Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1307 I know you are not doing well

Although a little embarrassed, Guan Qing did not continue to stimulate the other party.

After all, Ning Xiruo still values ​​this friendship between classmates.

Not finishing college has always been a big regret in Ning Xiruo's life.

So she also cherishes her former classmates.

She will not take the initiative to contact anyone, but she will carefully protect those she can contact.

In fact, her character is like this, she is very serious about relationships, very eager, and very cautious.

She tries her best to grasp family, love and friendship, and does not want to be in debt to anyone.

But because she is beautiful and rich, people stay away from her and dare not approach her.

Or maybe there is a conflict of interest, which makes the situation very unpleasant.

This made her want it even more.

JACK was not prepared to let go of Guan Qing.

Ning Xiruo introduced her that this woman was her friend, and they were considered sisters.

That is to say, this woman is just a migrant worker from Beijing.

It’s just that it hasn’t developed in this circle.

You're just a North drifter, you dare to embarrass me in front of the goddess, are you full?

He pretended to be a gentleman and smiled, and said to Guan Qing: "Actually, people always have to look forward, right?

This is the basis of social development!

A person has been eating a simple diet for twenty years, and suddenly one day he eats real delicacies from mountains and seas. Would he think that delicacies are not delicious?

Do you all think that your twenty years of life were in vain?

To me, Chinese cuisine means simple meals, while Xinlun cuisine means delicacies from the mountains and seas.

So even though I have only been eating it for four or five years, I still feel that I am used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas, but not simple meals! "

Guan Qing smiled and nodded and said, "That's just your own habit.

But for us, Chinese cuisine has a history of thousands of years and is inherited from eight major cuisines.

When foreigners mention China, the first thing they think of is the rich and colorful food.

As for Xinlun cuisine... I've also eaten it.

It's quite expensive, but the taste...

It’s either foie gras or fish eggs. Isn’t this what unevolved savages eat?

There shouldn’t be many people who regard this as a delicacy, right? "

JACK's face turned a little dark, and he glared at Guan Qing. He wanted to say something, but Guan Qing said with a smile:

“Can eating Chinese food give Mr. Lin diarrhea?

Has this been going on for more than 20 years?

Mr. Lin, is there a possibility that this is not the fault of the food, but something wrong with your stomach?

I advise you to go to the hospital as soon as possible. You are still so young and have had diarrhea for more than 20 years. Is this probably intestinal cancer? "

"You..." JACK slammed the table, shaking with anger.

Ning Xiruo said to Guan Qing with a straight face: "Sister Qing, don't be like this, that's not what JACK meant.

JACK, Sister Qing is my sister, just like a biological sister.

She just has this temper and speaks more straightforwardly, so don't be angry!

I ordered Western food, you should be used to it! "

JACK took a deep breath, glared at Guan Qing and said: "People who have never seen the world sit in a well and watch the sky, I don't care.

Xiruo, it doesn’t matter what kind of meal you have, it’s not important. Tonight we are reminiscing about old times and increasing the friendship between classmates. "

He was not stupid, he could understand the meaning of Ning Xiruo's words.

This relationship between Guan Qing and Ning Xiruo is very unusual.

If she completely broke up with Guan Qing, Ning Xiruo probably wouldn't look good on him either.

So in order to be able to kiss Fangze tonight, I endured it!

Throughout the afternoon, JACK took advantage of the opportunity of filming to get in touch with Ning Xiruo.

Although Ning Xiruo would always avoid her calmly at critical moments, there was still no way to avoid touching her little hands and hugging her waist.

It’s enough to make JACK fascinated!

Xiruo's skin is so delicate, and it really lives up to that sentence, her skin is like gelatin and can be broken by blows!

And she has a fragrance that makes men intoxicated.

JACK can be 100% sure that it is not the smell of any perfume or cosmetics, but her own body fragrance!

