Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1270 You are the boss and you have the final say

Fortunately, after so many years of social influence, Chen Xin'an is no longer the innocent little brother he was when he first came down from the mountain.

He is no longer the reckless man who doesn't know how to deal with women, who says anything when his stomach is full, and who can choke people to death with just one word.

There are a lot of women in the family, and if you are not careful, you will offend one of them.

Especially when Konoha is really that tempered, he doesn't even know how he got offended when he gets angry.

So now Chen Xin'an has practiced and is good at coaxing girls.

After coaxing and apologizing for a long time, Mr. Wang was finally relieved.

I gave up the idea of ​​coming to Chen Xin'an's dormitory in the middle of the night and arguing with him face to face.

The price, of course, is to obey the old man's arrangements and take her with him to Deep Water Pond tomorrow!

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xinan lay on the bed.

I couldn't fall asleep for a while, so I simply sat up and looked out the window.

There is less than a week left, and it has already been a month since I came to Montenegro!

I originally thought that three months would be a long time, and the days would feel like years.

I never expected that in the blink of an eye, a third of the time would have passed!

Moreover, the imagined feeling of being out of place and living like a year did not appear.

On the contrary, I lived a very fulfilling life every day.

Follow the team members on the training ground, eat well, and sleep soundly.

It seems that I quickly adapted to this place and completely integrated into it without any rejection.

Could it be that Mr. Lu was right and that he was born to belong here?

Of course, no matter how suitable it is, he will leave here after three months.

Just thinking about his wife was already unbearable for him.

When I first went to Kyoto, I had been separated from my wife for several months, and I had never missed her as much as I do now.

It was also because at that time, you could video chat every night, and at the worst, you could also make a phone call and listen to the sound.

But when I came here, it was like I was completely cut off from the outside world.

The mobile phone was turned in. No calls could be made, and no calls could be made in. I was completely isolated from the rest of the world!

This is why he is standing in a military posture almost all the time, practicing equipment, and training with everyone.

I just don’t want to let myself be idle, otherwise I will have random thoughts.

When you come back from Deep Water Pond, go to the old man's place to get his cell phone back and give your wife a call.

Even just listen to the sound.

Head to the deep pool from the base and get up at 5am to set off.

If there is no delay on the way, we should be able to arrive around twelve o'clock.

As soon as he heard that Mr. Wang from the office building was also going there, Zhao Dingshan's nose was filled with tears!

I saw her running over wearing a camouflage uniform and carrying a big backpack.

Zhao Dingshan ran over quickly, picked up her backpack and put it on his shoulder without any reason!

"Director Wang is coming with us too, right?

That's great!

Let go, let go, leave all the rough work to me, just follow us and don't fall behind!

Is this the first time Director Wang has been to Sham Shui Pond?

Don’t worry, I’ll be your guide!

I know it very well!

You should also have heard that no one in Moshan is as familiar as me! "

Wang Lingshan forced out a smile and said politely to him: "Thank you!"

Turning his head, he looked at Chen Xin'an, who had a straight face and looked like someone owed him two taels of oil, and cursed angrily:

"What's wrong, Instructor Chen?

Who are you angry with?

You still think it’s a burden to take me with you, right? "

Before Chen Xin'an could speak, Zhao Dingshan immediately said loudly: "How can it be a burden!

Director Wang is our talented woman with the highest academic qualifications and the greatest knowledge in Montenegro.

It’s not a burden anywhere!

Don't worry, Instructor Chen doesn't think that way. It's too late for him to beg you to go! "

"Get out! You bitch, look at the way you kneel down and lick me, do you have some backbone?"

Chen Xin'an slapped him on the head and said to Wang Lingshan: "Sister, do you think we are going on vacation?

What are you bringing?

Are all the pots and pans packed?

Put it all down, these things are too redundant!

We have to travel light and we will be back tonight! "

"Who are you calling eldest sister?" Wang Lingshan was unhappy when she heard this and cursed angrily:

"You're only two years younger than me, why are you calling me sister?

Also, nothing is missing here!

I will use it when the time comes.

It doesn't matter whether you can come back tonight or not, you have to see what's going on over there! "

Zhao Dingshan nodded vigorously and said to Chen Xin'an: "Sister Wang is right.

These things are not superfluous, I will help her get them, it will be fine!

Instructor Chen, let’s go! "

"Shut up!" Chen Xin'an glared at Zhao Dingshan angrily and said to Wang Lingshan:

“If you don’t explain clearly, don’t leave in a hurry!

What did you tell the old man last night?

You can go and follow my orders!

If you don't obey the command, I'm sorry, I won't take you there! "

Zhao Dingshan was afraid that Wang Lingshan would lose her temper, so he quickly said to Chen Xin'an:

"Oh, instructor Chen, don't talk like that! Actually..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an stuck a silver needle in his neck.

Zhao Dingshan suddenly opened his mouth wide and kept retching, unable to say a word.

After a while, my face turned purple from suffocation and I couldn't breathe.

Chen Xin'an held up the silver needle and said to him with a smile: "Don't talk too much when I'm not asking you anything.

Otherwise, you will feel like you are five months pregnant and your reaction will be very uncomfortable!

do you understand? "

I have long heard that Instructor Chen can use his tricks to tease people at the drop of a hat, making it difficult for people to guard against him.

Now it seems that it is indeed the case!

Zhao Dingshan didn't dare to talk anymore, so he quickly nodded his head and stood aside without daring to say a word.

Seeing Chen Xin'an's expression with no room for recovery, Wang Lingshan nodded helplessly even though she was unconvinced.

"Okay, okay, you are the boss and you have the final say, okay? I listen to you! Can we set off now?"

Chen Xin'an looked at the two people in front of him, shook his head helplessly, waved his hand and said, "Let's go!"

Even outside the mountains, it's not yet dawn at this time.

It was still gray here at the base, and soon we entered the forest, and we had to turn on a headlight to see the road.

Zhao Dingshan is an expert on topography. As he said, here in Moshan, among all the Black Mountain Tigers, there is no one who is more familiar with him than him.

So he walked very quickly. After entering the woods, there was no path at all, but he felt as if he was walking on flat ground.

I just didn't expect that although it was only the second time for Chen Xin'an to come to this place, he still seemed to be familiar with the road, following behind without falling behind at all, and walking very easily.

Only Wang Lingshan walked at the end. If the two in front hadn't deliberately slowed down and waited for her, they would have fallen behind.

In fact, according to her physical strength, she is much stronger than ordinary girls. After all, even a civilian in an office building has at least two hours of military training every day.

It's just that compared to Tang Qianqian, she is inferior in physical strength. After all, she stands in the laboratory and sits in the office every day.

But she could hardly keep up, but she didn't stop or ask for help.

He just gritted his teeth and followed behind to the best of his ability, without asking for a break.


There was a muffled sound from behind.

Chen Xin'an and Zhao Dingshan turned around and saw Wang Lingshan lying in a pile of mud, unable to get up!

"Instructor Chen..." Zhao Dingshan couldn't bear it and looked at Chen Xin'an with pleading eyes.

He always wanted to go back and help.

Chen Xin'an didn't need to speak to stop him, she just glared at him.

He was so frightened that his neck hurt, and he honestly didn't dare to say anything. He continued to move forward without daring to cause trouble.


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