Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1311 I didn’t realize you were so stupid before

Seeing such a scene, Andy screamed and rushed towards Jack desperately.

She pushed Luo Xiaoman away, squatted on the ground, picked up Jack, and cried loudly:

"Please let him go, I apologize to you on his behalf!

Xi Ruo, Jack was just confused for a moment.

For the sake of your classmates, just forgive him! "

Dao Lei came over, squatted in front of her and Jack, and said with a gloomy face:

“Now I’ll dig out his eyes and break his hands.

Then say sorry to him and let the matter go, okay? "

Andy just cried and looked at Ning Xiruo, not daring to speak any more.

Ning Xiruo turned to look at her, with no expression on her face, and asked softly:

"Andy, I want to ask you something, don't lie to me, tell me the truth!

Jack plotted against me and even drugged me. Didn’t you know that beforehand? "

Andy's face was full of panic and panic. He didn't dare to look at Ning Xiruo and just lowered his head.

He kept saying: "I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!"

She didn't answer, but the answer was obvious.

Ning Xiruo's eyes were red and she covered her face with her hands.

Konoha Zhen and Luo Qianxue hugged her from left to right.

Feeling the trembling of her sad cry, Konoha was so heartbroken and angry that she gritted her silver teeth and cursed: "Fuck me! Kill!"

Luo Xiaoman and Guan Qing walked over with cold faces at the same time. Andy let go of Jack, knelt down in front of everyone, lowered his head and cried: "I'm sorry!"

Jack, who was lying on the ground, endured the pain and shouted loudly: "Okay, I was wrong about this!

I know what you people want.

I'll make compensation and give you money, okay? "

"Stop!" Luo Xiaoman immediately reached out and stopped everyone. He turned his head and looked at Jack with a wide smile and said, "Really?"

During Chen Xin'an's absence, Luo Xiaoman carefully summarized his path to wealth.

I think when Chen Xin'an first came to Kyoto, who knew this little-known foreign boy?

Why did he become so rich in just a few months?

Because this guy can always take advantage of his enemies!

There is nothing more satisfying than stealing the enemy's money, and there is nothing that can make you rich faster!

Luo Xiaoman felt that Chen Xin'an was too much of a thief.

Such a good way to make money has never been told to him.

Otherwise, even if he is not the richest man in Kyoto, he is still the second and third richest man, right?

Later, he discovered that even if he knew this method of making money, he could not make money as fast as Chen Xin'an.

Because he has few sheep!

If there is no sheep to collect the wool, you must collect the der!

He is a genius of the Luo family, Third Master Luo, but he doesn’t have many enemies!

Chen Xin'an, that troublemaker, makes enemies on all sides wherever he goes.

It seems that the whole world dislikes him, and rich bosses rush to send it to him one by one.

The Family Alliance, the International Killer Group, just pick one, they are all extremely rich.

It was Luo Xiaoman's turn. He looked around and saw no decent enemy!

The law enforcement hall counts.

But now the Law Enforcement Hall has collapsed!

All the rich people are almost dead.

The rest are as dry as a handful of bones, without any oil or water!

The other people are even poorer than the last, and can't even get a dime.

When will he become the richest man?

Now that he saw someone taking the initiative to give money, Luo Xiaoman felt as if he had met the God of Wealth!

Seeing Luo Xiaoman's greedy look, Jack looked disdainful and said coldly:

“A group of people struggling to survive at the bottom seem to be more loyal!

Is this necessary?

Don’t you just want money?

I was wrong. Can I compensate you? "

He took out his wallet from his body, took out a wad of bills inside, handed it to Luo Xiaoman and said:

“There are almost more than two thousand yuan here, which is enough for you people to go out and have a good time!

It can be regarded as improving the food.

Just forget about it and let us go, okay? "

Luo Xiaoman looked steadily at the stack of bills in Jack's hand, but didn't react for a moment.

Why is it a stack of banknotes? Chen Xin'an always transfers money directly. The worst is to give it to a card!

I just handed over some money to ask for food?

When Andy saw Jack taking the money, he knew something was wrong!

She turned around, held down Jack's hand holding the wallet, and said to him with a horrified expression: "Put it away! Put the wallet away quickly!"

Jack pushed her away with an impatient look and cursed angrily:

"How long has it been since then and you still feel sorry for this little money?

Do you know what I hate most about you?

Just stingy!

Your whole family is stingy!

Your dad has so many stores, but he only gave me the smallest one.

Obviously your family is very rich, but they only give you that little pocket money!

What are you doing for me?

At this time, you still really care about money. You want me to die, right? "

Andy was stunned.

She didn't expect that the person she devoted herself to trying to please and retain would actually see her and her family this way.

At this moment, Andy felt like a fool.

She has realized that the man she wanted for her life did not actually love her at all and just wanted to get her family's property!

Dao Lei looked at the pile of money in Jack's hand, turned to Luo Xiaoman and said, "Aman, I think this kid is humiliating us!"

Luo Xiaoman took a deep breath and said: "Be confident and get rid of your feelings!

This bastard is just humiliating us!

He treats us as beggars!

Damn it, take a punch from me! "

Luo Xiaoman was so angry that he raised his leg and kicked Jack away!

Dao Lei and Xiao Zhang who were standing next to him couldn't help it any longer, and rushed forward like crazy, punching and kicking Jack.

Guan Qing wanted to go up and take action to vent her anger, but there was no place for her at all, so she had to return to Ning Xiruo angrily.

"I don't think any of you dare to take action!" Jack, whose face was covered in blood, howled, and there was a green card in his hand, like an ID card.

Jack wiped the blood from his face, gritted his teeth and shouted to everyone:

“I already have a green card from Xinlun!

I am already from Xinlun!

I see, among you Chinese people, who dares to touch me?

If I am harmed in any way in China, there will be international disputes!

Can you, the lowest common people, afford this? "

Xiao Zhang stopped, pointed to his green card, and asked the brother beside him: "He...is a fool, right?"

Luo Xiaoman and Dao Lei nodded together. Judging from the boy's behavior, it was probably yes!

Even Andy couldn't stand Jack's stupidity. He looked at him and shook his head and said, "You just got a green card, not naturalization.

So you are not considered a citizen of Xinlun now.

Even if something happens, the embassy will not care about you! "

"What did you say?" Jack's expression changed, and he looked at Andy with wide eyes.

What shocked him was not just what Andy told him.

And the way she spoke was so indifferent that he had never seen her before!

Andy's expression was full of sarcasm, and she didn't know whether it was towards him or herself.

She stood in front of Jack, looked at him and said, "I have been wanting to tell you just now that Xiruo and her husband are actually the richest men in Kyoto.

Not the kind of person who lives at the bottom of your imagination!

In fact, you can think of it if you think about it carefully.

Why was President Junhao so polite to her and even lent his office to us for filming?

Why can she live in such a suite, which is no less inferior to the presidential suite.

You are really stupid if you dare to mention money, green card, or identity in front of her!

Jack, why didn't I realize before that you were so stupid?

What do I like about you?

How stupid I was! "

She closed her eyes and shook her head, turned around, walked to Ning Xiruo, knelt on the ground and said:

"Xi Ruo, I have tarnished the friendship between our classmates, please punish me!"


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