Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1310 I’ll let you choose a more honorable way to die

In the parking lot, Guan Qing led Andy to Lord Long.

Looking at the car in front of him, Andy had a look of disdain on his face and asked Guan Qing, "Is this your car or Xi Ruo's car?"

Guan Qing glanced at her and said, "It's Xiruo's husband's car!"

Andy showed an expression of "I knew it" and curled his lips and smiled: "This car is quite expensive, right? It costs fifty or sixty thousand to buy it, right?"

Guan Qing smiled, put her hand on the car door, opened the door and entered the driver's seat.

With a helpless expression, Andy put his hand on the back door, trying to open it, and said:

"You don't even need a key? That's right. No one can steal this car even if it's here..."

Guan Qing said to her: "Don't..."

Before he finished speaking, Andy suddenly screamed and let go of his hand holding the car door. His face was full of pain and he looked at the car door inexplicably.

"Hard pull!" After Guan Qing finished what she just said, she shook her head and said to her: "I came in without a key because the fingerprint unlocked the door.

You don't have a fingerprint key, so if you want to get in, you have to use the central control to open the door for you.

Otherwise, current will flow through.

This is anti-theft! "

Andy almost cried!

Isn't this neurosis?

It's such a crappy car, but it still needs to be unlocked with a fingerprint?

And current anti-theft?

Is it worth the modification fee?

The back door opened and Andy came in. As soon as he sat down, his expression changed.

She is not a fake upper class person like Jack who spends all his savings to immigrate and drinks the northwest wind when he goes abroad.

Her family is well off and she has had no worries about food and clothing since she was a child, so she still has good taste.

This seat, this interior, this central control, everything inside is very different from the inconspicuous appearance!

Do you think this car costs 50,000 to 60,000?

I’m afraid I can’t even afford a wheel, right?

Andy stretched his neck, swallowed, and asked Guan Qing: "Sister Qing, I want to ask you a question.

That... Xi Ruo's husband, what does he do?

Isn’t this car cheaper than a Rolls-Royce? "

Guan Qing sneered coldly and curled her lips and said: "Even the Rolls-Royce of the Golden Shadow Series is not as valuable as a wheel of this car!

I'm not kidding you!

As for my uncle’s work..."

"Uncle?" Andy looked at Guan Qing strangely.

Anyway, she spilled the beans, so Guan Qing stopped hiding it and said to her: "Actually, Xiruo is my boss and also my young lady.

Her husband is naturally my uncle!

It’s hard for me to explain to you what exactly I do, and it’s not necessary.

Anyway, this Junhao Group belongs to him, he doesn’t want it! "

Andy felt like he was struck by five thunders!

She said to Guan Qing in disbelief: "You're lying, right? I remember you said that Xi Ruo's husband is a bride-in-law!

If he was really so rich, how could he become a son-in-law? "

Guan Qing curled her lips and said, "Who said you can't be rich if you marry someone in?

Let me tell you, my uncle is richer than my lady!

The reason why he got married was because he obeyed the arrangements of the old lady of the Ning family and his master.

It doesn’t matter whether he has money or not!

Do you think he came to Zun Ning’s house because of the Tuning family’s money?

It can be said that without my uncle, there would be no Ning family now!

The young lady will not generously leave Dongshan’s property to her cousin to take care of it! "

Andy was shocked again, looked at Guan Qing with wide eyes and said:

"You're saying that Xiruo's family business was handed over voluntarily by her, and that's not the reason why the family failed in the struggle for power?"

"Are you kidding!" Guan Qing scolded with a smile: "With the help of my uncle, who can seize power from the young lady?

It's just that the focus of future operations will be in Kyoto.

I really can’t take care of the business in Dongshan.

That’s why it was left to family relatives to take care of. "

Andy's face turned pale and he murmured: "So, Xi Ruo is not a working girl from Beipiao at all?

She is actually very rich and married to an even richer husband? "

Guan Qing looked at her with a half-smile and said, "I can tell you this, counting all the properties of the young lady and uncle, they are already the richest people in Kyoto City!

Looking at the whole of China, it is also ranked in the top three, and it is likely that it has reached the top of the country!

Beipiao working girl?

Haha, you actually think so?

So cute! "

Andy's whole body seemed to be stunned by the blow, and he murmured:

“No wonder what I saw she wore tonight looked like a limited edition evening dress from Daphne!

I thought she was wearing knockoffs, so I didn’t expose her.

Unexpectedly, the clown turned out to be myself!

wrong! All wrong!

Xiruo is someone you can't mess with at all!

It’s over, jack him…”

She didn't finish her words, but Guan Qing's face darkened, she turned around and looked at her without blinking and asked:

“I know that boy has ill intentions towards the lady.

But the lady wants this classmate friendship, and I won’t destroy it.

Now it seems that you are really trying to trick the young lady!

Get out of the car right now!

You'd better keep that stupid man from doing anything stupid, or he'll die here! "

Andy was shaking all over and was so scared that he couldn't speak!

Of course she understands that money represents strength.

If Xiruo is really the richest man in Kyoto, it means that she enjoys a lot of privileges.

People like Jack are just ants in front of her!

Is it difficult to kill an ant in your own territory?

Guan Qing jumped out of the car and quickly ran to the elevator.

When the elevator door opened, Andy ran in and begged her and said:

"Sister Qing, Jack is also confused for a moment. Please spare him no matter what, okay?"

Without saying anything, Guan Qing just raised her legs.

He put his heel on Andy's chin, pressed her against the compartment wall, pressed her closely, and stood on tiptoes.

"Listen! I don't care if you are Miss's classmates or not, as long as you have evil thoughts about Miss, I won't let you go!

Whether that boy lives or dies depends on whether he dares to attack the lady!

If he hurts the young lady, even if the King of Heaven comes to plead for mercy, it will be useless!

Who do you think you are?

Just say a few nice words to me so I can let him go?

Do you deserve it? "

Andy burst into tears. He didn't dare to speak anymore and couldn't speak.

The elevator reached the 65th floor, and the two rushed out of the elevator one after another. Before they reached 6518, they heard a scream of ghosts and wolves howling in the distance.

Hearing this voice, Guan Qing felt relieved and smiled.

But Andy's face was even more ugly, and his whole body was trembling, and he could hardly move!

The door to 6518's room was open, and Jack was lying on the ground covered in blood, with a dark group of people standing around him!

He never dreamed that there would be so many people on this floor who knew Ning Xiruo.

But now he also understands that Ning Xiruo has taken care of the entire relationship!

Everyone living here is hers!

Never in her dreams did she expect that Ning Xiruo would have weapons on her body!

He originally hugged her, thinking he was going to succeed.

Unexpectedly, Ning Xiruo didn't know what she was using, but she shot a steel needle into his right thigh with a bang!

This is almost killing him!

He collapsed to the ground in pain and could not stand up.

Then Ning Xiruo opened the door, rushed in with a large group of people, and beat him up!

Luo Xiaoman stretched out his hand to signal everyone to stop. He stood in front of Jack, who had a bruised nose, face, and blood all over his body, and said to him with a sinister smile:

“Brother, you can really do it!

You dare to get involved with my brother-in-law, Luo Xiaoman!

Come on, you are Xiruo’s college classmate, right?

Then I can let you choose a more decent way to die!

Tell me, how do you want to die? "


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