Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1306 I can’t get used to these Chinese dishes

After recording today's program, it's already dark.

Ning Xiruo rubbed the bridge of her nose, looking a little tired.

I just recorded an interview, I didn’t expect it to be so troublesome.

Even if a posture is not very good, old classmates will come over and correct it in person.

It had to be retaken, which made Ning Xiruo feel a little troublesome.

But Ning Xiruo won't lose her temper.

It is understandable that people take their work seriously.

She never laughs at people who take their work seriously.

I have just informed Jack and Andy that I will treat everyone to a meal at the Bauhinia Restaurant.

Back in 6518, Ning Xiruo took a shower and put on a champagne-colored dress.

He said to Guan Qing who was already waiting in the living room: "Sister Qing, let's go!"

Guan Qing nodded, stood up and said to Ning Xiruo: "Miss, my brother called just now.

My uncle has arrived in Xuecheng.

Brother Qi met with him, but his uncle had a mission, so he didn't talk much! "

"How is he now?" Ning Xiruo asked anxiously.

Guan Qing smiled and said, "Miss, you just had a phone call with my uncle this morning!"

Ning Xiruo blushed and said, "Oh, I didn't even see him!"

Guan Qing shook her head helplessly and said to her: "Seventh brother said that my uncle has become darker and has lost weight!

But my spirit is better, and my temperament has changed greatly. I really look like a soldier! "

Ning Xiruo's eyes were red, she bit her lip and said, "He must have suffered a lot there..."

"Miss!" Guan Qing took Ning Xiruo's hand, walked into the elevator together, and comforted her, saying:

"My uncle is not an ordinary person!

No matter what the environment is, he can adapt.

Moreover, my uncle is so powerful that he is not afraid of anything! "

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said to Guan Qing: "Sister Qing, don't you understand him yet?

He seems to have a lazy temperament and seems to have nothing to do with the world.

But no one can try to suppress him, control him and discipline him.

He just likes to be at ease.

But it was a place where I felt uncomfortable.

Can he feel comfortable now?

You know without asking that where he is, there must be a lot of trouble.

I just hope he can adapt to that life as soon as possible.

Come back safely, don’t think about anything else! "

Guan Qing suddenly covered her mouth and laughed, and said to Ning Xiruo:

"I don't know if I can adapt to it, but I can imagine that my uncle is always busy wherever he goes!

He faces a group of the strongest men all day long. His life must be very colorful, right? "

Ning Xiruo lightly punched Guan Qing and scolded: "Sister Qing, you are gloating about others' misfortune!

No one there is easy to mess with. How dangerous he is!

I'm worried to death, but you're still laughing! "

"Hahaha!" Guan Qing simply laughed, shook her head and said:

"Miss, how do I feel that my uncle would like that kind of life?

As if he was born to live there! "

Bauhinia Restaurant on the 103rd floor of Grand Hotel.

Ning Xiruo had already booked a window seat when Guan Qing's cell phone rang. She took it out and took a look at it before answering the call:

"You're back?

Nothing happens here!

There are redbud flowers on top. You can eat them without waiting for me and the lady.

Ask me again?

Wasn't it agreed upon for three months?

Why are you more anxious than the lady?

Urgent every day!

If you have the ability, go to Mr. Lu and urge him. What’s the use of telling me!

Luo Xiaoman, you can't be...

Let me warn you first, that is my uncle, don’t think anything wrong!

I won't listen, bye! "

After hanging up the phone, Guan Qing burst into laughter.

Ning Xiruo smiled and shook her head and said, "Is it brother Xiaoman?"

Guan Qing nodded and said: "I'm convinced, I'll ask my uncle once a day when he will be back!

I found that he was more anxious than you, and he couldn't bear to be separated from my uncle!

If it weren't for Miss Luo, I would really doubt if this guy has any evil thoughts about my uncle..."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Ning Xiruo rolled her eyes and said, "Brother Xiaoman doesn't have many friends. The only ones we can hang out with are these few.

