Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1292 You are not qualified to evaluate my husband

My daughter-in-law has not finished college, but it is not that she has never attended college, so it is not surprising that she has college classmates.

It's just that they are from a foreign column group, and it is really a coincidence that we happened to meet him now.

Chen Xin'an didn't ask any more questions.

After finally talking to his wife, he didn't want to waste time on irrelevant topics.

It would be more enjoyable to chat with my wife and talk to each other.

I don’t know how long we chatted for, but Chen Xin’an heard a man calling on the other side of the phone:

"Ruoruo, is that okay? We have a lot of shooting tasks this morning..."

This is not the first time this man has urged his wife.

Chen Xin'an didn't want to bother her any more. Although she was a little reluctant, she still said to Ning Xiruo with a heart:

"Okay, wife, I'm going to hang up the phone.

I am going to Guanbei for a mission soon. When I come back, I will apply to call you! "

Ning Xiruo's voice was a little low, and she said with a choked voice: "Husband, I want to see you..."

Chen Xin'an smiled bitterly and said: "Daughter-in-law, the army has discipline. You can make phone calls, but not video."

"I know!" Ning Xiruo said softly, "I just said it casually. Husband, go ahead!"

No matter what you do, I know not to say it and I won't ask.

But husband, you must promise me to pay attention to safety and protect yourself!

I'm waiting for you to come back! "

Chen Xin'an hummed and said to her: "Don't worry, I can do it!

It's you, I'm not with you, and neither is Aman, only Sister Qing.

It’s a bit thin, so be careful! "

"Don't worry, Mr. Li said, there are people with dragon shields in the dark to protect me, it'll be fine!" Ning Xiruo said to Chen Xin'an.

The two kissed each other on the phone for a while before reluctantly hanging up.

Seeing Ning Xiruo finally hang up the phone, the tall and handsome man standing aside quickly concealed the deep jealousy in his eyes and said to Ning Xiruo:

"Ruoruo, is it okay? Why are you crying?

Who were you calling just now?

Is it your husband? "

Ning Xiruo glanced at him, wiped the corners of her eyes and said, "Lin Weiqiang..."

The separated man smiled and said: "Please call me Jack! I have become a Xinlun citizen!"

Ning Xiruo nodded and said, "Okay! Jack, I'll say it again.

Don't call me Ruoruo, my name is Ning Xiruo.

You can call me Miss Ning, or call me by my name.

But don’t let me hear you call me Ruoruo again!

My husband wouldn’t even call me that, it would easily be misunderstood! "

Jack shrugged his shoulders and said: "We are old classmates, you..."

Looking at Ning Xiruo looking at him without blinking, her face was more serious than ever before.

Jack also felt guilty for a while, and quickly raised his hands and said:

"Okay, okay, Xi Ruo, is this all right?

You still have the same temperament as you did in college, you just love to be serious!

In the past, we were partners in the club, and only I could tolerate you. "

As if remembering the good days in college, Ning Xiruo no longer had a straight face, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Jack seemed stunned by her beauty at the moment, looking at her dreamily, with an unconcealable possessiveness in his eyes.

When I was in college, the woman in front of me was a campus beauty.

At that time, Lin Weiqiang wanted to take her as his own.

He could see that if Ning Xi was not a frivolous woman, the tricks she used to treat other girls would not work for her.

So he spent a long time laying the groundwork, joined a club with her, and even became her partner as he wished.

But just when he felt that the conditions were ripe and was about to close the net, Ning Xiruo actually dropped out of school!

After graduation, because his family immigrated, he also went abroad.

I thought there was no chance of seeing him again in this life, not to mention that he was in good physical condition and was not a man who lacked women.

Slowly, she forgot about Ning Xiruo.

I never expected that we would have such an opportunity to meet again!

Lin Weiqiang felt that this was an opportunity God gave him to realize his dream!

And he was pleasantly surprised to find that Ning Xiruo's beauty had improved a notch when she entered society compared to when she was in college!

Ning Xiruo now exudes the charm and charm of a mature woman from the inside out.

Every move and every move has a charm that makes men fascinated and unable to control themselves!

I must get her!

Even if it’s just once!

Every time he saw Ning Xiruo, Lin Weiqiang felt like there was an uncontrollable beast in his heart, wanting to rush out, tear everything apart, and indulge freely!

He had to suppress it hard to stay normal.

For safety reasons, he secretly investigated Ning Xiruo.

Actually already married!

This is what makes Lin Weiqiang the most angry!

Who the hell is the smoke coming out of the ancestral graves, the blessings that have been cultivated for several lifetimes?

Can I hold such a beautiful girl and fall asleep soundly every night?

Lin Weiqiang felt angry that someone had stolen the tower and got there first.

However, he just had a playful attitude, so he could only ignore the identity of his old classmate.

She doesn't seem to have a regular job, and I've never seen her working.

There is no contract with Dream Media.

I heard someone said that the filming of "Sunshine Paradise" was also because the original protagonist left.

The director couldn't find a more suitable person for a while, so he roped her in for temporary filming.

Unexpectedly, it became an instant hit.

The film won awards abroad and was hamstrung.

But the name Xiruo, for some reason, has never become popular.

Now he comes with the team.

He can give her everything she wants!

Lin Weiqiang felt that he knew people like Ning Xiruo too well.

People from Beipiao, as long as they are a little bit pretty, will be involved in the entertainment industry.

They cannot penetrate into the deepest interior and can only linger around the edges.

A lot of sacrifices can be made for a chance to appear.

If I could support her as the protagonist, I would do anything!

These people have no reputation and have nothing to rely on except their own bodies.

Not qualified to be signed by the company, the performance is like a casual job, there is no next time.

This exclusive interview is possible because of the popularity of "Sunny Paradise".

If she didn't seize this opportunity, she would never be famous in her life!

Therefore, he will control her future!

Is it difficult to get her to devote herself to him and obey his orders?

His current performance is nothing but reserved.

When she realizes that her future lies with him, an old classmate, she will naturally let go of her reserve and throw herself into his arms!

He took out a tissue, resisted the urge to wipe it with his own hands, handed it to her and said:

“Xi Ruo, I think a man can be considered a real man only by making the woman he loves happy!

If you can't afford to support your wife, you have to let your beautiful wife work to support the family.

Moreover, he cannot understand his wife's work and makes her angry and shed tears.

Such a man has no grace at all!

You’re not worthy of being someone else’s husband, are you right? "

Ning Xiruo had already taken the tissue, but after hearing Lin Weiqiang's words, she frowned.

She balled up the tissues in her hand and threw them at her feet. She glared at the other person and cursed:

"Lin Weiqiang, remember this!

You have no right to judge my husband!

And my husband is not who you say he is!

If I hear you say a bad word about my husband again, then our friendship as classmates will end here!

And our cooperation has been terminated!

Wherever you come from, go back.

There is no contact between us and we will never meet again! "

Lin Weiqiang's expression changed and he looked at Ning Xiruo blankly.

He could see that Ning Xiruo had really turned her back.

I didn't expect that she would be so ruthless to him, the man who could help her bring a bright future, for the sake of her husband!


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