Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1305 The Wolf King’s goal is those goods

At the foot of Moshan Mountain, a group of people got off the bus one after another and looked around, all with solemn expressions.

There are about thirty of these people, ten of them are foreigners, and the rest are Chinese.

"Horton!" A man with a big golden hair said in a foreign language to the dark man next to him: "Are you really waiting for Gref and the others?"

The man named Holden shook his head with a gloomy expression: “I have a hunch that they won’t come again!

If we don’t leave, we’ll never get out of Snow City!

Jonagin, you know my premonitions are always spot on! "

The big golden retriever Jonagin gritted his teeth and spat on the ground, and cursed fiercely: "Damn Chinese!

But Holden, if Greif doesn’t come, he won’t be able to get any goods.

Even if we leave the northern border, it will be difficult to explain to the superiors! "

Holden sighed, shook his head and said, “I can’t control them anymore now.

The mission has failed.

Just thank God for being able to leave China alive! "

"Mr. Holden?" A middle-aged Chinese man held a mobile phone and said in a flattering manner: "Your call! It's Mr. Yu who called!"

Holden came over, grabbed the phone, and cursed angrily: “Mr. Yu, are you still embarrassed to talk to me on the phone?

Look what you have arranged for us!

These are all rubbish left on the street without anyone picking it up!

Are you going to let us take this garbage and fight your Chinese border defense first?

I know your factory in Kyoto has been seized.

But at least you can find some better weapons for us.

These crappy things are simply...

What did you say? The Wolf King is already here? And the three wolf kings?

Very good!

You've already gone to Snow Ridge, right?

Okay, we will rush over to meet them as soon as possible!

I knew that Mr. Yu has always been our good friend!

OK, thank you so much!

I'll wait for you at the base.

You’ve been a big help to me and I’ll definitely buy you a drink! "

After hanging up the phone, Holden said to everyone with a high-spirited expression: “Did you hear that, my friends?

The Wolf King is coming to pick us up!

We can get out of this damn place alive! "

A group of foreigners all shouted, clenched their fists and waved them continuously.

Only Jonagin looked worried, as if he wanted to say something, but closed his mouth.

Holden smiled and patted his shoulder and said, “What’s wrong, my friend?

Do you already have feelings for this damn place and don’t want to leave?

Still don’t feel confident that the Wolf King will take us away?

Don't forget, they are the greatest warriors!

I admit that China's soldiers are very strong and they have caused us a lot of suffering.

But compared to the Wolf King, they are still too weak!

And this time, the three wolf kings are coming together!

Now the Chinese border defense is going to suffer a lot!

I don’t think even their command post can be saved! "

Jonagin shook his head and whispered to Holden: “But my brother, don’t you understand why the Wolf King is here?

If they know that we haven't received the goods yet and the mission failed, have you ever thought about how they will punish us? "

The smile on Holden’s face suddenly froze, he took a deep breath, forced a smile and said: “So I took these Chinese people up the mountain with me!

Jonagin, do you still remember what we found in Qu Tianfeng's office? "

Jonagin's expression changed, he looked at Holden in disbelief and said, "My friend, you don't want to use that thing to replace the Yingtian Stone, do you?"

"It's very similar! Isn't it?" Holden looked gloomy and said with a sneer: "No one above has ever seen what the real Yingtian Stone looks like, they have only seen photos.

So what we took out was the Yingtian Stone!

Otherwise, even if we escape the pursuit of the Chinese border guards, we will still die under the gun of the Wolf King!

This Qu Tianfeng knows where to find that kind of stone. Let him take us into the mountain and take a few pieces back to recharge. We can save our lives! "

Jonagin said with a shocked look on his face: "But if I go back to test it, wouldn't it be exposed?"

Holden shrugged his shoulders and said: “That means the reason for this thing itself has nothing to do with us.

As long as we insist that this thing is Yingtian Stone, who dares to say that it is fake? "

Jonagin thought for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face. He gave Holden a thumbs up and said, "My good brother, you are really so smart!"

Holden also burst out laughing, clapped his hands vigorously, and greeted everyone: “Let’s go up the mountain!

Boss Qu, those people will teach you! "

Qu Tianfeng kicked the leg of a hostage in front of him and cursed at him: "Go faster!"

He turned his head and said to Holden with a bright smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Holden, no one can escape!"

Jonagin scolded him with a straight face: "Idiot! We are not afraid that they will run away, but that they will die!

Without these people, we wouldn’t be able to leave the North!

So you must be careful and don't let anything happen to them!

After we get out, whether these people are alive or dead is up to you to do with you! "

Qu Tianfeng nodded and said, "Understood!

Don't worry, Mr. Jonagin, these people will neither run away nor die!

My people will take good care of them until you safely cross the northern border! "

Several prisoners with bruises and bloodstains on their bodies were tied up, and even their feet were dragged with heavy shackles.

This makes every step they take take more effort than ordinary people.

However, the four people still stood up straight and raised their heads high, like righteous men who were about to be taken to the execution ground but remained fearless.

The hostage who was kicked stopped, turned around, spat at Qu Tianfeng, and cursed with contempt: "Traitor!"

Some of the Chinese thugs around him lowered their heads subconsciously, not daring to look into his eyes.

Qu Tianfeng raised the stick in his hand, hit the man hard, and cursed:

"I want you to be tough!

A bunch of poor people in green clothes are posing here with me, you are so immature!

As long as you give me money, I don’t care which country you are from, it’s the boss!

You damn traitor, who can take pity on me when I can’t eat and I’m hungry? "

Before the hostage could retort, one person turned around and said to him: "Three guns, don't waste your words, save your energy!"

"Yes!" The hostage lowered his head and stopped talking nonsense.

He also knows that talking about national justice with a person who is willing to sell his humanity for money is simply playing the piano to an ox!

Qu Tianfeng glanced at the speaker and said with a sneer: "What's wrong with Captain Shi? Why don't you give up?

This is already the case, and you still want to run away?

You almost succeeded a few times before, but now, you want to show me another one?

Let me warn you first, be honest and you will suffer less along the way.

If you continue to play tricks on us, then don’t blame me for being rude to you!

We won’t beat you to death, that’s okay, we’ll let you breathe.

I'll beat you half to death and break your hands, but it won't affect your ability to walk!

Do you think that scene was exciting? "

Captain Shi glanced at him, shook his head, and walked forward expressionlessly, not talking nonsense to him at all.

These four hostages are Chuan Yunlong's people.

Captain Shi Jianfeng, soldiers Gao Jiyong, Liu Sanpao, Li Tianmeng!

If the other party had not used despicable means, the four of them would not have become prisoners.

However, none of them were afraid, and none of them surrendered to the enemy.

They all firmly believe that their comrades will not give up on them and will definitely find a way to save them!


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