Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1272 I gave you a chance but you didn’t use it

In this situation, according to the arrangements in movies and novels, girls usually encounter poisonous snakes or spiders.

So Chen Xin'an deliberately slowed down and left this good opportunity for a hero to save a beauty to Zhao Dingshan.

I didn’t expect this guy to be useless!

When I got close to Wang Lingshan, I didn't dare to go forward!

Chen Xin'an kicked him from behind: "What are you doing? Hurry over and see what happened!"

Zhao Dingshan's face turned red and he said in embarrassment: "I'm going to the toilet... I'm a man and it's hard for me to go there, so you go!"

Chen Xin'an was a little confused.

You are a man, am I a girl?

Who are you scolding?

At this moment, Wang Lingshan's sharp scream came from behind the big rock next to her!

"Ah! Come here quickly! I'm scared to death!"

The two of them were stunned when they heard her yelling. They didn't dare to hesitate and rushed over immediately.

Wang Lingshan was standing behind the big stone, neatly dressed.

But his face was full of panic, and he covered his eyes with his hands, as if he didn't dare to look forward.

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Wang Lingshan screamed and rushed over. Chen Xin'an reached out and grabbed Zhao Dingshan's arm and pulled him in front of him.

Wang Lingshan hugged Zhao Dingshan tightly!

Now she didn't care who she was hugging, as long as it was a man.

Then he pointed back with one hand.

Following her gesture, Chen Xin'an looked to the side and frowned instantly.

On a slope not far from the big rock, there was a flood due to the rain a few days ago.

Then two tree root-like things were exposed.

As I got closer, I saw that they were two arms!

The body is still buried in the soil slope!

The bodies of Yu Nanyong and Zhao Yingbo were taken away by people sent from above and sent home.

The Black Mountain Tiger does not need to handle this matter by himself. There are dedicated people in the military region to make arrangements.

Therefore, this corpse cannot be a Montenegrin tiger or a member of the new training team.

Whose could it be?

"Dashan!" Chen Xin'an shouted.

There was no response later.

When he turned around, he saw that Zhao Dingshan was standing upright and motionless like a wooden stake.

Moreover, his hands were still close to his sides, and he did not dare to place them randomly.

Wang Lingshan hugging him was no different from hugging a wooden stake.


Chen Xin'an rubbed her eyebrows and cursed at him: "Zhao Dingshan!"

"Here!" Zhao Dingshan responded, startling Wang Lingshan, blushing, and quickly let go of him.

Zhao Dingshan looked regretful and wanted to take Wang Lingshan's hands and put them on his shoulders. Wang Lingshan took a step back and cursed at him: "What are you doing!"

This frightened Zhao Dingshan so much that blood oozed from his face!

He jogged all the way to Chen Xin'an and glared at him resentfully, blaming him for disturbing such a beautiful time just now.

Chen Xin'an sighed.

I gave you a chance, but you didn’t use it!

He pointed to the two exposed arms and said, "Go and see who those are!"

Zhao Dingshan also noticed those two arms, and his whole person instantly became serious.

Without saying a word, he came to the side of the slope and circled around the two arms.

Then he put down his backpack, took out his engineering shovel, and started digging quickly.

In less than three minutes, a complete body was exposed.

He is worthy of being the terrain instructor of Montenegro Tiger. This action is professional and neat.

Squatting next to the body, Zhao Dingshan looked at it carefully and said to Chen Xin'an: "The time of death was probably no more than five days, and the body has not decomposed yet.

The cause of death was... stab wounds!

The trachea in the neck was cut open.

There was a gunshot wound to the right thigh.

Judging from the rotting condition of the wound and the blood stains on his clothes, he had been injured for at least twenty days!

The most important thing is that he is not from China.

Judging from his appearance, he should be an Inca.

Judging from the camouflage uniform he is wearing, it is also the Inca green uniform.

There are also gun cocoons on his hands, this should be an Inca soldier! "

Wang Lingshan asked him with a puzzled look on her face: "How is that possible!

The Incas are in southwest China, and our Moshan Mountains are in the north-central part.

How did an Inca soldier get here?

Airdrops are not practical either! "

Zhao Dingshan's face was solemn and he said in a deep voice: "I want to know too!"

The Inca soldiers actually touched the doorstep of the Montenegrin tiger's home. This is simply incredible!

China's five major special forces, except for the Montenegro Tigers in the middle, are all stationed at the border.

Chuan Yunlong in the east, Getan Wolf in the west, Patrol Eagle in the south, and Snow Mountain Leopard in the north.

With them here, the gate of China is impregnable!

But now, an Inca soldier died in the hinterland of China, in the desert mountain forest, the base camp of the Montenegrin tiger.

This is really scary to think about!

Chen Xin'an squinted his eyes and said: "In other words, at least two groups of people are still in the desert forest!

A group of people were the ones who wounded the Inca soldier, and they had guns in their hands.

The other group of people should be the companions of this Inca soldier.

This man suffered a gunshot wound to his leg. Without the help of his companions, he would not have been able to escape for more than 20 days! "

Zhao Dingshan and Wang Lingshan nodded together.

Zhao Dingshan looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Instructor Chen, we must find these people and figure things out! If necessary, we must apply for base support!"

Before Chen Xin'an could answer, Wang Lingshan said immediately: "No! Our first task is to find if there is still the stone you handed over around here!"

Zhao Dingshan said to Wang Lingshan with a smile: "Director Wang, the current situation is much more complicated than we expected!

The most important thing is for us to find someone first! "

"No, let's look for rocks first! This is the purpose of our coming here this time!" Wang Lingshan said firmly without giving in at all.

"You..." Zhao Dingshan was extremely angry, but when Wang Lingshan glared at him, he immediately shrank his neck and his aura became much weaker, but he still said firmly:

"Then listen to Instructor Chen, he is the boss of this mission!"

Wang Lingshan turned her head, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Boss, do you think we should look for rocks first? Or should we look for rocks first?"

"You..." Zhao Dingshan wanted to complain, but Wang Lingshan glared at him and dared not say anything.

You coward!

Chen Xin'an glanced at him with contempt, turned to Wang Lingshan and said:

"Director Wang, now you should tell us what that little stone is, right?"

Zhao Dingshan immediately turned his head and looked at her with wide eyes.

Wang Lingshan took a deep breath and said to the two of them: "East China Sea Yingtian Stone.

There is another name, Yingtian Blue Diamond! "

"Blue diamond?" Chen Xin'an and Zhao Dingshan looked at each other.

That little soybean-sized stone is a diamond?

Zhao Dingshan swallowed his saliva and asked Wang Lingshan: "That thing... is expensive?"

Wang Lingshan licked her lips, considered it and said: "How to describe this value?

Let's put it this way, if that small stone was an ordinary blue diamond, it would cost around 50 million.

The price of the Reflecting Blue Diamond will be tripled!

Of course, this is just an estimate. Once auctioned, the transaction price will be higher.

However, in China, the mining and trading of Yingtian blue diamonds is restricted.

Because its use is very important, it is an irreplaceable material in military industry and aerospace.

The Eagle Flag Nation has been causing trouble in eastern China just to get this thing.

If you can't get it, buy it. If you can't get it, grab it. If you can't get it, steal it.

Chuan Yunlong is stationed in the east to protect the Yingtian Stone Mine!

Chen Xin'an and Zhao Dingshan stretched their necks involuntarily and swallowed.

So a little thing the size of a soybean is worth hundreds of millions?

If you can pick up a few of these, what kind of business can you do? Can you just become a billionaire?


Why does it seem like there is no wave in my heart?

Oh, by the way, I am a billionaire now, okay?


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