Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1289 The rest have been killed

Qu Tianlin and Lao Jin, who were now on the verge of collapse, carried the two foreigners on their backs with trembling bodies.

They have already learned the consequences of not listening to Chen Xin'an!

Despite the serious injuries of the two foreigners, their lives have been lingering near the gate of hell.

But the most painful thing was the two of them who were basically uninjured.

Along the way, they really suffered from Chen Xin'an's methods and torture.

So much so that even though he committed suicide several times, Chen Xin'an would always find him out.

Then he was subjected to even more horrific torture, as he was forced to carry the two foreigners on his back and keep going.

When had the two of them ever suffered like this?

Now they don't even beg Chen Xin'an to let them go, they just want to give them a happy life.

Life is so painful!

"Instructor Chen!" Tang Qianqian, who had just taken two steps pushing the stretcher cart, suddenly shouted in panic.

Hao Jiayong's body on the stretcher seemed to have been electrocuted, twisting and convulsing, and he was vomiting blood in large mouthfuls.

Everyone was frightened.

But Chen Xin'an walked over, slapped Hao Jiayong on the face, and cursed at him:

"We've returned to the base. Leave the rest to me! Don't worry so much and rest in peace!"

"What are you doing!" Seeing Chen Xin'an beating his own soldiers, Zhu Shanluo was unhappy and glared at him and cursed.

The other Chuan Yunlong team members also glared at Chen Xinan.

But before they could speak, Hao Jiayong, who originally looked a little scary, calmed down and slowly returned to normal.

Chen Xin'an said to Tang Qianqian: "The awareness of self-protection under serious injury.

He could hear it now, but he couldn't respond.

I put three needles in his heart to hang on to his life.

You and Xiao Chu are going to remove the bullet from his left chest this morning, so there is a half chance that he will survive.

I'll send him to the Military General Hospital in the afternoon.

If this bullet cannot be removed, he may die on the way to the military headquarters! "

"Yes, I understand!" Tang Qianqian nodded vigorously and said to the nurses: "Go back immediately to prepare for the operation!"

Hao Jiayong was pushed away, and Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief and said to Tang Peng:

"The matter in the forest has been solved, you need to send someone over immediately to clean it up.

I may have to go out for two or three days and ask you for a leave..."

Tang Peng said angrily: "Don't talk about this first, let me introduce it to you.

These two are Chuanyunlong's captain Xin Desheng and political commissar Tan Maodong. "

"Hello, Chief!" Chen Xin'an turned around and gave the two bosses a standard military salute.

Xin Desheng and Tan Maodong returned the gift to him, and then looked at him with interest.

They knew exactly what kind of temper Tang Peng had.

This was the first time I saw an instructor dare to call him useless in front of Tang Peng!

Tan Maodong looked at Chen Xin'an with admiration and said, "I have long heard that the Black Mountain Tiger specially invited a new instructor in order to deal with us.

When I saw him today, he was indeed young and promising, one of the best among men!

Which army did you belong to before? "

Meng Jianjun said with a smile: "Old Tan, you made a mistake this time!

Instructor Chen has been wearing this green uniform for less than a month! "

"How is that possible!" Not to mention Tan Maodong, even Xin Desheng looked in disbelief.

Xin Desheng snorted coldly, curled his lips and said: "Old Tan, are you afraid that we will poach you, so you deliberately concealed it?

This guy has this kind of temperament that he wouldn't be able to show off without three to five years of military service! "

Tang Peng scolded angrily: "I tricked you into getting candy?

This was someone personally sent by the head of the General Military Region.

If you don’t believe it, go and ask the road chief yourself! "

Only then did Xin Desheng and Tan Maodong believe the fact that Chen Xin'an had been wearing green clothes for less than a month, and both of them showed incredulous expressions.

He was still a new recruit, but with his temperament... this man was obviously born to be a soldier!

Zhu Shanluo and Dai Wugang, however, looked disdainful, saying that they had been fighting for a long time, they were just local martial arts masters!

Zhu Shanluo asked Chen Xin'an: "Instructor Chen, we have several comrades who are with Squad Leader Hao. Have you seen them?

We need to interrogate these four prisoners as soon as possible without letting their leader leave the border.

I wonder if they have told you where the leader is hiding now? "

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "Except for Hao Jiayong and that Wu Zhenjun, all your comrades have been captured!"

Dai Wugang snorted and cursed: "Don't talk nonsense! How could we, Chuan Yunlong, be captured..."

Tan Maodong said with a straight face: "Captain Dai, Instructor Chen is not talking nonsense.

We now have a squad leader, and three team members were captured by the enemy and may have been taken to Guanbei.

I didn't tell you this news at first because I was afraid it would affect your actions! "

Dai Wugang's face turned red, and like the team members around him, they all found it difficult to accept it.

Zhu Shanluo said to Tan Maodong: "Political Commissar, we must hurry up and interrogate him now!

The leader of the opponent must be caught.

Know the exact location of where our people are being held as soon as possible.

Rescue your comrades as quickly as possible! "

Xin Desheng and Tan Maodong were about to talk, but Chen Xin'an said impatiently: "Who are the leaders? Aren't they the ones just now?"

Zhu Shanluo curled his lips and said: "Those four just now? Obviously not!

Do you think those cunning guys are so easy to catch?

If that were the case, we, Chuan Yunlong, would have succeeded long ago, and where would it be your Montenegro tiger's turn?

I might as well tell you that the other party is from the internationally famous mercenary company Blackstone!

And they also hired the notorious traitor armed spear club in the northern part of the country!

The boss of these mercenaries is called Gref, nicknamed The Butcher!

The deputy captain for operations is Powell.

The president of the Spear Club is Qu Tianlin.

Only by catching these three people can we be sure to rescue our comrades.

You just brought back some shrimp soldiers and crab generals, it's useless! "

Chen Xin'an laughed, looked at him and said, "How do you know it's a shrimp soldier and a crab general?

Sorry, the four I brought back are exactly the people you mentioned.

The extra one seems to be called Lao Jin, and he is their translator!

Do you think it works or not? "

The surroundings were quiet for a moment.

Zhu Shanluo looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief and asked: "You, you just said that those two foreigners were Butcher and Powell?

You captured the other side's two operational commanders alive?

What about the rest? "

"Kill them all!" Chen Xin'an took off the backpack in front of him, took out something wrapped in a camouflage uniform, threw it to Tang Peng and said:

"I also brought this, old man, please deal with it!"

Tang Peng took it easily, untied the knot on it, glanced at it and asked, "What the hell do you want me to deal with... Damn it! It belongs to your uncle!"

The always majestic Montenegrin Tiger Captain suddenly uttered foul language!

Everyone looked strange, wondering what treasures there were in the camouflage uniforms.

As Tang Peng shook his hand, a bloody head rolled out of it and rolled to everyone's feet like a ball!

Everyone stared at the head in surprise.

Chen Xin'an said angrily: "Why do you like throwing things away!

This is the head of the Inca zoologist!

It was he who created the Ten Thousand Wolf Tide.

Two of our brothers were killed in the Tide of Ten Thousand Wolves, and I brought this guy's head back.

It can be regarded as the spirit in heaven that comforts the two brothers!

You take care of it, send it to the local martyrs cemetery of the two brothers, or hang it directly on the base watchtower to worship heaven, it's up to you! "

The expressions on Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun's faces were very exciting, as uncomfortable as constipation.

What this guy did is obviously not a human matter, but it’s just that people can’t criticize him!


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