Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1278 The gun is the life of the soldier

No wonder the butcher didn't speak. He was in so much pain that he couldn't speak, right?

To be honest, it really hurts to look at it. It’s no wonder that the butcher’s hand when changing the magazine was trembling!

After changing the magazine, leaning against the tree, the butcher pulled out the steel needles on his face one by one with his hands, but instead of throwing them away, he collected them all.

These things must be returned to that damn Chinese!

After pricking me with so many needles, when they fall into my hands, I will let him swallow all these steel needles!

China is indeed a forbidden land for mercenaries.

This time when we brought the team here, we really lost our troops and generals, and suffered constant misfortune.

He had already bribed the insiders of the mine and successfully obtained some blue diamonds by pretending to be external technical workers.

But he was spotted by the patrol.

After a fierce battle, an officer from the other side was captured with the help of hostages.

It also naturally attracted the opponent's large forces.

Later, the embassy intervened through prearranged arrangements and several scapegoats were arrested.

I thought I had fooled the opponent, but I was still discovered by several Chinese special forces!

There were eighteen people in their group, but fifteen of them were killed by those five people!

Not only did my group of people fail to deliver the goods, but even the people were annihilated here!

Now the border is ready, with four hostages in hand, one of whom is an officer.

The bargaining chip on my side is already big enough. It should be no problem for these people to leave the country!

So it doesn't matter whether the remaining soldiers are alive or dead!

But Powell is right, now is not the time to get entangled with these Chinese people.

They have to go back to the place where the goods were buried, take them out, and leave this damn forest as soon as possible!

He swore that after he got out, he would never come to this ghost place again in his life!

A full twenty-five days!

He wandered around in circles in this mountain like a headless fly for twenty-five days.

Even in a larger and more primitive foreign forest, even if all the instruments failed and he couldn't tell north from south and east from east, he had never been as embarrassed as he is now!

There is just something weird about everything here.

The direction was obviously determined based on the stars, and even the trees were marked.

But after walking for a long time, you realize that you are back to the original place!

All your experience in the jungle will not apply here.

Everything here seems to have no rules. The trees, rocks, flowers, and grass are not pointing towards the positive direction, making it impossible for you to judge the direction.

If it hadn't been for the bribed local guides to come to the rescue, I'm afraid I would have died in this mountain forest this time.

The steel needles were pulled out, and my whole face was in burning pain.

Fortunately, he didn't hit his eyes, unlike the unlucky local who became blind.

The butcher gritted his teeth and looked behind the tree not far away, and shouted to Powell: "Let's go!"


Chen Xin'an stepped on the neck of the sneak attacker on the ground, breaking his cervical spine and killing him instantly.

If you are sure that you are an enemy, then you are welcome.

And in this case, it is useless to keep him alive, it is better to kill him directly.

The guy dropped a nearly three-meter long red tassel gun on the ground.

It is divided into three tubes and connected, and the material cannot be seen for the time being.

Chen Xin'an held it in her hand, and it was quite easy to hold it.

He found two more magazines from the opponent, and then quickly ran forward!

Just now I felt that the other party's voice had become quieter, and as expected, they all retreated now.

Chen Xin'an circled around and felt temporarily safe before returning to the big tree where Hao Jiayong was hiding.

"Don't sleep!" Seeing Hao Jiayong's eyes closed, Chen Xin'an dropped the things in his hands on the ground, took out the silver needle, and stuck it into Hao Jiayong's body.

After inserting the needle, Chen Xin'an picked up a magazine from the ground and reached for the assault rifle slung behind Hao Jiayong's back.

As soon as his hand touched the barrel of the gun, the drowsy Hao Jiayong suddenly woke up, hugged the gun, and looked at Chen Xin'an warily, but blood poured out of his nose!

"Don't move!" Chen Xin'an shouted to him and quickly removed the few silver needles stuck in the back of his head.

Hao Jiayong held the gun and asked him weakly: "What are you doing?"

Chen Xin'an handed him the magazine and said, "I know you are out of bullets, so I helped you get two magazines from those people!"

Hao Jiayong turned his head and looked at him with a very strange expression.

Chen Xin'an grinned and said: "You don't need to be grateful to me, and you don't need to admire me..."

Hao Jiayong looked at him warily and said, "Who are you? I know this is the territory of Montenegrin tigers, and I have always wanted to find them.

When you first appeared, I thought you were from Montenegro Tiger.

But now come on, you are not a soldier at all.

You don't even know some basic common sense in the army.

But you have a certain military temperament, and with such skills...

who are you?

Why here? "

Chen Xin'an was angry and waited for Hao Jiayong to scold: "Who are you looking down on? Who do you think has no basic common sense?"

Hao Jiayong said to him helplessly: "Brother, I won't say anything if you can't hear the rifle grenade.

But don’t you know that guns and ammunition have different calibers?

Do you think you can use any gun with just a handful of bullets?

Do you think my gun can be used with bullets of this caliber? "

Chen Xin'an suddenly blushed with shame.

He really forgot about this incident.

And this is really common sense. I actually forgot this, and it’s not unfair to call me an idiot!

He remembered what Zhang Jian once said.

Even if you wear this green uniform, you don't look like a soldier!

You only have the appearance of a soldier, but not the inside of a soldier!

At first I thought this was a sarcasm, but now I realize that I am stating a fact!

Hao Jiayong hugged the gun tightly, looked at Chen Xin'an with a wary look and asked, "So who are you? What are you doing alone in this forest? Are you lost too?"

Chen Xin'an sighed and threw the two magazines far away.

Just when he was about to speak, Hao Jiayong shouted: "Oh, why did you lose it?"

Chen Xin'an cursed angrily: "Didn't you say you don't need it? Then why do you keep it? As a toy?"

Hao Jiayong said helplessly: "Brother, if I can't use this gun, can't you go get one of theirs?

How can we deal with so many gunmen without guns? "


Chen Xin'an slapped herself on the head and cursed angrily: "Being with you makes me stupid!"

Hao Jiayong: "..."

Can this be blamed on me?

Chen Xin'an turned around and walked out. Hao Jiayong wanted to stop him, but the pain all over his mouth made him unable to speak, so he had to close his mouth.

After a while, Chen Xin'an came back again, holding an ins system rifle and four magazines in his hand, all of which were found from the two dead people.

Chen Xin'an threw the gun and bullets in front of Hao Jiayong and said, "Can you still leave? I can't use this thing, you can use it, I will hold the empty gun for you!"

Before he could reach out his hand, Hao Jiayong put the gun back in his arms, looked at Chen Xinan and said seriously:

"Comrade, remember! The gun is the life of one of our soldiers! So on the battlefield, unless I die, the gun cannot be given to others!"

Chen Xin'an said helplessly: "Okay, you can carry it yourself! We have to hide and prepare now, they will come back!"

Hao Jiayong looked at him warily and asked, "Tell me first, who are you?"

Chen Xin'an shrugged, looked at him and said, "I am the new combat instructor of Black Mountain Tiger. My name is Chen Xin'an!"


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