Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1273 The ore is nearby

How come the Yingtian blue diamond produced in Yingtian Mountain in the East China Sea appears in the old forest of Moshan?

How come the Inca soldiers who were originally in southwest China died in the hinterland of central and northern China?

A series of mysteries made the three of them a little confused.

Wang Lingshan waved her hand and said: "Ignore all that for now, we need to find out if there is any Yingtian Stone nearby as soon as possible!"

Zhao Dingshan said solemnly: "Now I feel even more that it is most important to find these two groups of people first!"

"What did you say..." Wang Lingshan stared, and just about to get angry, Chen Xin'an said to the two of them:

"Stop arguing! Do two things together!

When you find people, you also find stones.

When you find the stone, you also find the person! "

Wang Lingshan and Zhao Dingshan were both stunned, but they reacted immediately!

"Boss, you mean that these people actually went into the mountains just for the rocks, right?"

"I should have thought of it a long time ago! Boss, although we are both instructors, you are indeed better than me, so I won't accept it!"

The two of them called him the boss of the underworld, making Chen Xin'an speechless.

However, he didn't bother to pay attention to their titles, nodded and said: "This matter is no small matter!

Dashan, please take us to the place where we picked up that little stone first! "

"Yes!" Zhao Dingshan pointed to the front and said, "We'll just go around the slope over there! Boss, this corpse..."

Chen Xin'an frowned and said: "Bury him on the spot! Even if he dies and helps Moshan fatten up, he has done a good deed!"

Zhao Dingshan nodded, shoved the engineer shovel aside, and pulled the corpse's arm, trying to drag him out.

This pit needs to be dug deeper, otherwise it will still be washed out when it is washed by rain.

Chen Xin'an said to Wang Lingshan: "Go and wait aside first. We will find you after we bury the person!"

Wang Lingshan nodded and said, "Just take advantage of this time to assemble the instrument!"

She took off her backpack and walked aside.

Chen Xin'an watched Zhao Dingshan struggling to drag the body out of the pit, and laughed and cursed:

"You haven't eaten?

How long did it take you to pull a dead man?

Did you have a super friendly relationship with your right hand last night? "

Zhao Dingshan blushed and scolded Chen Xin'an: "Boss, don't slander people!

I'm always left-handed...

No, boss, this guy is so damn heavy, weighing three to four hundred pounds! "

"Get the hell out of here! You thought it was a pig!" Chen Xin'an cursed with a smile, stepped forward, grabbed the left leg of the corpse, and dragged it hard.


Chen Xin'an frowned, this man's body was really ridiculously heavy!

He looks about 1.85 meters tall and has an average build, not very tall.

At least for Montenegrin tigers, this is considered an ordinary size.

The weight is only one hundred, sixty-seven kilograms.

But after pulling it, Chen Xin'an felt really dead.

The two of them dragged the body aside together, and Zhao Dingshan quickly dug a hole with an engineer shovel without Chen Xin'an's help.

Chen Xin'an stared at the corpse closely, frowning.

He always felt that there was something strange about this corpse, but he couldn't put his finger on what was strange.

At this moment, there was a rapid beeping sound not far away.

Chen Xin'an and Zhao Dingshan raised their heads and looked over at the same time.

Wang Lingshan was holding something similar to a mine detector, and the sound came from her handle.

With a face full of shock, she raised her head and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, this is an ore detector.

I entered the data of Yingtianshi, and unexpectedly there was a reaction immediately!

Boss, there is a Yingtian Stone nearby! "

Zhao Dingshan said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, go and help Mr. Wang find the Yingtian Stone. I can handle it myself!"

Chen Xin'an looked at the corpse at his feet, then at the ticking tool in Wang Lingshan's hand, took a deep breath and said, "You don't have to go anywhere else, the Yingtian Stone is right here!"

Wang Lingshan and Zhao Dingshan were stunned for a moment.

Chen Xin'an took off the backpack behind him, took off his engineering shovel, and said to Wang Lingshan: "Bring that thing over here!"

"What are you going to do?" Wang Lingshan looked at Chen Xin'an strangely, but she still took the detector over.

At the same time, the chirping of the detector became more urgent.

It also proves that the ore is really nearby, very close to everyone!

Chen Xin'an pushed the engineer shovel aside, then bent down and reached out to tear open the corpse's shirt.

Wang Lingshan looked at him strangely and asked, "Boss, what are you doing?"

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "You'll know in a moment!"

He pulled it a few times, but the zipper of his clothes didn't open, as if it was stuck.

Simply reach out and take out the tiger-tooth knife stuck on the side of the marine boots.

Three times, five divided by two, the corpse's shirt was cut open, revealing the bloody and furry chest.

"Ah!" Wang Lingshan covered her eyes with one hand and said angrily to Chen Xin'an:

"Boss, what are you going to do? Bury the body quickly, it looks scary!"

Zhao Dingshan looked strange, looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "Boss, you don't have any cadaver addiction, do you?

There are a few people in our Montenegrin Tigers who are just like this. After beating the enemy to death, they like to stab the enemy a few more times. You won't do the same..."

Chen Xin'an was too lazy to listen to their nonsense. She pointed a knife at the corpse's belly and said, "Look here!"

The belly of the corpse was very distended, but it was not the distended state before decomposition. It was like a fetus of five or six months old.

Wang Lingshan looked at the belly of the corpse and then at the detector in front of her. She seemed to understand something, and her face suddenly turned pale!

"Stand away!" Chen Xin'an inserted the tiger-tooth knife into his combat boots and grabbed the engineer's shovel.

Zhao Dingshan's throat was a little dry and he said to Chen Xin'an, "Wouldn't it be better to just use the knife?"

"Is an Inca corpse worthy of being dissected with a tiger-tooth knife?" Chen Xin'an snorted coldly.

Zhao Dingshan nodded vigorously, what he said was so right!

Chen Xin'an raised his hands and raised the engineering shovel.

"Wait a minute!" Wang Lingshan suddenly shouted, picked up the detector with a pale face and said:

"I'll wait over there. Call me when you're done!"

Zhao Dingshan coughed twice and said: "Boss, how about I come?"

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an handed him the engineering shovel directly.

Everyone in Zhao Dingshan was dumbfounded.

No, I'll just be polite.

Shouldn’t you say: No! I can handle this little thing by myself!

Why did you just give me the shovel as a matter of course?

Why don't you always play your cards right?

Zhao Dingshan regrets it so much now!

Why do you have so many mouths?

Looking at the engineer shovel in his hand and Chen Xin'an who had already hid five steps away, Zhao Dingshan was speechless.

I want to disembowel my body, don’t I have a shovel?

What do you use yours for?

Forget it, everyone is already standing far away anyway, so I can't run away from this job.

You will learn from mistakes and you must not be polite to Chen Xin'an in the future, otherwise he will really be rude to you!

Wang Lingshan, who was standing behind the big stone, was restless as if she was being tortured.

The voices of the two people talking kept coming to my ears.

"Please slow down, the shovel will explode! His stomach is filled with pus and water. It's like you are popping a balloon. My shoes are all dirty!"

"Boss, are you embarrassed? Just wipe your shoes if they are dirty. I sprayed all over my face. Who am I going to ask for explanation? I almost... vomited!"

"Okay, just wash your face later! Open his intestines and take a look! Yes, are those things? Open it and take it out!"

"Oh my god, it stinks! These are like big duck eggs. How did he get them in?"

"They should have been swallowed alive! Take them all out, wash them over there, and hand them over to Manager Wang!"


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