He couldn't bear to leave any one of them. "

Guan Qing hummed, nodded and said, "Even though my uncle is the youngest in their circle, he is the backbone of everyone.

As long as he is around, no one will be in trouble no matter what they do.

Now that he has left, these guys can't let go and are careful about everything they do.

By the way, Pigeon brought a bottle of wine over in the afternoon, saying that he brewed it specially for you and asked you to drink a glass every night.

I put it in the refrigerator and will bring it to you later! "

Ning Xiruo patted her forehead and said helplessly: "Brother He wants to help me get rid of the cold in my body, but I'm really not interested in drinking..."

While he was talking, the banquet guests had already arrived.

Lin Weiqiang and Andy walked out of the elevator together and greeted Ning Xiruo from a distance.

Ning Xiruo was stunned for a moment, and after shaking hands with them, she asked strangely:

"Where are the others? Where is the director? Where is the stage manager? Why isn't everyone here?"

Lin Weiqiang said with a smile: "I didn't ask everyone to come, I want to have a class reunion tonight.

Of course it’s just the three of us, no one else!

I told Hanks to just make up for that meal after the filming is over! "

Ning Xiruo frowned. She invited the entire crew to dinner through Lin Weiqiang and Andy.

Unexpectedly, the two of them were so good at making opinions that they turned others away!

Who is the master?

I invited this meal and the people. Why do you refuse others on my behalf?

The entire crew traveled thousands of miles to film here, but I didn't even treat them to a meal. Wasn't it a little too rude?

Seeing that Ning Xiruo looked wrong, Andy quickly explained: "Actually, Hanks has been famous for Kyoto's nightclubs for a long time, so he took everyone to Feile!"

It's already like this anyway, there's no point in being angry anymore.

Moreover, these two people in front of them are indeed classmates who have not seen each other for many years, so there is nothing wrong with catching up on old times.

Ning Xiruo said to Guan Qing: "Sister Qing, please go and tell the manager and let's change to a small table!"

Originally, we booked a large table for fifteen people.

There are only four people now, so just find a small table.

It's still a window seat, but the large table has been replaced by a small square table.

The four of them sat down, and Ning Xiruo handed them the menu and said, "Jack, Andy, whatever you want to eat, just order it!"

Jack shook his head and said with a look of disgust: "I don't care, there will definitely not be anything I like to eat anyway.

Chinese cuisine, I eat the same thing again and again, but that’s it!

If Xiruo goes to Xinlun Country, I will take you to eat authentic Xinlun food!

Like truffles, foie gras, caviar, etc., we guarantee that you won’t be able to stop eating them!

I'm not used to Chinese food. I always have diarrhea after eating it, so I don't eat it very much. "

Andy also pushed the menu in front of Ning Xiruo and said, "I'd better order some, Xiruo, I don't know what to eat.

Our main thing is to reminisce about old times, what we eat is not important! "

Jack smiled and said: "But what you drink is very important!"

He asked the waiter: “Is there any whiskey?

What I want is not the ordinary stuff on the market.

But the authentic Chivas Regal 12 Years Old? "

The waiter nodded and said, "Yes!"

Jack thought about it and said: "Oh, is there really one? Okay, you can open a bottle for me..."

Ning Xiruo quickly said: "Jack, if you drink alone, one bottle is too much, right? Just one glass!"

"So I don't drink alone, but with you and everyone!" Jack said with a smile:

"I'm not used to food. If I can't drink wine well, Xiruo, as a landlord, you're not qualified!"

Ning Xiruo frowned, not knowing what to say.

Guan Qing smiled and asked Jack, "Mr. Lin and Xiruo are college classmates?"

Jack glanced at her, nodded and said, "Yeah, what's the matter?"

Guan Qing smiled and said, "It's nothing.

It's just a little strange, it's only been a few years since I graduated from college.

Mr. Lin has been eating Chinese food for more than 20 years and has been abroad for at least four or five years. Why can’t he get used to Chinese food? "

"You..." Jack blushed, glared at Guan Qing, and was speechless!


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