Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1271 Do you still call me a burden?

Only this time, seeing Wang Lingshan in such a mess, Zhao Dingshan really felt distressed.

He turned his head and begged: "Mr. Chen, how about I come over..."

Chen Xin'an glanced at him.

Zhao Dingshan shrank his neck, turned to look at Wang Lingshan, and finally mustered up the courage to say:

"Mr. Chen, after all, he is our comrade and we came together. I still..."

Chen Xin'an's eyes widened and she scolded him: "Didn't you see that all our comrades have fallen? Can you go over and help us?"

Everyone in Zhao Dingshan was dumbfounded.

Why does it sound like you don't want to help me?

It’s not that you’ve always…

Chen Xin'an cursed and said: "I gave you winks along the way to ask you to help.

You are just like a donkey, rushing forward!

After all, we are here together, why can't you go over and lend a hand?

Do you still want other girls to take the initiative to beg you?

He looks like a very smart young man, why don’t he have any eyesight? "

I'll go to hell with you!

Flip the table!

Zhao Dingshan was so angry that he almost went crazy!

Who the hell knows that you are winking at me with a straight face?

Who could guess that that look in your eyes meant you agreed to my help?

I always thought you disliked me for being nosy!

But I couldn't beat this guy again and again, and maybe he would make me suffer even more than being beaten.

So let’s just say what he says, let’s see how Director Wang is doing first!

It rained heavily a few days ago and the ground is not dry yet.

Next to a big tree that was knocked down by lightning, there was a small puddle covered with leaves.

Chen Xin'an and Zhao Dingshan both walked around, but Wang Lingshan behind them missed the mark and fell into the puddle, covered in mud!

The key point is that she didn't make a sound or get up when she fell. She just lay in the puddle and didn't move. It was really scary.

"Director Wang?" Zhao Dingshan squatted next to Wang Lingshan, holding her arm and trying to help her up.

But Wang Lingshan threw her arm away, raised her head and shouted loudly: "Chen Xin'an!"

Her face was covered with mud, and she didn't know whether it was mud or tears.

Chen Xin'an sighed, walked over and lowered his head and asked, "What's wrong? Are you tired? I can ask Zhao Dingshan to take you back!"

Wang Lingshan didn't speak, she just raised her right hand.

Chen Xin'an and Zhao Dingshan's expressions changed at the same time.

Between her right thumb and index finger, she was holding something yellow.

This is the filter butt of the cigarette, which has been swollen by water.

Moreover, this cigarette was smoked very thoroughly, and the sponge had turned black. There was no shred of tobacco, and it was impossible to tell what kind of cigarette it was.

Zhao Dingshan took the cigarette butt, looked at it carefully for a long time, and said to Chen Xin'an:

“I have never seen this kind of filter, which is longer than the filters of ordinary cigarettes.

This could be outside smoke! "

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Black Mountain Tiger is non-smoking, so among the more than 2,000 people, there may only be a few people smoking in the office building, and the others are not smokers.

There is no way, under the high-intensity physical training, the smoking lungs cannot support it at all.

The few who smoke are also senior leaders. They don't even need to participate in training. They can't breathe after walking for an hour.

So it is even more impossible to be in this place!

Chen Xin'an handed the filter to Zhao Dingshan and said to him: "Put it on and compare it when you get back to find out what kind of cigarette it is!"

"Yes!" Zhao Dingshan opened his backpack, took out a piece of paper towel, rolled up the filter, and put it into the mezzanine of the backpack.

Chen Xin'an gave Wang Lingshan a thumbs up and praised with a look of approval: "Director Wang is so attentive and has made a great contribution!"

Wang Lingshan took the tissue handed over by Zhao Dingshan, stepped on the mud on her face, snorted and said to Chen Xin'an, "Do you still think I'm a burden?"

Chen Xin'an scolded angrily: "Who is so blind and thinks that our Director Wang is a burden?

Zhao Dingshan, is that you?

It really pissed me off!

You have been asked to help us, Wang, along the way. After all, I am a girl and rarely participate in such training.

You're better off, just like a monkey with its tail chopped off, you just know how to run forward!

There is no mutual help and love between comrades, which really disappoints me! "

Zhao Dingshan: "..."

