Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1303 Sometimes I think you are really stupid

The battle in the small garden has ended, and the two foreigners and Ako have been captured.

Chen Xin'an could have left secretly without letting anyone know.

But when I saw the big package, I changed my mind.

He took out his mobile phone and wanted to make a call, but cursed: "Damn it, it's over!"

Fu Honglei's mobile phone is just an ordinary mobile phone, unlike his, which has been modified by Dragon Shield to be waterproof, fireproof, shockproof and drop-proof.

Now the phone has been flooded and has a black screen and cannot be turned on at all!

"Don't move!" A police officer had already spotted him and rushed over with his gun raised!

Chen Xin'an did not resist and raised his hands.

His eyes looked at the policeman who had been shot just now, lying on the ground.

The sound of 120 has been heard in the distance.

He raised his legs and walked towards the policeman. A policeman next to him rushed up, pointed a gun at his head and shouted:

"I told you not to move! Who are you? How did you get out of the river?"

Chen Xin'an frowned, pointed at the policeman lying in a pool of blood and said, "I'll go take a look! I'm not your enemy!"

The policeman who was targeting him was about to speak when a colleague who came to support him said to him: "Xiaobo, let him go. He just rushed down the river with the target!"

It was this man's action that caused these desperadoes to panic and have no time to worry about starting a fight with the police.

Otherwise, there would have been a gun battle just now, and the casualties would not be what they are now.

Xiaobo hesitated for a moment and said to Chen Xin'an: "Be honest and don't mess around! Are you a doctor?"

Chen Xin'an ignored it and walked to the policeman who was shot. When he knelt down and took a look, his heart sank!

His expression was wrong, it was no longer that of a living person.

Looking at his wounds again, he was shot right in the heart. This was already a fatal wound!

Sighing, Chen Xin'an stood up, shook his head and said to the policeman next to him: "He died!"

"You fart!" Xiaobo, who pointed the gun at his head, yelled angrily and cursed with red eyes:

"Can you watch it?

Are you a doctor?

You didn't even touch it, and you just took one look at it and said such nonsense?

I'm warning you, stop talking nonsense here!

Take out your ID card!

hurry up! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said, "I told you, I'm not your enemy!

I'll give you a number, you make a call..."

"I asked you to take out your ID card! Can't you hear me?" Xiaobo shouted angrily at Chen Xin'an, and the muzzle of the gun almost hit his forehead.

The ambulance had arrived, and doctors and nurses immediately started first aid on the police officers on the ground.

Chen Xin'an knew that this was just doing his best to show off, but it was actually useless.

The policeman next to him asked the doctor: "Doctor, how is my colleague?"

The doctor sighed and said: "Be prepared for the worst! Now we can only say that we are doing our best, but..."

He didn't finish what he said, but everyone could understand it.

Xiaobo's eyes were red, he pointed a gun at Chen Xin'an's head and cursed:

"Are you deaf?

Can't you hear me asking you to take out your ID card?

Do you believe that I will shoot you in the head right now? "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said nothing.

Xiaobo's eyes widened in anger, and he suddenly took a step back. He looked at Chen Xin'an with wide eyes and cursed: "You want to attack the police and grab the gun? I..."

He lowered the muzzle of the gun and aimed it at Chen Xin'an's right thigh. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, the person in front of him suddenly rushed in front of him, and then his wrist was caught!

"What are you doing?" The policemen nearby all pointed their guns at Chen Xin'an, but they did not dare to shoot.

Because he grabbed Xiaobo's wrist and pointed Xiaobo's pistol at his head!

Chen Xin'an ignored the people around her at all, just looked at Xiaobo coldly and said:

"If I want to take action, will I give you a chance to defend yourself?

Wearing this outfit, you actually used such despicable methods to make excuses for yourself to shoot randomly!

People like you are not suitable for wearing these clothes, let alone carrying a gun! "

Xiaobo's face was pale. This was due to his profession. He had also practiced grappling and fighting for many years.

Under normal circumstances, no three or five ordinary people would even think of getting close to him.

But now, the other party easily grabbed his wrist and turned the muzzle of the gun upside down.

However, he still couldn't struggle, and he finally understood that there was a huge gap in strength between himself and others!

A middle-aged policeman nearby said to Chen Xin'an: "Young man, calm down.

Do you know what you are doing?

If you let people go, this matter won't be too serious.

Otherwise, you will not be able to bear the consequences!

Don't destroy your future! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said impatiently: "Sometimes I really think you people are so stupid!

If I were the enemy, couldn't I just swim to the other side and escape? Who would know about my existence?

Since I appear in front of you, I definitely don’t have any ill intentions!

Look at each of you, just wearing these clothes, but also having a gun, each one is more awesome than the other!

I've given you my number. Is it difficult for you to make a call?

Don't tell me that you don't have the ability to hurt me. If I were hurt by you...

Not one of you here can bear the responsibility, do you believe it or not? "

Everyone's expressions changed. If they said something like this in front of the police, they were either extremely arrogant or outrageous, or they had a really big background.

The middle-aged policeman took a deep breath, took out his mobile phone, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Please give me your number again!"

Chen Xin'an said the number Fu Honglei left for him again.

The middle-aged policeman called and waited for the call to come through. He said in a deep voice:

"I am Zhen Yunfeng from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Xuecheng Public Security Bureau. Who are you?

Pay the platoon leader?

Haha, long time no see!

I'm on a mission here, and there's someone..."

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "Just say I am Instructor Chen!"

Zhen Yunfeng glanced at him, still wondering why someone called him such an awkward name, but he still said truthfully:

"Platoon Commander Fu, there is an instructor named Chen here...

What? Completely cooperate with him?

Is he yours?

I don't have permission to know?

Platoon Commander Fu, what you said is a bit...

Need not!

There is no need for the chief to call the leader personally, I will just listen to you! "

Zhen Yunfeng glanced at Chen Xin'an with some scruples.

Chen Xin'an looked indifferent, pushed Xiaobo in front of him, and said to Zhen Yunfeng:

"Tell Platoon Commander Fu for me that his mobile phone is soaked in water. I'm sorry! I will give him a new mobile phone as compensation!"

"Okay!" Zhen Yunfeng responded quickly, conveyed Chen Xin'an's words to Fu Honglei, and then said to Chen Xin'an:

"Instructor Chen, Platoon Leader Fu said there is no need to pay compensation. His mobile phone is worthless, so it's okay!"

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and stopped worrying about this issue. She pointed at the package next to a policeman and said, "I want to take that package away!"

"No!" The policeman shook his head and said, "The things inside are very important and cannot be handed over to anyone!"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Yes, that's the reason. So I want to take the things away and return them to their original owners!"

Zhen Yunfeng held the phone, nodded repeatedly, then hung up the phone and said to the policeman:

"Lao He, give him the package! We can't touch the things inside!"

Now that the captain had spoken, Lao He did not dare to disobey. He obediently picked up the package and handed it to Chen Xin'an.

The communicator on his collar lit up red, and Chen Xin'an pulled out the headset hidden in his collar and put it into his ears.

Xiang Sifan's voice came from inside: "Boss, there is news from the instructors. The target has gone to Moshan and was bitten by our people!

Lao Cui and I are rushing back now. Where are you? "

Chen Xin'an glanced around and said to him: "Bei'an Little Garden, come here, I've got the things back!"


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