Lang smiled and said: "Maybe you can do it without an oxygen bottle. I remember doing this before!"

Bian Hu said with a straight face: "Don't be ridiculous! Instructor Chen has not been trained in this area and cannot do such a dangerous thing!

Well, as long as instructor Chen jumps down from an altitude of 10,000 meters, it will be considered a victory.

And you can also choose someone to be your instructor, and you can share an umbrella with you! "

These guys don't dare to act too recklessly.

After all, for people who are afraid of heights, skydiving at a height of 10,000 meters is simply a hellish punishment.

Not to mention any tricks, just jumping down is an impossible level for them to overcome!

Everyone laughed.

What Bian Hu said is indeed the safest method.

But it is also the most embarrassing form.

Even the new recruits are not like this, they are simply a bit useless.

These guys are all evil-minded!

I just want to see Chen Xin'an's jokes and never miss any opportunity to tease Chen Xin'an.

Zhang Jian wanted to say something with a straight face, but in the end he did not speak.

People have already said that there is a coach who shares the same umbrella with Chen Xin'an, so there is really nothing to criticize.

Cai Yinfo and Gu Jinchao looked at Chen Xin'an with a little envy.

They were all shocked by their own mentality.

A group of captains and deputy captains went to play tricks on a person in different ways.

Not a masochist, who would envy this?

But they can't deceive their feelings.

What is real is envy and jealousy.

I believe that the team leader must also feel this way.

The entire instructor team looked at Chen Xin'an like this.

After all, each of them has spent much longer time with these team members than Chen Xin'an.

But the relationship with the team members, that is, the relationship between the professor and the supervision of training, has never been so close!

Seeing the triumphant looks of these guys, Chen Xin'an also smiled.

He only said one sentence and everyone was stunned.

"Skydiving competition, right? I refuse! I won't play!"

The smiles of the group of people froze on their faces, looking at Chen Xin'an in disbelief.

This guy actually abstained from voting?

How could he...

But it was indeed agreed at the beginning that as long as you beat him within a reasonable range, you can punish him as much as you want.

If the scope is unreasonable, people can reject it!


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