Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1277 You call this a gun?

I have to say, the reaction of this foreigner in camouflage uniform is really fast!

If he hadn't been alert and waved his hand to block it, the steel needle would have stuck in his neck!

It's also because Chen Xin'an's current angle is not good and the distance is too far.

The sound the steel needle made when it shot out and penetrated several layers of leaves had already made this person foresee the danger in advance.

Moreover, this kind of weapon is more effective the closer it is.

Beyond fifteen meters, you give the other party a chance to react!

Fortunately, Chen Xin'an also wanted to save people, not kill the enemy.

Therefore, this steel needle did not play a big role, which is expected!

At this moment, he jumped down from the tree.

"What is it? How can it fly? It moves so fast!"

"Are you afraid it's a monkey? You can't see clearly! I can't stop it, it's too fast!"

"Is the monkey here so big? Is it a mandrill?"

You are such a monkey!

You are such a mandrill!

Chen Xin'an couldn't wait to go over and poke the eyes of those nonsense guys.

You can't even tell such a handsome guy, his eyes are useless!

Gref pulled out the steel needle in his hand, raised his head, and looked at the black figure rushing over from the tree next to him!

Without thinking much, he clenched his right fist tightly, aimed at the shadow, and punched it!


There was a muffled sound, and Gref took two steps back, his face gloomy.

The opponent rolled backwards in the air, grabbed the squad leader after landing, carried him behind his back, turned around and ran away!

"Don't let them escape!" Qu Tianlin shouted to the men around him.

He knew very well that this soldier could be caught or killed, but he couldn't run away, otherwise he would be in big trouble.

The squad leader endured the severe pain of the wound on his body and said to Chen Xin'an: "Comrade, be careful they have guns!"

While talking, a strange sound came.

Chen Xin'an's hair stood on end as he jumped to the side with the squad leader on his back!

With an explosion, a huge air wave lifted the two of them up and flew far away!

boom! boom!

The two hit a tree and rolled to the ground.

Chen Xin'an jumped up, not daring to waste time, grabbed the squad leader again, picked him up, and continued running forward, cursing:

"You call this a gun? This is a cannon! Damn, who are these people? They even have this?"

The squad leader coughed twice, spit out a mouthful of blood, and gasped: "It's a grenade!

Ins system rifle firing.

It is a copycat made by the Inca troops after imitating the Chinese Longyan strategic rifle.

The accuracy is not high and the performance is too poor. It has been eliminated by the Inca troops.

However, it is very popular on the arms black market because it is cheap. "

Chen Xin'an looked helpless and said while running: "I don't understand these things, but I can see that if this thing with poor performance hits us, it will blow us into pieces!"

The squad leader shouted: "Be careful, they..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an suddenly made a sharp turn and kicked his left leg on the trunk of a big tree nearby!

With the help of this counterattack force, Chen Xin'an threw herself behind a thicker tree!

Da da da!

There was a burst of gunfire, and bullets hit the tree he was leaning on.

Then it was like it had eyes, chasing after his body!

Along the way, it lifted up the broken branches, leaves and soil on the ground and hit the tree in front of him!

In an instant, the bark of the tree lifted up and sawdust flew everywhere.

Fortunately, the tree was thick enough to block the bodies of the two of them.

"Sit tight!" Chen Xin'an put the squad leader behind the tree, leaning his back against the trunk, listening to the sounds around him, and said, "Wait for me for a while!"

Just as the monitor was about to remind him to be careful, Chen Xin'an had already rushed out.

First, he rolled forward several times in succession, and with the help of the cover of the nearby trees, Chen Xin'an quickly approached the gunmen.

"See anyone? Shoot! Don't let them run away! Kill them!"

Qu Tianlin yelled furiously, and now he also forgot about Powell's request to stay alive.

He couldn't let the soldier walk out of this mountain!

The sparks emitted by the shooting kept flickering, and the guns in everyone's hands kept pouring bullets.

Powell yelled angrily.

Lao Jin, a man with glasses, said anxiously to Qu Tianlin: "Master Qu, it's too dangerous to shoot like this!

This desert mountain is a military restricted area. If the troops stationed on this mountain hear gunshots, we are all doomed! "

"Bullshit military restricted area!" Qu Tianlin cursed angrily: "Let that soldier escape and I'm finished!

Don't be so timid. If there were troops in the wilderness, they would have come out long ago!

Besides, in this old forest, sounds can't travel far.

Even if there are troops, they are definitely not in this area and cannot hear our gunfire! "

The gunfire stopped, and the gunmen took out new magazines and prepared to reload.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed out from behind a tree. The man with glasses widened his eyes and shouted in horror: "Be careful! Run!"

Under the lights, streaks of silver light passed by. The gunmen threw away their guns, covered their faces with their hands, and screamed loudly!

"What the hell! It hurts me so much, my face!"

Qu Tianlin also turned around and screamed, stumbling and hiding behind a tree.

When I touched it with my hand, I saw that several steel needles were stuck in my face, and each one was stuck very deep!

There were screams all around!

The gunmen who were so aggressive just now are now all in a panic, running around with their heads in their hands!

Someone grabbed his hands and shouted: "My eyes! Ah, I can't see anything!"

Both his eyes had been blinded by the steel needles, and blood was flowing down his cheeks, looking horrible.

Feeling the sound of breathing in front of him, the gunman waved his hands as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw, and said to him: "Who are you? I can't see, take me to the back quickly!"

The other party smiled slightly and said to him: "Okay, I'll take you away!"

This voice is wrong!

The gunman was instantly alert, and the gun had fallen to the ground. He grabbed the cloth bag on his waist with his backhand.

But before he could make any more moves, a hand like a poisonous snake spitting out its tongue, and it chiseled his Adam's apple with a click!

It seemed that it was just a light blow, but it had already shattered his Adam's apple.

The gunman opened his mouth wide, and streams of blood gushed out, and his face instantly dimmed!

At this moment, a gunshot came from behind the gunman!

Chen Xinan instantly turned his head, and blood splashed in front of him!

A bullet shot through the gunman's head and flew past Chen Xinan's ear.

Chen Xinan squatted down and swung his right hand, and a steel needle flew out.

The rain of pear blossom needles should be used sparingly.

However, there are still many spare steel needles, but in the jungle, because of the cover of trees, the power is greatly reduced!

But in a face-to-face confrontation like now, steel needles are no less powerful than bullets.

The sound of gunfire continued, but they were all single shots from pistols.

Chen Xinan kept rolling on the ground, and his hands ejected steel needles one after another.


His body hit a big tree, and the opponent's bullets hit the trunk and finally quieted down.

Before Chen Xinan could breathe a sigh of relief, a cold light suddenly flashed behind the tree!

Without almost any hesitation, Chen Xinan fell backwards and avoided this sneak attack.

At the same time, his right foot kicked forward fiercely, hitting the opponent between his legs!


The opponent let out a cow cry, and the whole person tiptoed up and pulled up, then fell straight to the ground, his eyes rolled up, and his whole body trembled, as if he had been electrocuted!

"Butcher!" Powell also ran behind the tree and said to his companion: "We can't delay too long, we have to go, let's use those hostages, don't worry about this!" The butcher didn't say anything, but his hands were shaking as he changed the pistol magazine. Powell thought he was stubborn and refused to agree, so he pulled his shoulder and said: "Don't forget, we still have to get something... Oh, fuck! Butcher, what's wrong with you?" When the butcher turned around, Powell found that his companion's head had almost turned into a hedgehog ball, and was almost full of steel needles!

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