Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1275 These people are still useful

When the two disappeared, Chen Xinan breathed a sigh of relief.

After looking around, he climbed up a big tree and lay down on the branch.

Based on Zhao Dingshan's experience in the jungle, even if he encounters an enemy, he can still avoid danger as long as he does not confront them head-on.

Because according to Chen Xin'an's speculation, these grandsons simply got lost here!

The gunfire Zhao Dingshan heard more than twenty days ago was probably when the Inca was injured.

But he didn't die here until the past two days. He must have been walking in circles around the deep pool.

A bunch of idiots have been spinning for almost a month!

You must know that this place is a geomagnetic radiation zone.

Any instrument will fail here.

If you are not particularly familiar with this place, you will definitely get lost after coming here!

Of course, this deep pool can be used as a coordinate to observe the starry sky.

But once you enter the woods, you will still get lost soon, and finally you will return to this place.

Unless they can retreat with the wolf tide.

But obviously, they didn't do that.

Since you didn’t leave then, don’t leave now!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an suddenly sat up straight, turned his ears, and listened carefully to the sounds in the forest!

There seemed to be a rapid rustling sound in the forest, like rain.

Two figures appeared in the forest, supporting each other, but they still tripped over a tree root and fell heavily to the ground!

"Squad leader, get up quickly! They are about to catch up, you go first!"

"Wu Zhenjun, listen! You are not injured and your physical strength is better than mine. You run! Only by finding a way to find them can we be saved. Do you understand?"

"No, squad leader! Lao Gao has already died, and so has Da Liu. We are the only two left in our class, and I can't leave you behind anymore!"

"Believe me, Lao Gao and Da Liu are not dead.

If the bodies are not found, it means they are still alive!

Those guys don't dare to kill so many people, otherwise they won't be able to leave the northern border! "

"Those bastards in Guanbei! If they weren't eating and crawling, how could we be like this..."

"It's useless to talk about this now! The two of us must go out alone, otherwise we will all die in this mountain forest!"

There was more noise in the woods, and there seemed to be dogs barking.

The expressions of the two changed. The squad leader pushed his companion beside him and said to him: "Wu Zhenjun! Let's go! They are chasing us!"

I have been observing these days, and I can definitely go out on this road!

You must go out to find them, tell them what happened in the mountains and forests, and ask them to send people to surround and exterminate these bastards immediately!

Even if we die, it will still be worth it! "

"Squad leader!" Wu Zhenjun held the opponent's hand tightly with tears in his eyes!

The monitor patted him on the shoulder, pushed him away, nodded and said, "This is an order! Let's go!"

Wu Zhenjun stood up straight, stood at attention in front of the squad leader, saluted a standard military salute, then turned and left!

Chen Xin'an on the tree frowned and looked at the two people below strangely.

It's weird, why are you talking in Chinese terms and paying Chinese military salutes?

Could this be the person who injured the Inca soldier?

Are they also dressed in green?

That's right, they are all wearing camouflage uniforms, but they are different from what Chen Xin'an is wearing.

Also, they have no shoulder titles and no markings!

It was even stained with blood, and even its original color was unrecognizable.

After his companion left, the squad leader turned around and looked behind him, with a sneer on his face.

He took out a dagger from his body and held it in his mouth.

Then he turned around and hugged a big tree that the two of them were hugging, trying to climb up.

Chen Xin'an saw that his tree climbing movements were quite standard, but he just didn't have the strength.

It must be that I haven't eaten for a long time and my physical strength can't keep up, so I climbed up twice and fell down again.

By the time he tried to climb up again, it was already too late.

Deep in the woods, a group of people, about a dozen or so, rushed over.

And there are two dogs.

When they saw the squad leader under the big tree, two dogs rushed over, barking wildly, and pounced on the squad leader, biting him!

Because the situation was not clear yet, Chen Xinan did not move.

He sat quietly on the branch of a tree and watched this scene from a high position.

The squad leader, who was already injured, was quickly thrown to the ground by two wolf dogs, and several more wounds were added to his body.

A piece of meat was torn off from the arm by the dog, and the bones were almost visible.

The group of people didn't stop him, they just stood aside and watched with cold eyes, and even laughed.

Chen Xin'an also noticed that most of those people were Chinese.

Three others are foreigners.

One of them has an Inca appearance, with darker skin, a big nose, and a sloppy beard.

The other two were tall, and although they looked a little embarrassed, they could not hide the ferocious look in their eyes.

One of them yelled and cursed loudly in a foreign language, as if he wanted to rush over and bite the squad leader instead of a dog.

A bald man asked strangely to the man with glasses beside him: "Lao Jin, what did the foreigner say?

Why do you hate these stinky soldiers so much?

You're not even ready to leave the mountain, why do you have to arrest them all?

If you really hate them, why don't you just kill them and that's it?

It’s so troublesome! "

"Master Qu, you don't know something!" The man with glasses chuckled and said to the bald head: "These guys can be of great use!

With them here, these guys can get out safely..."

The bald man was unhappy and asked with narrowed eyes: "What do you mean? You don't believe in my ability, Qu Tianlin?"

I specialize in foreign trade and have my own ship. I want to send them out. It’s a piece of cake! "

The man with glasses quickly said: "Master Qu, please don't misunderstand! Mr. Powell also said that bringing this group of people is to be prepared.

After all, the things you need to bring this time are very important!

There must be a big fanfare and a blockade on the Chinese side.

We are not afraid of 10,000, but just in case. If there is really trouble, with these guys, China will not dare to put all its efforts!

Mr. Qu, I understand your worries.

With these green outfits involved, if something happens to us, it will be a big deal that we can't turn back from!

It would be better to kill them all.

But now it's like this, where everyone has the final say, and he is the boss.

We just need to do as they say, pick them up and send them out of customs.

We don’t care about the rest! "

The bald man thought for a while and nodded.

The man with glasses sneered and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Qu, these soldiers will not survive!

Eighteen of Powell's group came in total!

Unexpectedly, most of the five soldiers were killed by this gang of soldiers, and now only three of them are left alive!

All they saw was a great hatred! "

The bald man was startled, his eyes widened and he asked, "Is it true?

Five people killed a dozen?

Aren’t these foreigners pretty awesome?

That's it? "

The man with glasses nodded vigorously and said: "Not only is he powerful, I heard that he has never failed as a mercenary!

But meeting these soldiers is like meeting your nemesis!

They seem to be some kind of dragon people, and they are also among the top troops in China.

Chasing them all the way from the East China Sea, they knocked down fifteen of the eighteen people!

If it weren't for this Powell, he would be the mercenary king.

They all got lost here again.

Master Qu was asked to come over again to help. I think of the remaining three, I have to account for two more here! "

The bald man looked in disbelief at the green-suited man who was jumped by two wolf dogs, as if he still couldn't believe how powerful this guy was!

Leng scoffed and cursed: "Now that it falls into the hands of our Guanbei Spear Club, this kid is unlucky!

I’ll let you go later…”

Before he could finish speaking, the two wolf dogs that were biting madly at the squad leader suddenly let out shrill screams!

The squad leader who was originally pinned down, already at a disadvantage and unable to fight back, now stood up like a fierce man, with the knife in his hand still dripping blood!

He stepped on a wolfdog to the ground, and then held its head with his left hand.

He moved his right hand forward and drove the dagger hard into the wolf-dog's neck until it had no handle!


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