Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1276 What Are You Playing With?

Blood splashed on the squad leader's face, as if he had been washed with blood.

The squad leader didn't stop using the dagger, he turned his hand and struck again!


The tip of the knife penetrated the lower forehead of the other wolf dog and exited above the bridge of the dog's nose.

The wolf dog was even worse. He didn't even howl and died instantly!

"Big dragon, two dragons!" The bald head became anxious and took out a pistol from his waist. He shot the squad leader on the right shoulder with a bang.

The squad leader fell to the ground instantly.

The bald man rushed forward, pointed his gun at the squad leader's head, and wanted to shoot again.

A foreigner in camouflage uniform yelled at the bald man!

The man with glasses explained to the bald head: "Master Qu, this man is the boss of those three people and cannot die!

Otherwise, the three prisoners will definitely cause trouble, and we will have no hostages by then! "

The bald man pointed at the two dog corpses on the ground and cursed at the man with glasses: "Aren't you blind? This bastard killed my big dragon and two dragons!"

The foreigner in camouflage uniform shouted something to the bald man.

The man with glasses quickly said to the bald head: "Mr. Powell said that after the matter is settled, he will give you two purebred Caucasus!"

The bald man then put away his gun, looked at the foreigner in camouflage clothes and said, "Thank you, Mr. Powell!"

He turned his head, gritted his teeth, looked at the squad leader on the ground and cursed: "You're destined to be lucky!"

"Traitor!" The squad leader suppressed the pain in his shoulder and cursed angrily at the bald head.

The bald man stopped, looked down at him with a mocking expression and cursed:


Whoever gives me money is my boss!

This is the law of survival!

You don’t have three hundred yuan a month, what are you doing with your life? "

"Survival?" The squad leader looked sarcastic. He forced himself to sit up and looked at him, the man with glasses, and the group of bald men, with undisguised contempt and disgust in his eyes.

"You sold your country for money.

I am willing to be a dog to these foreigners!

What you have betrayed is not just the country.

And your own conscience!

And your own humanity!

You have forgotten what kind of insults your ancestors suffered from these foreigners.

You have even forgotten that it is these foreigners or our country that allows you to have everything you have today.

You just don't want to be satisfied with the status quo.

Just thinking about having more.

In order to achieve your goal, you sold everything you could!

You are not human beings, you are just a bunch of beasts, a bunch of slaves to money!

So how can you understand us?

Do you understand those of us who have less than three hundred dollars a month but dare to sacrifice our lives?

I warn you, traitors will not end well!

You can still be happy now, even if you cry.

And when the time comes, none of you can even cry! "

As he spoke, he took off the gun from his back and used it as a crutch to stand up.

In fact, his body was already covered in scars, and he had been shot again just now.

The injuries are getting worse, and I can barely stand up anymore!

But he gritted his teeth and stood up, standing straight!

Although his face was frighteningly pale, he seemed to be about to collapse at any moment.

But his eyes were still sharp, and he looked at everyone with that intimidating gaze that made people's hearts tremble, making people dare not look at him!

Seeing that everyone they brought lowered their heads, the bald head was also worried that these guys would be frightened by the guy in front of him.

He held the pistol with disdain, pointed it at the squad leader's head, and scolded coldly:

"I'm going to make you cry now!

Your life is in my hands, how dare you say this in front of me?

Believe it or not, I can shoot you to death right now? "

The squad leader looked at him with ridicule on his face and said, "Do you dare?

Your master wants to spare my life. Do you, a dog like you, dare to disobey his order?

Come on, shoot!

Don't make me look down on you.

Do you dare to move your index finger?

waste! "

"What the hell!" The bald head became angry and hit the squad leader on the forehead with the pistol grip, knocking him to the ground. His forehead suddenly started bleeding profusely!

"That's enough!" Another foreigner in camouflage uniform came over, pushed his bald head away with a sullen face, looked down at the squad leader and asked:

“My name is Gref, and I’m their boss.

I have a nickname called The Butcher, have you heard of it?

You'd better not play tricks on me, because my patience has been exhausted a long time ago.

Let me ask you, there is another person, where did he go? "

The Chinese he spoke was very poor and his tone was quite strange.

But I can still understand it.

But the squad leader just lay on the ground, looking at him with cold eyes and saying nothing.

Gref wasn't angry either, he just waved and asked the man with glasses to come over.

He spoke and let the man with glasses translate.

"I know you're a real soldier.

I have dealt with and fought against soldiers from many countries.

I have to admit that you Chinese soldiers are the most difficult to deal with.

In fact, I admire you Chinese soldiers very much, and I admire you five even more.

If we weren't on the opposite side, I would even be willing to make friends with you!

Because we are the same kind of people..."

whispering sound!

The monitor snorted coldly, looked at Gref with disdain and said, "Making friends? The same kind of people?

With you?

Are you worthy?

We Chinese soldiers will never take the initiative to provoke anyone.

We will not sneak into other countries to plunder things that do not belong to us at all.

No matter how precious it is!

You are just bandits in green uniforms, and you have the nerve to say that you are real soldiers in front of me?

Still want to make friends with us?

Hahaha, what a joke! "

Gref looked at the squad leader quietly, and after he finished speaking, he shook his head and said: "If you want to survive, you must do something.

This is just a way to make money, it has nothing to do with right or wrong.

In fact, I haven't killed you at all along the way, you should feel it! "

The squad leader laughed and said with sarcastic eyes: "Yes, yes, you didn't kill us.

But we did it to you!

There are eighteen of you, how many are left now?

Where did the rest go?

If it weren't for the traitor, the three of you wouldn't be able to get out of this big forest!

I thank you for your kindness in not killing..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gref suddenly strode over and grabbed the monitor's left hand!

The squad leader immediately fought back, but the opponent was much stronger than him. He just grabbed his wrist and twisted it, bending his left arm out of shape.

Then he looked at the squad leader with cold eyes, took the squad leader's arm with both hands, and pressed it on his knees.

Little by little, apply force to the opposite joint.

I watched helplessly as the monitor's left arm was bent to an exaggerated degree, then snapped with a click!

The bald people next to them all trembled.

It’s not that they are all good people and have never seen this scene.

Mainly breaking, smashing, twisting, and kicking, they have all seen it.

But like this, just looking at it being broken bit by bit, it’s really scary, isn’t it?

How much pain would you have to endure?

Ordinary people really can’t do it!

What's even more frightening is that the Chinese guy in green didn't make a sound from the beginning to the end!

The veins on his forehead were bulging, and his whole body was trembling slightly.

The muscles on his face could no longer be controlled, his face was swollen red, and his expression was ferocious.

But from beginning to end, he never let out a scream.

He just bit his lip hard and his mouth was filled with blood.

But his eyes were still looking at Gref sharply!

At this moment, Gref had already let go of his left arm and picked up his right arm expressionlessly!

But suddenly, he raised his head suddenly, as if waving his arm in the air.

It's just that the movement was too fast, everyone only saw an afterimage and couldn't see it clearly.

Then Gref straightened up and spread his palms.

In the palm of his hand, there was a steel needle!


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