It’s really true that Feixue in June is more unjust than Dou E!

Who did I mess with?

It's obvious that you, the bastard, didn't want to take this person with me from the beginning.

Why am I the villain now?

Of course, Zhao Dingshan did not dare to say anything because of Chen Xin'an's power.

He could only help Wang Lingshan up without restraint, apologize to others, put the other person's backpack on his back, and walk with them.

I just ask God to open his eyes and let it rain again.

The main thing is to strike another thunder to kill that shameless guy who confuses right and wrong!

A cigarette butt is just a warning to outsiders to enter and exit Moshan.

For Chen Xin'an, now is not to prove whether there is an outsider, but to find out the identity of this person!

It doesn't matter whether it has anything to do with Wolf Tide.

Because it only takes four or five hours to get to the base from here.

Now that the other party is here, is it possible that he has already found the location of the base?

Is he here specifically to spy on the base?

Or passing by accidentally?

No matter what the purpose is, as long as he is still in the desert forest, we must find him!

It feels like it's already noon, and the deep pool has arrived.

The new training team disposed of the wolf carcasses here before withdrawing.

The bodies have been buried, the blood has been washed away, and the deep pool has once again returned to its crystal clear appearance.

Like Emerald Lake, this is the water source of Moshan.

After the three arrived, they took a short rest.

If you are hungry, eat something to fill your stomach and then go to work.

After eating halfway, Wang Lingshan stood up and hurriedly walked into the woods.

Zhao Dingshan hurriedly caught up and said, "Director Wang, what are you going to do?

There's no need to be in such a hurry, the place where I found the stone is not too far from here!

It’s not too late to go there after you’ve eaten! "

Wang Lingshan glared at him and cursed angrily: "You just eat your compressed biscuits here, don't worry about me!"

"How can I ignore you?" Zhao Dingshan said with a concerned look: "It has just rained heavily in the forest and a swamp may form. It is too dangerous for you to go alone!

I go with you?

Or if you tell me what you want to do, I can help you go there! "

"Oh, why are you so verbose! Just let you sit here and don't do anything!" Wang Lingshan glared at him and cursed with a red face.

Zhao Dingshan still wanted to speak, but Chen Xin'an scolded angrily: "Sit down! It's such a big deal!"

Zhao Dingshan had a look of resentment on his face, glanced at Chen Xin'an and said aggrievedly, "If I don't care, you will put a shit basin on my head again later!"

Chen Xin'an cursed angrily: "Am I the kind of person you are?

I don’t know how you have developed such a brain. Can’t you see that people are going there for convenience?

Let you accompany me?

Or should I ask you to do it for me?

Aren’t you looking for scolding? "

Wang Lingshan probably heard it, she covered her face with shame and anger, quickened her pace and ran into the woods.

Zhao Dingshan also blushed, coughed twice, and muttered: "You should have said it earlier!"

Chen Xin'an laughed out loud when she saw him looking more embarrassed than the person involved.

The Montenegrin Tigers, all of them, are young children with a thief heart but no courage.

It's far worse than the big gangster like Luo Erzhangzi who just presses people on the bed!

"Are you interested in Director Wang?" Chen Xin'an blinked at Zhao Dingshan.

Zhao Dingshan was even more at a loss, his face was as red as a monkey's butt, he didn't dare to look into Chen Xin'an's eyes, and he said harshly:

"Instructor Chen, don't talk nonsense! Director Wang is a girl. When we get to a place like this, it's only natural that we, as elders, should pay more attention..."

"Damn! You're so serious!" Chen Xin'an curled her lips with disdain and snorted:

"I originally wanted to teach you two tricks to pick up girls, but since you are so upright, forget it!

If you don't take advantage of such a good opportunity, it will be wasted!

There are more than 2,000 Montenegrin tigers, and it is estimated that many of them like Director Wang.

It is most correct to leave opportunities to the bold! "

Zhao Dingshan was so aggrieved that he was wondering whether to lower his face and ask Chen Xin'an for advice, but at this moment, Wang Lingshan's scream came from the woods!

The two looked at each other, threw away the things in their hands, stood up and rushed over!


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