Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1288 This is the person who is useful now

New instructor Chen Xin'an?

This name is somewhat unfamiliar to both Xin Desheng and Tan Maodong.

Dai Wugang's eyes widened.

It’s Chen Xinan again!

The man who rappelled 40 meters and jumped down in just two seconds!

Now Dai Wugang's interest in this person is really growing.

Xin Desheng excitedly said to Meng Jianjun: "Lao Meng, please quickly ask instructor Chen to come to the office.

I want to thank him in person, and I want to take credit for him personally! "

The female officer said with a worried look: "There's no way to see him now, he hasn't come out of the old forest on the other side of the deep pool yet!

We found the burial place of the original stone and took out the original stone.

He asked my companions and I to send the rough stones back first, while he stayed where he was and waited. "

Tan Maodong asked solemnly: "How many people did you send and how many weapons did you carry?"

"No!" The female officer shook her head and said, "Only the three of us went there, and we met accidentally.

After getting the original stone back, he stayed there alone.

Instructor Chen is our fighting and combat instructor and does not like to use firearms.

So he only has a tiger-tooth knife on him! "

"Ah? Confused!" Xin Desheng became anxious upon hearing this, stared at Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun and shouted: "Is he staying there to wait to die?

Why does this kid act so carelessly?

Since these people can bring rough stones out of the Donghai Mine, how can they be ordinary people?

Do you know how much price Chuan Yunlong paid to intercept these people?

He didn't know the difference between leaving himself there and sending himself to death.

Dai Wu Gang, please bring someone over immediately!

Be sure to find someone.

If you are alive, you want to see people, if you are dead, you want to see corpses! "

"There's no need for you to go there!" Tang Peng said angrily: "We have already sent people there!

Last night, one of your warriors from Chuan Yunlong came back, his name seems to be..."

The orderly Lu Huan said: "Wu Zhenjun!"

Tang Peng nodded and said, "Yes, this Wu Zhenjun was discovered by our patrol sentry and brought back.

After telling us some of the situation in the forest, we immediately formed a platoon, led by a squad leader, to pick up Chen Xin'an in the forest.

If nothing else, they are already connected now. "

Everyone nodded.

Xin Desheng also understood that he had wrongly blamed Tang Peng, and said to him with a red face: "Old Tang, I was a little irrational just now..."

Tang Peng snorted, turned around and ignored him.

Meng Jianjun smiled helplessly and said to Xin Desheng and Tan Maodong: "You two, can you rest assured now?"

Tan Maodong shook his head and sighed: "The children haven't come back yet, so how can we relax?"

Meng Jianjun glanced at Tang Peng, and both of them had serious expressions on their faces.

Tan Maodong frowned and asked, "What's wrong? Is there anything else you haven't told us?"

Meng Jianjun took a deep breath and said to him and Xin Desheng:

"According to the description of the fifth squad leader last night.

Several soldiers of Chuanyunlong except the squad leader Hao Jiayong who was seriously injured.

The rest have been captured!

He may have been sent to Guanbei in advance! "

Xin Desheng and Tan Maodong's expressions changed greatly, but they didn't say anything.

They have thought about the worst.

Although this news is cruel, it is also expected.

Xin Desheng and Tan Maodong sat on the sofa, discussed in a low voice for a few words, and then nodded, as if they had decided on something.

Xin Desheng said to Tang Peng: "Old Tang, please help me send out another guide.

My people will enter the old forest of Sham Shui Pond and look for Chen Xin'an and Hao Jiayong together.

Then our people will enter Guanbei directly from Moshan to rescue our captured brothers.

If we can't come back before the competition, we will give up our results in this competition! "

Tang Peng glanced at Meng Jianjun, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make arrangements for you right away.

But if you go to Guanbei, my people will go with you.

When the time comes, we will fly directly over them with a helicopter! "

Xin Desheng and Tan Maodong nodded. Just as they were about to speak, someone suddenly ran over from outside and shouted breathlessly: "Report! I'm back!"

Xin Desheng frowned and cursed: "Tian Hao, what are you doing! What's back? Who's back? Make it clear! What a shame!"

Tian Hao swallowed his saliva and said to Tan Maodong: "Captain, political commissar, and squad leader Hao are back and have brought people back with them. Go and have a look!"

Brought people back?

What's the meaning?

Everyone in the office looked confused.

But after going out and taking a look, everyone understood it, so everyone stood up and followed Tian Hao out.

At the gate of the base, the sentries were dumbfounded.

Chen Xinan was carrying Hao Jiayong on his back, and the two of them appeared in front of everyone covered in blood.

What's even more incredible is that behind them, there are four bloody men!

Two Chinese-looking men, carrying two foreigners on their backs, almost crawled into the base.

Moreover, all four of them were blindfolded and tied by a climbing rope, as if they were dragged back by Chen Xin'an!

In front, the team members who came after hearing the news had already rushed over. Without asking any questions, they first controlled the four people behind them, tied their hands behind their backs, and put on their hoods.

"Squad Leader Hao!" Zhu Shanluo came over and wanted to take Chen Xin'an over.

Chen Xin'an turned to the side and shouted to him: "Don't move! Don't interfere!"

Zhu Shanluo frowned and said, "I am his instructor! Thank you for rescuing my soldiers. Now just leave them to me!"

"What's the use of leaving it to you! Go away!" Chen Xin'an said to him unceremoniously: "You guys don't get in the way, get out of the way!"

"How are you talking?" A Chuanyunlong team member shouted to Chen Xin'an: "This is our instructor leader Zhu Shanluo!

How can you say that our instructors are useless?

Although you saved our squad leader Hao, please respect our instructor..."

Chen Xin'an said impatiently: "He has lost too much blood now, he was shot several times, and his life is in danger!

Now I am just hanging on by a few silver needles.

If you move his body even a little bit, it may cause qi and blood disorders and cause hemorrhagic collapse!

You want to hold him, right?

Okay, then come on, take your squad leader Hao down! "

Zhu Shanluo retracted his hand in embarrassment.

The other members of Chuan Yunlong were also dumbfounded and did not dare to step forward.

Hao Jiayong's current condition is indeed not good. Who dares to make fun of the lives of his comrades?

Hu Bing snorted coldly and scolded them: "How dare you not listen to instructor Chen's words? Are all of you Chuan Yunlong born in the year of donkey? Do you have to scold to know the severity?"

Everyone burst into laughter!

The faces of Zhu Shanluo and Chuan Yunlong turned dark, and just when they were about to retort, someone from behind ordered: "Get out of the way, don't block the way!"

The leaders of the two special forces arrived, and everyone quickly got out of the way.

Tang Peng looked at Chen Xin'an who was covered in blood and asked: "Chen Xin'an, what's your situation now? Who are these people?"

Chen Xin'an said angrily: "Can a few useful people come here first? Can we talk about this nonsense later?"

Tang Peng also blushed, looked embarrassed, and cursed angrily: "You bastard, you..."

"Get out of the way!" Another voice came from behind, and everyone dispersed. Tang Qianqian led four nurses and ran over quickly pushing two stretcher trolleys!

Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's right! This is the most useful person now!"

He carefully put Hao Jiayong down from his back and put him on the stretcher.

Seeing someone next to him trying to put the most seriously injured butcher on top, he stepped forward and kicked the butcher to the ground, cursing:

"Stop! Does this kind of person deserve a stretcher?

You two idiots, who asked you to put this person down? "


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