Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1285: No Matter Where You Look

"Thank you!" Hao Jiayong breathed a sigh of relief, squeezed out a smile, and looked at Chen Xin'an with eyes full of gratitude.

Then his chest, which was rising and falling rapidly, suddenly stopped and became motionless.

"Brother!" Chen Xin'an felt pain in his heart and called out tremblingly.

The other party has no reaction at all!

Chen Xin'an felt sad in her heart and gritted her teeth and said to him: "Don't worry, the Black Mountain Tiger people will definitely rescue your brothers, because they are also our brothers! You can go in peace!"

He used his left hand to cover Hao Jiayong's still half-open eyes, and gently swiped down.

Taking his hand away, Hao Jiayong's eyes were still half-open, and seemed to be a little wider than before.

Chen Xin'an was grieved in her heart, she was not willing to die with her eyes in peace! Still worried about his comrades-in-arms!

"I, Chen Xin'an, keep my word! I will definitely rescue your brothers safely.

Just feel free to go! "

Chen Xin'an put her hand on Hao Jiayong's eyes and pressed them slightly hard.

When he took his hand away, Hao Jiayong still looked like he was dead!

Chen Xin'an was also anxious, and stretched out her hand again, and just as she was about to put it on Hao Jiayong's head, she heard him ask: "What are you doing?"

"Damn!" Chen Xin'an was startled, retracted his hand and cursed: "You're not dead?"

Hao Jiayong cursed angrily: "How could I die so easily! Do you really think that those of us who wear Yunlong are just made-up clay dolls?

I'm just tired and want to take a rest. Why are you squinting at me? "

Your uncle's!

Chen Xin'an looked at Hao Jiayong's eyes and complexion. Although he was very poor and weak, he really wasn't going to burp right away!

He stood up, found his backpack, and took out compressed biscuits and mineral water from it.

He broke off some biscuits and stuffed them into Hao Jiayong's mouth, and said to him: "Keep it in your mouth and don't swallow it!"

Then he unscrewed the mineral water and poured it into his mouth and said, "Soak everything until soft before swallowing."

Hao Jiayong did as he was told and slowly ate half a pack of biscuits.

Chen Xin'an ate the remaining biscuits, drank all the water, clapped her hands and said, "I'll go to the deep pool to wash up later, rest until dawn and then go back!"

Hao Jiayong was about to speak, but Chen Xin'an suddenly froze, as if someone had tapped his acupuncture points.

"What's wrong?" Hao Jiayong was startled.

But Chen Xin'an turned his head, with a terrifying expression on his face, and his eyes were as wide as bull's eyes, looking straight at him.

Hao Jiayong shrank back and said in horror: "Instructor Chen! Chen Xin'an! What's wrong with you? Calm down..."

Chen Xin'an looked at him and asked word for word: "You just told me, what is the name of your captain?"

"Captain?" Hao Jiayong looked at him with a strange face and said, "Shi Jianfeng, what's wrong?"

Chen Xin'an grabbed his shoulders, stared and asked:

"Shi Jianfeng? Which Shi Jianfeng? Where is he from? Does he have any brothers or sisters? What does he look like?"

Hao Jiayong looked aggrieved, huddled up and looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "What are you doing? You scratched me! You scared me to death!"

Chen Xin'an trembled, looked at Hao Jiayong and cursed angrily: "You look so cheap! You look like a wronged woman!"

The Hao family dared to curse: "Why don't you say that you are like a madman? I am still injured, can I withstand your torture?"

Why am I bothering you?

Chen Xin'an wanted to twist his mouth and scolded him with a straight face: "Stop being so wordy! Answer me quickly!"

Hao Jiayong said angrily: "Our captain's name is Shi Jianfeng, that's Shi Jianfeng, where is the other Shi Jianfeng?

My hometown seems to be Kyoto, right?

I don't know the specifics.

Anyway, he rarely had any family leave, and no relatives visited him or wrote to him.

