Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1287 Why do these things appear here?

Are those of us who wear cloud dragons idiots?

Jumping straight down from a height of 40 meters, do you call this rappelling?

Is that called suicide?

Even if the person is fine, there must have been some protective measures in place.

When such results are used as grades, it can only prove that the people of the Montenegrin Tigers can no longer afford to lose and are resorting to any means necessary!

Everyone in Chuan Yunlong looked at them with disdain and didn't believe what Zhang Jian and the others said at all.

Of course, I didn't ask. After all, this is the Montenegrin tiger's territory. Of course, your people have to help you with it. Asking is in vain.

Just use the facts to defeat you. It will be up to you how stubborn you still are when the time comes.

Zhu Shanluo smiled and said to Zhang Jian: "If your instructor Chen Xin'an is really that good, I will call him master when I see him in the future!"

The master mentioned here is not a real master and apprentice who teaches and teaches, but a kind of honorific title between instructors.

The instructors of these special operations teams are each more arrogant than the other, and no one is convinced by anyone.

Therefore, the soldiers brought out are also like this.

It is not easy to get them to call you master and admit that you are stronger than them.

Zhang Jian curled his lips and said with disdain: "If you want to be someone's apprentice, you have to see if you have the qualifications!

Do you think that someone would be willing to be your master just casually? "

In the political commissar's office in the office building, Tan Maodong said seriously to Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun who were reading the information:

"That's what happened, so we urgently need your cooperation from the Montenegrin tigers.

The situation is urgent and there is no need to delay! "

The orderly Lu Huan brought tea, and Tang Peng smiled and said: "Try all of you, the tribute red robe collected by Lao Meng.

It was usually well hidden, and I was thinking about it for a long time without drinking it.

Today, I have borrowed the light of both of you! "

Tan Maodong showed a forced smile and was about to say something polite when the impatient Xin Desheng pushed the tea cup and cursed impatiently:

"What time has it been? How can I still be in the mood to drink tea! Let's act quickly!"

Tang Peng laughed, shook his head at Xin Desheng and said, "Old Xin, don't be so impatient.

No matter how important it is, you come all the way here and you still need a drink of water, right?

Otherwise, people would still laugh at our Montenegrin tigers for not providing good hospitality!

Let’s drink tea first, and let’s talk about other things slowly! "

Xin Desheng glared at him, grabbed the tea cup, poured the tea inside into his stomach, and drank it all.

Then he put it on the coffee table with a bang and said to Tang Peng: "After drinking, can we make arrangements?"

Everyone looked at each other, and Tang Peng scolded him: "The water is still hot, and you feel stuffy?"

Xin Desheng slapped the coffee table, stared and cursed: "My children are still fighting bloody battles.

More importantly, not even a handful of powder from those rough stones can be taken out of the border!

The matter has reached such an urgent stage now, you want me to sit here with my legs crossed and drink tea leisurely?

I can't drink it!

Tang Peng, I know you are watching my joke.

Such a big thing happened, and it involves you. You finally found such an opportunity, and you definitely want to take advantage of me.

But whatever you can do, you must help me bring out those children.

And we must take back all the rough stones without missing a single one!

You know what the consequences will be if those rough stones flow abroad!

It will also cause the sacrifice of many of our border officers and soldiers!

This is no child's play! "

Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun looked at each other, shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

"Xin Dapao, since when did I take pleasure in your misfortune?

I'm just telling you, don't rush, everything is planned.

We can just sit here and drink tea in peace.

Xiao Lu, help General Xin refill the tea. "

"Drink the hell!" Xin Desheng got angry, grabbed the teacup, and smashed it to the ground, smashing it into pieces!

He stood up suddenly and said to Tan Maodong: "Old Tan, let's go!

Go directly into the forest, there is no need for them to interfere, since you have already said hello anyway!

Tian Hao! "

"Here!" the orderly standing at the door responded.

Xin Desheng shouted to him: "Let Dai Wu Gang form the team and set off immediately!"

"Yes!" Tian Hao responded, and just as he was about to turn around, Meng Jianjun shouted at him: "Stop!"

Tian Hao just hesitated for a moment, turned and left.

Meng Jianjun frowned and said, "Lao Xin, what are you doing!"

Xin Desheng pointed at Tang Peng's nose and cursed: "Tang, you used to compete with me, but I don't care about you anymore.

But what time is it now?

Urgent military situation!

I don’t believe you will forget what kind of instructions the big leader once gave to Ying Tianshi!

I'll let it go if you plot against me on other matters. If you dare to do anything wrong in this matter, I won't forgive you!

I will keep this account in mind for you, and I will definitely settle it with you in the future!

Lao Tan, let’s go! "

"Xin Dapao!" Tang Peng was also angry, pointing at Xin Desheng and scolding: "When did I start fooling around with you?

Speak clearly!

Why should I compete with you?

If you hadn't competed first, do you think I would have ignored you?

I entertain you with good intentions, but then I end up throwing pots and pans with me here. Who are you going to show your face to? "

A voice came from outside the door: "Report!"

Dai Wugang walked in and said to Xin Desheng: "Captain, the team has been assembled and can set off at any time!"

Xin Desheng nodded, and just as he was about to speak, he heard someone behind Dai Wugang shout:

"Report! Oh, get out of the way, it's so heavy! Why are you blocking the door?!"

A female officer came in holding a box, put it on the desk, and said to Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun:

"Captain, political commissar, the test report has come out, and I have cleaned up the things so that no blood will form!"

Meng Jianjun smiled and said: "Xiao Wang, I'm just waiting for you! Because of this, your captain got scolded! You go and have a rest quickly. You've been working hard all night, but you're exhausted!"

The female officer indeed looked tired, but her eyes were full of energy. She asked Meng Jianjun: "Political Commissar, I want to know if Instructor Chen is back..."

Meng Jianjun shook his head and said, "Not yet. But I believe he will be fine!"

Xin Desheng frowned and pointed at the box and asked, "What is this?"

Tang Peng rolled his eyes at him, snorted and said, "Don't you have any hands?"

Xin Desheng walked to the desk, opened the box, looked at the contents, widened his eyes and screamed: "How could it be here?!"

"What's the matter, Lao Xin?" Tan Maodong also came over and said with a smile:

“What makes you so…what’s going on?

Why is the rough stone here? "

"Ah?" Dai Wugang and Tian Hao also looked incredulous, and hurried over to take a look. They were also shocked and speechless.

Xin Desheng looked solemnly and asked Dai Wugang, "Are those the things we lost?"

Dai Wugang put his hands on the box, looked at it carefully, nodded and said: "Yes! There are many items, and they are all here!"

Tan Maodong looked at Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun and asked: "Old Tang, Old Meng, what is going on?

Why are the rough stones here with you?

How did you know about this in advance?

Who got this back?

I must thank them very much! "

Tang Peng sneered coldly, curled his lips and said, "Thank you? We can't afford it!"

He pointed to the fragments of the tea cup on the ground and said, "Is this your gratitude to Chuan Yunlong?

I’ve learned a lesson!

No need to thank you, after all, we Montenegrin tigers are just a bunch of spectators!

We want to take advantage of you and plot against you, so how can we deserve your gratitude! "

Xin Desheng's face turned red and he was too embarrassed to speak.

Tan Maodong quickly came to his rescue: "Old Tang! You should calm down! Xiao Wang, right? Thank you..."

The female officer saluted and said: "Chief, I did not snatch the original stone back.

It’s Chen Xin’an, our new instructor of the Black Mountain Tiger! "


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