Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1274 I have also practiced

Six ores of different sizes had been washed and placed neatly on the stones beside the pool.

Chen Xin'an, Zhao Dingshan, and Wang Lingshan squatted in front of the stones, staring at them without blinking.

Although they had been washed, Wang Lingshan was still reluctant to touch them with her hands, and she could faintly smell a foul odor.

She pointed at the smallest rough stone that was as big as a quail egg and said, "It's just such a small piece. If the transaction is caught, the minimum sentence is 20 years!

This is the largest one, enough to be shot directly!

If all these are added together, it will be enough to be shot four or five times!"

Zhao Dingshan snorted coldly and cursed in a deep voice: "That kid is also a ruthless person!

So many rough stones, each of which is so big, were all swallowed by him.

It seems that he wanted to take the rough stones out in this way!

It's a pity that he didn't expect to kill himself!

But the strange thing is, didn't his companions know that he hid the rough stones in his stomach?

They didn't take them away?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and frowned and said, "So, it may not be that he swallowed it on his own initiative.

It may also be that his companions forced him to swallow it."

"Then why didn't you take it away?" Wang Lingshan asked with a puzzled look.

Chen Xinan shrugged and said, "Of course they have to take it, but not now!

Perhaps the situation does not allow them to take the things away immediately.

That's why they buried the body hastily, marked it, and will take it later!"

Wang Lingshan and Zhao Dingshan looked at each other, seeming a little suspicious, but not knowing how to refute.

Chen Xinan looked at Zhao Dingshan and asked, "Dashan, if the things are still in the body's stomach, how long will it take to rot given his physical condition?"

Zhao Dingshan said confidently, "I just saw the situation inside his body, and it has begun to rot. This process, from local to large areas of the body, takes three days in this climate.

But the other party is an expert and buried the body in the shade.

From death to rot, it takes about a week."

Chen Xinan nodded, frowned and said, "Just now we inferred from the wound that he died no more than three to five days ago.


His face became solemn.

Wang Lingshan also understood what he meant instantly, and said with a pale face: "So this person's companion will come back here again within one or two days!"

Chen Xinan nodded, snorted coldly and said: "That's perfect! Then we will wait and see who comes back to take the raw stone! The whole thing will be clear!"

"But..." Zhao Dingshan looked at Wang Lingshan with some worry, and said to Chen Xinan: "We didn't bring guns on this mission..."

Chen Xinan said lightly: "I don't need that. I will deal with it when the time comes, you just protect Secretary Wang!"

Zhao Dingshan looked at Wang Lingshan carefully and nodded to Chen Xinan.

After all, the things are more important, so Wang Lingshan didn't care about the smell, put away the raw stone and put it in her backpack.

Zhao Dingshan said to her: "Don't underestimate those few pieces, but they are also quite heavy. I can help you carry them, you don't have to carry them yourself!"

"No!" Wang Lingshan refused very straightforwardly, snorted and said to him:

"The smallest piece is within 500 meters of the Grand Palace in Kyoto, and it can be exchanged for a courtyard house!

I don't trust you to be so careless with such a valuable thing!"

Zhao Dingshan shrank his neck and was scared.

If one of these things is really lost, it can't be paid back even if you sell it!

So you'd better stay away and don't touch it!

The body has been reburied, of course it can't be restored to its original appearance, and it's unknown what kind of mark has been made.

But it doesn't matter, no matter who it is, as long as they appear nearby and are discovered by the three people, they will all be listed as suspicious objects!

To be on the safe side, Zhao Dingshan still took Chen Xin'an and Wang Lingshan to the place where he heard the gunshots and found the Yingtian Stone.

Of course, there was no gain.

After all, the biggest gain has been obtained.

The sky gradually darkened, and the sky could still be seen from the deep pool.

After all, it was the source of water in Moshan, so the three did not occupy this place all the time and rested in the forest.

There would be wild animals coming to the pool to drink water.

However, Zhao Dingshan also said that the Ten Thousand Wolf Tide had caused great trouble to the ecological community in Moshan.

Many wild animals that were originally the overlords of the area were bitten to death.

It would take at least four or five years to recover.

The remaining wild animals were also frightened, fearing that the Ten Thousand Wolf Tide would come back, so they hid in their dens and rarely came out.

It can be seen along the way that there were not many wild animals encountered.

And at the slightest sign of trouble, they would run away faster than rabbits.

After finishing the last bite of compressed biscuits, Chen Xinan clapped his hands and said to Zhao Dingshan and Wang Lingshan:

"You can go back now. Arrive at the camp around midnight so as not to delay tomorrow's work!"

"Go back?" Zhao Dingshan looked at Chen Xinan in surprise and said, "Aren't we waiting for those people together?"

Chen Xinan shook his head and said, "No! I can stay here by myself. You have to take the raw stones back!"

Wang Lingshan said anxiously, "How can you do it alone!

You don't even know how many people there are on the other side and what weapons they use. How can you deal with them?

No matter what, those people are all extremely vicious guys, maybe even Inca soldiers!

It's too dangerous for you to be here alone, you can't! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "Don't forget how important these rough stones are! No matter how many people there are on the other side, getting the rough stones is the ultimate goal.

Therefore, it is safest for these things to return to the Montenegrin tiger. If they stay here, they will become targets. "

How could Wang Lingshan and Zhao Dingshan not understand this?

But they couldn't do it if they were asked to leave their comrades alone to bear the danger.

Fortunately, Chen Xin'an also knew what these people valued most, and said seriously:


Our mission this time is these things!

And there is no need for me, a layman, to explain the importance of these things to you.

So take them back and the mission will be successfully completed.

The rest is considered extra.

It's something I have to figure out myself, not a task yet.

So there is no need for you to participate.

Even if you participate, you can't help! "

Zhao Dingshan was unhappy and stood in front of Chen Xin'an and said: "Boss, you can look down on Director Wang, but you can't look down on me! After all, I am also the instructor of the Black Mountain Tiger!"

Wang Lingshan kicked Zhao Dingshan on the buttocks and cursed at him angrily:

"Why do you look down on me! Do you think I can't box? I've also practiced!"

She raised her hands in a fighting stance.

Chen Xin'an and Zhao Dingshan covered their eyes with their hands.

The fist is still facing towards him!

Don't say you are a Montenegrin tiger, okay?

Shame on you!

Chen Xin'an glanced at Zhao Dingshan.

Facts speak louder than words.

Now you see it too?

Having a woman here will only slow down my drawing of the sword!

Chen Xin'an patted Zhao Dingshan on the shoulder and said, "Let's go. Only when you leave can I have no worries.

And if you want to help me, how can you help me if you don’t go back?

Only when you arrive safely can Montenegro Tiger send someone to pick me up.

Otherwise, everyone will not know the situation and will only miss the opportunity!

Zhao Dingshan knew that he had to take Wang Lingshan with him.

He looked at Chen Xin'an and said solemnly: "Boss, I will bring someone to help you as soon as I get back.

So don't be brave. If you're not sure, don't force yourself. You must wait for reinforcements! "


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