Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1284 Please bring my brother back alive

Chen Xin'an was also startled when a poisonous snake suddenly appeared in front of him.

At the moment when the poisonous snake attacked him, Chen Xin'an's left hand was like lightning and he pinched seven inches of it.

But people also fell from trees.

By accident, he lured the butcher out, thinking he had the situation under control, and Chen Xin'an's life and death was in his hands.

But from the very beginning, Chen Xin'an dropped the poisonous snake at his feet.

Sure enough, he was not disappointed. The snake bit the butcher's calf hard, and the snake's venom was quickly injected into the butcher's body.

At this moment, the butcher's face began to turn livid, and he knew that he was finished!

But a cold light flashed across his eyes.

Even if he was going to die, he would have someone to support him!

He suddenly raised his arm, pointed the gun at Chen Xin'an's head, and was about to pull the trigger, when a cold light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes!

A severed hand still holding the gun fell to the ground.

Before the butcher could react, Chen Xin'an suddenly squatted down and stabbed him hard again, inserting the tiger-tooth knife into the inside of the knee joint of his right leg!

"Ah!" The butcher screamed loudly and fell to the ground.

Chen Xin'an didn't let it go, she grabbed the handle of the knife, pulled it out, and cut his right leg again!

The severe pain made the butcher's whole body tremble, but Chen Xin'an punched him in the chest. He couldn't breathe and couldn't move at all!

Chen Xin'an stabbed the butcher's right leg several times with a tiger-tooth knife, then took out a silver needle and inserted needles into his right leg and heart.

Someone behind him seemed to be rushing over, but he was sneaking around, for fear that Chen Xin'an would know.

Chen Xin'an couldn't be disturbed at this time, so he just used his foot to push the spear on the ground, and then flicked it back!


One person was shot by a spear and suddenly fell to the ground!

Chen Xin'an didn't even look back. She was still injecting the butcher's needle, and then cut him on his right thigh. Black-red blood gushed out, but it soon turned into bright red.

Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief and said to the almost tortured dead butcher:

"You should thank me because I saved your life!"

The butcher could not speak. Looking at his right leg that was beyond recognition, he was so angry that he was in severe pain. He rolled his eyes and fainted!

Chen Xin'an slapped him on the face and cursed: "Damn! I saved your life and you didn't even say thank you!"

Turning around, he looked at the man he had shot down with his spear.

It was the Inca animal expert.

The spear pierced his chest, if not the heart, and he couldn't survive.

But he's not dead yet. He's vomiting blood from his mouth and looking at Chen Xin'an in horror.

"Don't look at me. I can't save you from your injuries! And I have no intention of saving you! But if you want to die quickly, I can help you!"

Chen Xin'an said something to the Inca animal expert expressionlessly, but judging from his reaction, he didn't understand it at all!

Chen Xin'an stood up, turned around and walked to the back, holding one person's leg with one hand and dragging Qu Tianlin and Lao Jin over!

Qu Tianlin was so aggrieved that he died.

Are you polite?

After all, I am the boss of the Spear Club, can you give me some face?

It's okay to hold it on your back, but why is it like dragging a dog to death?

Chen Xin'an threw them to the ground, then pulled Lao Jin and lay side by side with the Inca animal expert.

If it weren't for the miserable appearance of vomiting blood, the two of them would have looked like a couple sleeping on the same bed.

Chen Xin'an looked at Lao Jin and asked, "Are you a translator? Ask him a few questions for me.

Wait a minute, I'll do something first! "

Chen Xin'an took out a steel needle and pierced the Inca's head.

When the first needle was applied, the Inca just gritted his teeth and had no other reaction.

But after the second injection, the Inca's expression changed, he began to want to dodge, and kept screaming.

By the third injection, the Inca's cry no longer sounded like a human cry, and the entire face was distorted to the point of deformation!

Even though he was pierced by the spear, his body was still twisting and it looked very painful!

Qu Tianlin and Lao Jin were both dumbfounded!

I don’t understand what Chen Xin’an did to this Inca. Isn’t this terrible?

Chen Xin'an raised the silver needle, and the Inca breathed a sigh of relief. He kept mumbling something, which should be a plea for mercy.

"Tell him, whatever I ask, he will answer honestly! If he lies, the end will be even worse than before!"

Lao Jin quickly translated Chen Xin'an's words to the Incas.

The Inca nodded vigorously, his eyes filled with horror.

Chen Xin'an looked at the Incas and asked, "Did you cause the Ten Thousand Wolf Tide?"

After listening to Lao Jin's translation, the Inca nodded and said something quickly.

Lao Jin explained: "He did it, but he only wanted to let the wolf tide move in the north, and never thought of returning to this place!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked: "Then since it is your masterpiece, you should stay abroad and command the wolf tide. Why did you come to China?"

The Inca shook his head and said: "It is not difficult to form a wolf tide, but it is difficult to control the wolf tide.

To control the wolf tide, we must enter the territory of China.

And whether you are in the northern border or the East China Sea mine, you have to travel through the virgin forest.

With me here, the speed and efficiency will be greatly improved.

What's more, this time the wolf tide got out of control and came to this place!

They asked me to follow them all the way, and I was forced to do so! "

As he spoke, he kept coughing and vomiting blood, and it was already clear that he would not live long.

Chen Xin'an looked at him expressionlessly and said, "Because of you, two of our special forces members died!

So you must die!

No, if you explain the escape route of you people, especially the next movements, I will let you die more happily!

Otherwise, I guarantee that you will suffer the most terrible pain in the world before you can finally die!

do you understand? "

The Inca's expression changed, he looked at Chen Xin'an desperately, and then nodded.

Powell had passed out.

If his wounds were not bandaged, the bleeding alone would kill him alone.

But Hao Jiayong is now unable to help him stop the bleeding!

Leaning against the big tree, Hao Jiayong felt that his consciousness was getting blurry and his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier.

Just when he was about to close his eyes, he finally saw Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an was also shocked.

From this bloody scene, it is enough to see what kind of fight this place has just endured.

I never expected that Hao Jiayong could defeat this mercenary even though he was so injured!

These special forces members really cannot be measured by ordinary people's standards. Each one of them is like a fighting machine.

Powell was given several injections to stop his bleeding.

After handling it, Chen Xin'an put his hand on Hao Jiayong's shoulder.

"Can you agree to my request?" Hao Jiayong looked at Chen Xin'an weakly.

This man with a will as strong as steel looked at Chen Xin'an with eyes full of pleading.

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and nodded to him.

Hao Jiayong said word for word: "Our captain is Shi Jianfeng. There are also my deputy squad leader Li Tianmeng, and two team members Gao Jiyong and Liu Sanpao.

Now they are all taken to Guanbei.

There was no time to inform Chuan Yunlong.

To save them, we can only ask you, the Montenegrin Tiger, to take action!

No matter who goes, please bring these brothers back alive, can you? "

At this point, this guy is still thinking about his captured comrades!

Chen Xin'an's nose was sore, she nodded vigorously and said, "Okay, I promise you!"


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