It is conceivable that if I could hold such a unique beauty with its own fragrance in my arms, and even go one step further and enjoy it to the fullest, I would be willing to lose ten years of my life!

So tonight is your chance to make that dream come true.

He can endure it until he succeeds.

It would be even more perfect if I could own him for a long time, snatch him away from that useless man and go with him!

The food and wine were already on the table. JACK picked up the cup, took a look at it, and said with a look of disgust:

“The hygienic conditions of restaurants in China have always been like this!

I don’t know if this cup has been washed!

Forget it, I'll get a few more, everyone, wait a moment! "

Soon, he brought four more glasses, grabbed the wine bottle and poured a glass for Ning Xiruo, and said with a smile:

"Xi Ruo, I know you don't like drinking, but you always have a good drinking capacity.

At the freshman party in college, you had three drinks with me!

We haven't seen each other for several years. It's fate that we can sit here together today!

So this is something worth celebrating, don’t you think? "

Ning Xiruo picked up the cup. She wanted to refuse, but her mouth was blocked. She had no choice but to pick up the wine and said to him:

"Okay, let's celebrate our reunion!

But let me say it first, I will only have one drink.

You also know that I don’t know how to drink, and I can’t drink too much! "

JACK smiled slightly and was noncommittal.

Everyone picked up their wine glasses and took a sip.

JACK winked at Andy beside him.

Andy bit his lip, put on a smile and said to Ning Xiruo: "Xiruo, I really didn't expect you to get married so early!

I'm afraid he is the first one among our classmates to get married!

Who is your husband?

How did you know each other?

Can you tell me about him?

I'm curious, who has such great ability to marry our school beauty? "

Ning Xiruo's whole person changed when she mentioned Chen Xin'an.

Her face suddenly glowed with a strange light, and her eyes sparkled.

With a smile from the bottom of his heart, he said to Andy:

"Are you asking my husband?

He is just an ordinary person, there is nothing to say!

Andy, do you know?

We got married because we followed my grandma’s arrangement.

He came to the Ning family as a son-in-law..."

"Ah? Your husband is a surrogate son-in-law?" Andy was stunned. He didn't expect Ning Xiruo's marital status to be like this.

Doesn't it mean that the hostess has no good feelings towards the men who come to her door?

Why does Ning Xiruo seem to value her husband so much?

She couldn't deceive anyone the way she looked now.

Only when you truly love someone will you have such an attitude.

JACK was almost crazy with jealousy and cursed in his heart: I know he is an ordinary person, so I won't give in!

How could such a goddess be possessed by ordinary people?

And he’s such a son-in-law!

It turns out that the man Ning Xiruo had been protecting turned out to be a son-in-law who had no self-esteem, was cowardly, and couldn't hold his head high in front of others!

But JACK suddenly felt a little ecstatic.

In this way, wouldn't the chance of success be greater?

The goddess's husband is just a useless son-in-law.

Everything the goddess did was just to create a less mean and strong persona of herself.

After all, she has nothing now, and her family property has been taken away by other relatives in the family. If her son-in-law leaves her again, she will become a joke to the world!

JACK made up many scenes and plots in his mind, and felt that he finally understood Ning Xiruo's mind.

As long as he can help her at this time, the goddess's heart will be easily captured by him!

At this moment, JACK was a hundred times more confident!

He picked up the wine bottle, poured another glass of wine for Ning Xiruo, and said with a smile:

"Xi Ruo, I also want to hear about you and your wife. Let's chat over a drink!

Don’t worry, open it and drink, I’ll treat you to this meal! "

Ning Xiruo frowned slightly and said to him: "How is this possible..."

"Okay, why should we be polite between us?" JACK waved his hand and said to her:

"I know you're not doing well right now.

It's hard work in Beidiao and it's not easy to make some money.

Since we are old classmates, you don’t have to be polite to me! "

Ning Xiruo glanced at Guan Qing, and the two looked at each other.

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