Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1290 If you want to go, just listen to me

The head of an Inca animal expert!

Chuan Yunlong and the others were all speechless.

This Inca animal expert was actually on their list of people to be captured alive.

Unexpectedly, there is only one head left now...

Zhu Shanluo looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Instructor Chen, don't we have a brother?

He has returned to save you, but where are you? "

"You asked me, then who should I ask?" Chen Xin'an looked at him with a strange look on his face and said:

"Go back and save me?

Where to go back?

I need your brother to save me? "

Even Tang Peng was a little surprised now. He looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "Bian Hu took a platoon to look for you in the deep water pool. Didn't he meet you?"

"No!" Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "When I came back, I avoided the swamp area and took a long detour, otherwise I would have arrived last night!"

Everyone looked shocked. Dai Wugang looked at Chen Xin'an without blinking and said:

"Instructor Chen, are you saying that you took care of these mercenaries and spearmen all by yourself?"

"Of course not!" Chen Xin'an waved her hand immediately.

Chuan Yunlong's people also breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

It's impossible even if you think about it.

One person can defeat so many opponents and still come back alive. This strength is incredible!

If the Black Mountain Tiger had such a terrifying instructor, then surpassing the Chuan Yunlong would not just be a lip service.

I heard Chen Xin'an continue: "Hao Jiayong took care of that Powell himself, and I took care of the rest.

Old man, there are many corpses in the deep pool now. If not dealt with in time, it will affect the water source of the deep pool.

So you'd better send someone over as soon as possible to clean it up! "

The mouths of all the people wearing the cloud dragon can't close!

Can you be more calm?

We, Squad Leader Hao, have only dealt with one of our feelings. Are you going to deal with all the remaining enemies by yourself?

And their bosses were all captured alive, and none of them escaped!

You know, catching alive is more difficult than killing!

A group of Chuan Yunlong team members all looked at Chen Xin'an with burning eyes. Now they began to believe what the Black Mountain Tigers said.

He jumped down from a height of 40 meters without any damage.

It's very possible that the person in front of me can really do it!

However, Zhu Shanluo didn't quite believe what Chen Xin'an said.

After all, this kind of thing sounds so outrageous!

Someone must have helped him, or used some high-end weapons, or gotten a big deal. These people have simply become the weakest of the enemy.

Anyway, no one saw it, and the only person who could prove it was Hao Jiayong, who was now seriously injured and unconscious.

As for the four prisoners, they couldn't even believe a single word!

Who doesn’t know how to brag?

You have to compete with him when you have time to see if this guy is really as powerful as the legend says!

Xin Desheng came over and said to Chen Xin'an: "Instructor Chen, on behalf of the Chuanyunlong Special Forces Team, thank you for your help!"

He took the initiative to salute Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an returned the gift, shook his head and said, "No, they are all Chinese soldiers. Once we, the Black Mountain Tigers, meet someone, we will not just sit idly by and watch!"

The surrounding Montenegrin Tigers players all puffed up their chests.

Xin Desheng laughed and said to him: "Thank you.

When this matter is settled, I will ask you for credit!

Old Tang, what I just mentioned can be started now.

I'm going to the team doctor now to find out more about the situation.

You are responsible for helping me choose a guide!

We'll set off at noon! "

Before Tang Peng could speak, Chen Xin'an said to him: "You don't need to ask in person.

I already asked about it on the way back.

Now your captured brothers are all at Wuxuan Racecourse, Xuelanguan, Xuecheng, Guanbei.

The people responsible for the reception and arrangements were the Qu family and several people from Kyoto.

They originally planned to wait in Syracuse for two days.

If these people don't go back before three o'clock tomorrow afternoon, the people over there will go to Huameng Pass in the north.

After gathering there, let’s go out together! "

Zhu Shanluo frowned and asked Chen Xin'an: "Is this what Butcher and Powell told you?

How much authenticity do you consider?

These mercenaries are full of tricks and tricks. Nine and a half out of ten sentences they say are false and cannot be trusted! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said calmly: "No one can tell lies to me. So since I said it, it must be true!"

Zhu Shanluo snorted and said, "Why do you say that?

There is a gap between people's hearts, not to mention that the opponents are all well-trained mercenaries, how could they give in so easily! "

Chen Xin'an didn't even bother to explain to him.

Believe it or not, it’s none of my business!

Zhu Shanluo's face darkened.

This guy!

Why does it look so unpleasant!

He always behaves indifferently to everyone he talks to, and is extremely arrogant.

Even when facing the chief, he seems to be polite and considerate.

But even a fool can see that it's just a show, not much sincerity!

That is to say, I don’t have time to deal with you now, otherwise I have to let you know what humility and submission mean!

Xin Desheng looked at the people around him and said to Tang Peng: "Old Tang, if this is the case, then get ready now!"

Tang Peng nodded and said to him: "Then let's go to the office to discuss the details and leave before noon!"

Chen Xin'an turned around and said to Tang Peng: "I'll go back and change clothes later.

I want to participate in this rescue operation. "

"Don't be ridiculous!" Meng Jianjun said to him with a straight face: "You just came back and need to rest. Don't participate in this matter!"

Dai Wugang also said to Chen Xin'an: "What we have to deal with are well-trained, armed and extremely dangerous mercenaries.

There are also the traitor armed organizations in northern Guanbei that collude with them.

To rescue the hostages from their hands, it will inevitably be a tough battle!

You don’t even know how to use a firearm, so what are you going to do?

We don’t want to fail to rescue someone, but instead end up losing one more person! "

Chuan Yunlong's team members all grinned.

Chen Xin'an said impatiently: "I still rescued your comrades without using firearms.

You guys are the best gunslingers per capita.

But four or five people were arrested all at once, so what's the point of showing off in front of me? "

Including Zhu Shanluo and Dai Wugang, all the people wearing Yunlong were ashamed and angry, with burning faces.

What they said is true!

Chen Xin'an didn't bother to pay attention to their unwillingness to come to Taiwan, and told Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun:

"Old man, political commissar, I have to go for this operation!

Among the captured personnel, there may well be the person I have been looking for.

I can't let anything happen to him, I must rescue him as soon as possible and verify it!

I'll take a shower and change my clothes later before leaving.

If they want to go too, please help me choose someone to follow them, no more than ten people.

If they don't want to go, I'll go there myself.

Or you can work separately and do your own thing! "

Seeing Chen Xin'an's firm tone, Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun also knew that he had to go this time.

This guy's temper is like this. If he is not allowed to follow the team, he will 100% go it alone, and there is no way to stop him!

Tang Peng took a deep breath, nodded and said to Chen Xin'an, "Okay, I'll make the arrangements. You go back and prepare first!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, turned and left.

Zhushan Luoyin said to Xin Desheng with a sullen face: "Captain, shall we set off now? I don't need unimportant people to sabotage our operation!"

Xin Desheng turned his head and asked Tang Peng: "Old Tang, what did you say?"

Tang Peng snorted and said expressionlessly: "There are five people on my side and five people on your side, forming a team of ten, all under the command of Chen Xin'an!

If you have any objections, I will come together with ten people here, and you will make arrangements on your own. "

"You..." Zhu Shanluo's face turned dark.

Unexpectedly, Xin Desheng nodded and said, "Okay!"


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