Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1309 I am the woman you can never get

After getting out of the elevator, Jack was still cursing and looking very angry.

He was taught a lesson by several aunts in Kyoto, in front of the goddess, which really made him feel humiliated!

"Xi Ruo, don't listen to the nonsense of these frogs in the well." Jack said to Ning Xi Ruo with a dark face: "I still think you will have a better development abroad..."

Ning Xiruo smiled bitterly and shook her head and said, "Okay, okay, I'm really good at home, why are I going abroad?"

Jack, you don't have to worry about me. You know I have a home and a room and I can't leave.

Okay, I'm here, you go back and rest! "

While they were talking, the door of 6518's room opened, and Muye Zhen and Xiao Qin hurried out of it. Ning Xiruo, who was standing at the door, said hello to them: "Where are you going?"

Konoha glanced at Jack next to her, without asking any questions, and said to Ning Xiruo: "Gege helped me prepare some medicine, let's go over and have a look! The door is not closed, you can go in!"

The two left. Just as Ning Xiruo was about to speak, Jack entered the room uninvited and said:

"Xi Ruo, is this your room? I didn't expect it to be so big!

Oh, I understand, you girls share the house, right? "

Ning Xiruo couldn't drive him away, so she shook her head helplessly and said, "So be it!"

After entering the room, Ning Xiruo didn't close the door and said to Jack: "I'll make tea to wake you up at the bar. You can sit down by yourself!"

"Okay!" Jack looked around and made sure there was no third person. He raised the corner of his mouth, closed the door, and locked it.

Then he walked to the living room and looked at Ning Xiruo, who was busy in the restaurant, with greedy eyes and his breathing gradually became faster.

Taking a deep breath, Jack walked up to Ning Xiruo, held a candle in her hand and said, "Xiruo, there is something I want to say to you!"

Ning Xiruo was startled, immediately shook off his hand, took a step back and said:

"Jack, what are you doing?

Didn't I ask you to sit there and wait?

Go sit over there on the sofa and I'll make tea for you.

Why did you close the door?

Hurry up and open it, otherwise people will think what are we doing alone in the same room! "

Jack took a step forward, panting and said to Ning Xiruo: "Let them talk, I'm not afraid of this!"

"I'm afraid!" Ning Xiruo glanced at him, turned and walked away, saying, "I don't want my husband to misunderstand!"

Jack grabbed her arm, stopped her and said, "Don't mention your good-for-nothing husband, okay?

What can he give you?

Xi Ruo, please leave him!

What he can give you, I can give you too!

What he can't give you, I can still give you! "

Ning Xiruo struggled for a while, but didn't break free, and said with a straight face: "Jack, what are you talking about!

I warn you not to insult my husband!

Are you drunk?

Then go back and rest! "

Jack forced her to face him, crossed his arms, and wanted to hug her.

At this moment, his eyes were red and he was almost losing his mind. He gasped and said to Ning Xiruo:

"Yes, I'm drunk!

But I am not drunk by drinking, but by you!

Xi Ruo, do you know that I have never forgotten you after so many years?

Your husband is not willing to let such a beautiful wife like you come out and work hard to supplement the family income, but I am not willing to let you!

Xiruo, come with me!

I can make you live a high-society life! "

Ning Xiruo struggled hard, but she was a weak woman after all. How could she break free from the clutches of a grown man?

She lowered her face and said to Jack: "Jack, let go!

Listen, you have no right to look down on my husband.

My husband has given me everything I want, and no one else can afford it except him!

I love my husband very much. These are not polite words, but true words!

So, please don’t force me to do anything to disgrace my husband.

Let go now. I will pretend that what just happened never happened.

We will still be classmates from now on.

If you persist, Lin Weiqiang, I guarantee you will regret it.

And we don’t even have to be the most basic friends! "

Jack gasped and looked at Ning Xiruo who was so close with red eyes. Even when he was angry, he was so beautiful that it made people's hearts tremble!

He had already risked his life, gritted his teeth and said with a grin: "Xi Ruo, please follow me for once.

Just once, I am willing to die!

Moreover, you are already married, and it’s not like you have never experienced a man, so what’s so noble about it?

Isn't that what happened?

I won’t let you do it in vain, I’ll give you money…”


Ning Xiruo slapped him hard on the face and said sternly: "Lin Weiqiang, get out of here!"

Jack covered his face, glared at Ning Xiruo and cursed: "It's really a penalty for not eating the toast!

I asked you to pretend!

None of the women I like can run away! "

He gritted his teeth and reached out to tear off Ning Xiruo's clothes.

Ning Xiruo frowned, looked at him and asked, "Did you add medicine to the wine?"

Jack raised his eyebrows and looked at her and asked: "You feel it? I put it on the cup! Do you feel the heat now too? Do you feel itchy?"

Ning Xiruo, why are you pretending to be noble?

We are all people who have been there, wouldn’t it be better to relax, take off the disguise, and enjoy everything in front of you?

Are you running out of strength now?

Didn’t it fall into my hands in the end? "


Another hard slap hit his face.

The slap was so strong that the corners of his mouth were broken and blood flowed out.

Jack staggered, looked at Ning Xiruo in disbelief and shouted, "How is that possible?"

You've obviously taken the medicine, why haven't you had an attack yet?

She should fall to the ground now and let others control her!

Ning Xiruo snorted and said, "I'm not as careless as you think.

Obviously the cups are all the same, but you still go to get another one, which makes me a little strange.

So Sister Qing helped me secretly exchange a cup with you.

I was just a little wary, but I didn't expect you to actually do something.

Lin Weiqiang, we are classmates!

Why are you doing this to me? "

The expression on Ning Xiruo's face was full of sadness and sorrow.

She didn't expect that her sincere hospitality to her classmates would eventually lead to this result!

She has never meant harm to others, but why do others want to harm her?

Who else can she trust?

Jack rubbed his head, feeling extremely angry!

No wonder I am becoming more and more impulsive, no wonder the other party has nothing to do.

After working on it for a long time, I actually drank the medicine myself!

It doesn't matter, even if you take the medicine, it is not difficult to deal with a delicate woman.

It's just a good time to vent tonight.

Now that we've broken up, there's no need to pretend to be sanctimonious, let's be honest with each other!

He pulled open the collar button of his shirt and said to Ning Xiruo with a sinister smile:

"Why do you do this?

Who made you look so beautiful?

If he has no thoughts about you, is he still a man?

Xiruo, don't worry, your husband and I are different.

No matter what I did, I admit it, and I will be responsible to you to the end! "

He laughed ferociously and rushed towards Ning Xiruo.

Ning Xiruo turned around and hid behind the dining table, looked at him and said coldly:

"Lin Weiqiang, how dare you do anything to me?

I really regard you as an old classmate.

Why do you have to plot against me!

You said the woman you like can't run away?

Sorry, I am the one you will never get! "

Jack smiled evilly and said: "There is no one in this room, where can you run to?

Even if your sweetheart comes back, it will be half an hour later!

Half an hour is enough for me!

You can't escape, accept your fate! "

He laughed wildly and rushed towards Ning Xiruo!


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