But I once saw a photo in his dormitory, which was taken when he was very young and with another little boy.

I asked him who he was and he said it was his brother.

But we have never seen his brother contact him..."

It's him, it's him!

Chen Xin'an's heart almost jumped out of her chest!

It was really hard to find a place to go through the iron shoes, but when I suddenly looked back, I saw that person in a dimly lit place...

Huh? Something seems wrong!

Forget it, I can’t control that much anymore!

This captured Captain Shi is probably Shi Zhentian’s biological brother!

Chen Xin'an now wants to go to Guanbei to save this person!

But just thinking about it.

You have to eat food one bite at a time and do things step by step.

The main task now is to bring these people back to Montenegro Tiger.

Chen Xin'an stood up and said to Hao Jiayong: "Okay, we can go!"

"Let's go? Where?" Hao Jiayong asked tiredly.

"It's nonsense, isn't it? Didn't you just say we were going to Deep Water Pool?" Chen Xin'an glanced at him and cursed: "What do you mean? You are still reluctant to leave?"

Hao Jiayong gasped and said: "I really want to leave, but is it possible to leave? There are so many people blocking us, how can we leave?"

Instructor Chen, I have told you the most important thing anyway.

Go on your own!

Go back and ask for reinforcements. We cannot let these people leave China!

You don't have to worry about me. I've made a profit on this mission, and I have no regrets about dying! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him, turned around and left.

Hao Jiayong was stunned.

I wanted you to leave, but you were too quick to leave, weren't you?

At least... say hello?

This guy is rude, but Hao Jiayong is not like him. He coughed twice and said to Chen Xinan's back: "Goodbye... No, goodbye, comrade!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Xinan turned back, as if he was dragging something with his hands!

Hao Jiayong widened his eyes and looked at Chen Xinan in surprise.

This guy was holding a leg with one hand, dragging three people with both hands, and holding a camouflage uniform. There seemed to be a ball-like thing wrapped in the camouflage uniform, and he walked back again!

Looking at the three people lying on the ground, Hao Jiayong stretched his neck and swallowed his saliva.

The butcher who had turned into a blood gourd, the boss of the Long Spear Society and the translator with glasses.

Plus Powell beside him.

The targets of this pursuit are basically here!

But how did this guy do it?

Hao Jiayong licked his lips and said to Chen Xinan: "That Inca ran away with those Long Spear Society thugs, right?

It doesn't matter, we have hostages.

Even if they run back to report the news, they dare not do anything to the captain..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xinan threw the camouflage uniform in his hand into his arms.

"What is it?" Hao Jiayong opened the bloody camouflage uniform with a puzzled look on his face, and a squinting head appeared in front of him!

It was the Inca!

"Damn it!" Hao Jiayong almost jumped up!

I never dreamed that this thing was wrapped in the clothes!

He stared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Are you sick? What are you doing with this thing!"

Chen Xin'an came over, grabbed his hair and put his head back into the camouflage jacket, wrapped it up and tied it up, and blamed:

"Don't throw it away!

This guy killed two of our Black Mountain Tiger brothers. How can we avenge those two brothers if we don't kill him?

I can't drag a corpse back, right?

Just take the head back, that's perfect!"

Hao Jiayong widened his eyes, looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief and asked: "Instructor Chen, those people from the Long Spear Society..."

"They have all been killed!" Chen Xin'an said in a flat tone: "Since you have chosen to be a traitor, you have already determined your fate, and you will die!"

Qu Tianlin and Lao Jin, who were stabbed on the ground by Chen Xin'an, were trembling and almost wet their pants with fear!

The two of them saw this guy's cruel methods with their own eyes, and they were really scared to the bone!

He actually killed all those people?

He was the only one?

Hao Jiayong was dumbfounded!

I thought I was doomed this time and would die here.

I didn't expect that this instructor of the Black Mountain Tiger could deal with all the enemies by himself!


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