Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1293 I must get her

Now Lin Weiqiang is extremely jealous and angry!

I met you earlier than your husband!

If you hadn't dropped out of school, the man next to you now should be me!

What's there to defend about a man who relies on your publicity to support his family?

The man you want to protect should be me!

No one else is qualified!

But he didn't dare to fall out with Ning Xiruo now.

He didn't dare to force her to submit.

The time is not yet ripe and the other party gives up and gives up. There is nothing to lose.

But he can't.

He doesn't even have a job anymore.

This was a shooting task assigned by the company. He didn't dare to ruin the jobs of the entire crew. He wasn't at that level yet.

Lin Weiqiang lowered his head and said with a guilty look on his face: "I'm sorry Xiruo, I just care about you too much.

I'm afraid that your bad mood will affect the subsequent shooting.

And we are old classmates, so I can't help but stand on your side and say some unpleasant things for you.

That’s why I said a few more words, please forgive me! "

After hearing Lin Weiqiang's explanation, Ning Xiruo also exhaled, looked at him and said:

"Jack, I hope you understand one thing.

My husband and I have a very good relationship and I love him very much.

I don't want to hear anyone say a bad word about him!

So, please don’t say what you just said again in the future.

Otherwise none of our friends will be able to do it in the future! "

"Okay! I understand!" Lin Weiqiang nodded quickly, trying to hide the jealousy and anger in his eyes.

Just at this moment, a young woman with a perm came over and said to the two of them:

"Jack, Xi Ruo, the interior is set up and it's time to start!"

Ning Xiruo turned around and said to her: "Thank you, Andy! Let's go in!"

Andy is also a classmate, and is in the same literary and art club as her and Lin Weiqiang.

After graduation, she also went abroad, and actually became colleagues with Lin Weiqiang. This was the real fate.

Unfortunately, both Lin Weiqiang and Andy said that they are not dating.

In Ning Xiruo's opinion, the two of them are talented and beautiful, and they are colleagues and partners, so they are a match made in heaven.

Looking at Ning Xiruo's enchanting back as she walked into the office, Lin Weiqiang calmed down, turned his head and frowned and whispered to Andy:

"Did you understand clearly what I asked you to inquire about for me?"

Andy's eyes showed a trace of the jealousy that had appeared in Lin Weiqiang's eyes before, he lowered his head and said:

"I've asked about it. The business in Ning Xiruo's hometown has been managed by someone else.

The struggle for power in the previous years must have failed, so she left her hometown and came to Kyoto.

Her former classmates don’t quite understand her current situation.

In Kyoto, neither the Sovereign Hotel nor Dream Media provided too detailed information about her.

He should be a migrant worker from Beijing who hangs out at the lowest level.

She was able to stay in the hotel because her husband had a VIP card.

But there is less information about her husband, and he should not be a rich second generation.

He is not in Kyoto now, and no one knows where he has gone.

But I found out that her husband is somewhat famous on the street.

So I guess it must be someone trying to get something out of the way! "

It’s really like flowers stuck on cow dung!

Lin Weiqiang's face was gloomy and terrifying. The former school beauty actually married a gangster!

If I had known this, I should have started earlier in college!

So this time, he must not miss!

Andy looked at him and said sadly: "Jack, you said you would treat me wholeheartedly, you promised!"

A trace of disgust and disgust appeared on Lin Weiqiang's face, but when he looked at Andy, all emotions dissipated instantly.

He whispered to Andy: "Don't forget, this is a task assigned to me by the company leader!

I just went to get close to Ning Xiruo to complete the task, just for fun.

Andy, you know, I have decided to marry you.

It's just that we are not husband and wife after all, and we should have our own private space.

I don't want you to interfere and ruin my plans.

You know what consequences await me if I fail to complete this task! "

Andy sighed and said to him: "Jack, you know I went to the TV station because of you.

In fact, even if you stop working, we will still be hungry.

My dad has already said that when we get married, he will give us a store.

It’s enough for us to live a worry-free life! "

Lin Weiqiang's eyes flashed with greed, and he looked at Andy and said:

“I know what Uncle An is thinking.

But I want to prove myself more.

You can live well without relying on anyone!

And you know the person who assigned me the task this time.

If I didn't finish, he wouldn't let me go.

By then, even your father might be implicated.

I won't let that happen.

So you should support everything I do now, right Andy? "

Andy didn't speak, but he was extremely depressed inside!

What can you prove?

Your Lin family sold their property and immigrated, and after getting their green cards, they were penniless.

If my father hadn't helped your family for my sake, you would all be living on the streets!

And my dad introduced you to your current job.

Because Chinatown is the largest sponsor of the TV station, the program team agreed to let you be the assistant director for this shooting mission.

You tell me now that you want to prove yourself. Isn’t this a joke?

You also want your fiancée to support you in seducing other women!

Moreover, she is an old classmate of mine, and she is a married woman!

This is a joke within a joke!

But there is no way, who made me fall in love with a man like you?

And Lin Weiqiang was right. The person he said assigned him the task was indeed not easy to mess with.

Even her father warned her to stay away from those people.

Because although those people hold high positions and have great positions of power.

But things have never been very authentic.

What those people set out to deal with usually doesn't do anything good!

Even her father was taboo, and she couldn't afford to offend him.

Andy was very worried because her fiancé was so close to those people.

She was afraid that one day, those people would affect her life.

But she didn't dare to persuade him too much, because Lin Weiqiang didn't listen to her at all.

She always felt that this fiancé was tired of her. The more she tried to catch him, the further away she got from him!

So she didn't dare to disobey him and tried her best to please him.

I'm afraid that one day, he will leave her without hesitation!

After finishing Andy, Lin Weiqiang showed a sneer on his lips.

Stupid women are so easy to fool.

In fact, he himself knew that if he wanted to live a better life abroad, marrying this Bai Fumei was the best way.

However, he can marry this woman, but he cannot let this woman interfere with his private life.

He hasn't had enough fun yet, and living a life of debauchery is his goal in life.

Find an obedient wife who can give him money and help him take care of the housework.

His ideal life is to allow him to live a life of entertainment and debauchery without any scruples.

So he was very aware of Andy's obsession with him, and he also used Andy's psychology to train her.

When this woman is completely obedient to him without any disobedience, what if he marries her?

It was just a legal certificate, so he had nothing to lose!

Only the stunning beauty sitting behind the desk is the target of his pursuit.

The woman who can arouse his greatest interest and use all his strength to get him!

Maybe tonight's cocktail party is an opportunity.

But first, he had to get her drunk first!


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