Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1304 You Don’t Understand the Meaning of This Dress

Xiaobo, who was holding the pistol, stretched his sore wrist, glanced at Chen Xin'an with a complicated expression, and lowered his head.

Zhen Yunfeng walked over and whispered to Chen Xin'an: "Instructor Chen, I'm sorry, our work attitude just now was a bit... I apologize to you on behalf of Xiaobo!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at Xiaobo, shook his head and said, "There's no point in apologizing, this person can't stay in this position anymore!"

Xiaobo was angry, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Are you going too far?

I didn't hurt you, so why do you deserve to be killed like this?

Is it great to have a special status?

It's also for work. If you had cooperated just now, this dispute would not have happened! "

Others also begged for mercy:

"Yes, instructor Chen, Xiaobo doesn't know who you are to do that, so why don't you just give him a chance?"

"It's all for work, there's no need to be so ruthless, right? Xiaobo is also a good, conscientious and responsible policeman. Instructor Chen, please be accommodating!"

"Who wouldn't be suspicious if you show up like this? Anyway, nothing happened to you, so just ask Xiaobo to apologize to you. There's no need to ruin other people's jobs, right?"

Chen Xin'an looked at the people in front of him, shook his head, and said expressionlessly: "I just want to ask a few questions.

One sentence is to ask Xiaobo, if I didn't control you just now, would you shoot? "

Xiaobo's expression changed, and just as he was about to speak, Chen Xin'an said to him: "Don't speak out of your mind, you have to be responsible for what you say!"

Xiaobo opened his mouth, turned pale, and lowered his head.

Chen Xin'an ignored him and said to everyone: "Let me ask you again, if I hadn't made this call, would you have given up on me?"

Everyone's expressions froze, and their eyes wandered, not daring to look at him.

Chen Xin'an curled her lips, showing a sneer, and said to everyone: "This is why I am cruel.

In your eyes, the innocent mistakes and trivial things represent the disregard and trampling on the personal safety of others.

Such behavior should not appear on this uniform!

It doesn't matter, you can plead for him and don't pay attention to what I just said.

I’ll just call your leader directly later! "

Xiaobo turned pale and took a step back, looking at Chen Xin'an with eyes full of hatred.

"No need!" Zhen Yunfeng took a deep breath and said coldly: "Pan Haibo, hand over your gun!"

"Captain..." Xiaobo shouted with red eyes. Looking at Zhen Yunfeng's cold face, he still lowered his head and honestly handed over his gun and even took off the holster.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, put the bag on his back, turned and left, and said: "Guan Xinran is dead, in the car at the bottom of the river."

When his back was no longer visible, Pan Haibo breathed a sigh of relief and stretched out his hand to retrieve his gun from Zhen Yunfeng.

But Zhen Yunfeng looked at him with a gloomy expression.

Pan Haibo swallowed his saliva and said with a dry smile: "Captain, you don't really want to shoot me, do you?"

Zhen Yunfeng looked at him expressionlessly and said, "Tomorrow I will personally help you write a report and go to the household registration department!"

Pan Haibo's expression changed and he shouted to Zhen Yunfeng: "Captain, please stop joking, okay?

Why would I go to a place like that?

You also know that I am not someone who can take time off at all!

If you let me go to work in that kind of place, you might as well fire me! "

The colleague next to him advised him: "Xiaobo, don't say angry words!"

Pan Haibo glanced at Zhen Yunfeng and snorted.

Zhen Yunfeng shouted angrily: "Do you think I'm joking with you?

Go wherever you are told!

I'm so kind to you guys on weekdays, right?

You are so used to it!

This is an order!

Do you know what an order is? "

Pan Haibo was also anxious and shouted to Zhen Yunfeng: "Captain, you punish me with five hundred push-ups, and I admit it!

Now you want me to transfer departments?

I dont go!

Didn’t you just offend someone?

I don't believe that he can reach the sky with his hands and eyes.

Our city bureau’s criminal investigation team will all look at his face! "

Zhen Yunfeng raised his arm, slapped Pan Haibo hard on the face, pointed at his nose and cursed:

"Pan Haibo, do you think I am giving face to that Instructor Chen?

Yes, I admit it!

yes! But it’s not the main reason!

This is not the first time you have used such despicable tricks.

I'm embarrassed to point you out in front of others.

But if you think we are all stupid and can’t see it, you are totally wrong!

I have reminded you more than once not to play like this.

Have you heard of it? "

He stretched out his hand, slapped Pan Haibo's chest hard, and cursed at him:

"Lower your head and look at the uniform you're wearing!

You are not a gangster, you are not a bandit, you are a member of the official family!

What you did was an honorable thing.

You must be worthy of heaven and earth, and worthy of your conscience!

You can compare evil and ruthlessness with bad people, but you cannot compare meanness with them!

You have to protect the people, not frame them!

If you don't even understand this truth, don't stay in a position where you can control the life and death of others.

When you can figure it out and truly understand the meaning of this uniform, it won't be too late for you to come back! "

Pan Haibo lowered his head and remained motionless.

The colleague next to him patted him on the shoulder and said: "Xiaobo, obey the arrangements!

The captain is also doing it for your own good, otherwise your current impulsive personality will cause trouble sooner or later if it is not tempered!

And I bet that if it was instructor Chen who called our leader just now, you would definitely have to take off these clothes and never put them back on again! "

Pan Haibo's body was shaken, he lowered his head and looked at his uniform, then looked at Zhen Yunfeng who looked ashen, sighed and said: "I accept the arrangement and obey the order!"

Chen Xin'an carried the package and chatted with a policeman for a few words. When she saw the Honda car coming, she said goodbye to him, got in the car and left.

Xiang Sifan drove the car, took a look inside the garden, and asked Chen Xin'an, "Boss, what's going on? Why are things here?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and shook her head and said: "That Guan Xinran is really brave and wants to sell these things to foreigners!

Unexpectedly, this area has long been targeted by the Syracuse City Bureau due to frequent illegal transactions.

Tonight was a special operation by the Syracuse police, and many people were arrested for selling illegal drugs.

Guan Xinran put this order at someone else's gun. What a bad luck! "

Xiang Sifan laughed and said: "I think the most unlucky thing for him is not that he bumped into the police's gun, but that he bumped into your gun, boss!"

Chen Xin'an thought for a while, nodded and said, "That makes sense!"

Cui Wancheng was sitting in the passenger seat, turned around and said, "Boss, can you show me that package?"

When people call you boss, you also call them nonsense.

Chen Xin'an shook her head helplessly and said to him: "Go to the back and check it out!"

Sitting next to Chen Xin'an, Cui Wancheng opened the package.

There are three Chuanyunlong standard rifles, four pistols, and four dragon tooth blades.

Cui Wancheng looked at it and said sadly: "It belongs to the captain and the others.

At that time, the captain did not have time to get his rifle, so he was taken as a hostage.

So without his main gun, the rest is here! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Meet the instructors and the others later. You should keep these things for yourselves!"

"Thank you, boss!" Cui Wancheng nodded sadly.

Chen Xin'an patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, they are all fine.

Otherwise, the other party would not go to such trouble to bring people to Moshan! "

Xiang Sifan also nodded and said: "Yes! If there are no hostages, they will take a car to Huameng Pass in the north.

It should be a good thing that we returned without success at Selangor Pass!

If they want to take the hostages to Huameng Pass, they can only go through the desert mountains and into the snowy mountains! "


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